Zack's Page

This is Zachary on his trip with "Nana and Pepe" in Florida visiting the Sarasota Jungle.

Zachary is a very active(or is it hyperactive) child. He has a big interest in sports. Baseball, Basketball and his newest favorite sport Hockey. Zachary loves to play with other kids and is very good at it (see how I love to brag). Video games is another one of Zachary's Favorites.

Zachary is a Wolf Scout. Zachary is in his second year of Scouting. Last year he was a Tiger Scout. My husband is Zachary's Den Leader. I am a member of the Pack Committee. Throughout the time that Zachary has been in Scouting is seems as if we are getting more and more involved. Recently, we have sold the most wonderful tasting popcorn and had a food drive for the hungry families in our local area. For December each Scout will donate a gift that will be giving to the needy families. We feel that it is very important that the boys see that they are not the only children who need and want things. Zachary is a very giving child. I remember one year, a few years ago, we were going into Walmart and he had a handful of change that he planned to get something from the gumball machine, there was a gentleman collecting money to help benefit a needy organization, Zachary asked me if he could give his money to this man. I told him that he could but, he needed to remember that if he put his money there the gumball machine now had no money. He thought it was a good trade. He put the money it and smiled about it. The great thing was, the gentleman ringing the bell, gave him a handful of tootsie rolls. It worked out on both ends.

Zachary is now in second grade. Zachary is a very ambitious learner. He loves to learn and do extra work, of course, this ambition also comes along with some excitability. Zachary loves to be the center of attention and I must say is quite good at it. (he didn't hear me say that did he?) This year in school, Zachary is learning Spanish and French. He is also learning about how to write short essay's, putting sentences together and putting them in chronological order.

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