
School Year

 1st Quarter

 2nd Quarter

3rd Quarter

4th Quarter

Course Description, Outline & Web Resources

2000-2001 Parent Letter

1st - 4th Quarter Coursework Guidelines

[Best viewed using MS Internet Explorer for Mac or for PC ]


Matthew Huffine

Click on the appropriate Quarter above to access weekly

Scope & Sequence, parent guides & web-based resources

Curriculum Related / Supporting Web-based Links


Using Excel to Analyze Lab Data

Making a Graph on Graph Paper

For everything you need to know about how to "style" your research paper and document your sources visit MLA Style and Documentation

For cool Interactive Multimedia Virtual Physical Science fun visit ExporeScience.com

@ http://www.explorescience.com/

1st Quarter Links

"What is Science?"

What is the Nature of Science?

Metric System and Unit Conversion

 On-Line PowerPoint Metric Measurement and Conversion lesson

2nd Quarter Links

Review of Mass , Volume and Density -

@ http://www.science-math-technology.com/mass_volume_density.html

On-Line PowerPoint Heat and Temperature lesson...@


About Temperature... @http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/staff/blynds/tmp.html#KT

Relative Motion ... Frames of Reference... @http://www.phy.ntnu.edu.tw/~hwang/relativeVelocity/relativeVelocity.html

The Physics Classroom - Newton's Laws of Motion

Forces of Nature, Gravity and Motion ... @http://tlc.ai.org/gravity.htm

Introduction to Astronomy: The Laws of Motion and Gravity ...


Cool Virtual Motion Applets ... @http://www.phy.ntnu.edu.tw/~hwang/index.html

3rd Quarter Links

Bohr's Atomic Model, an interactive atomic model @ http://online.weber.edu/shocked/AtomicModel.html

All about Atoms - What are atoms?

Particle Adventure.org - A Tour of the Inner Workings of the Atom and the Tools for Discovery

It's Elementary - A site resource full of games designed to challenge your knowledge of the names, symbols, and facts about the common elements found on the periodic table.

Chem4Kids.com provides students with a link to a family of detailed science sites designed just for kids. Includes Biology4kids, Chem4kids, Physics4kids, and Terrarium, the physical geography site.

Library of 3-D Molecular Structures of the molecules of Life.

Periodic Table Cards Web Quest - An on-line quest to learn about the Periodic Table used in Chemistry

Using the Periodic Table  - An online Quarter Project

Los Alamos National Laboratory's Periodic Table of the Elements: A Resource for Elementary, Middle School, and High School Students

4th Quarter Links

The pH factor - a site to E X P A N D you knowledge about pH

Planetary Portfolio and Solar System Scale Model WebQuest

Our Solar System: The Planets and Their Motion

Nasa's From Stargazers to Starships "From Stargazers to Starships" follows an earlier site "The Exploration of the Earth's Magnetosphere". "Stargazers" deals with the world of gravity--of massive planets and stars, and the way spaceflight is achieved despite their strong pull. "Exploration" on the other hand looks at the hot (but usually rarefied) gases which fill most of space, which are ruled by magnetic and electric forces rather than by gravity. The polar aurora, the radiation belts, the solar wind, magnetic storms, "space weather", cosmic radiation--this is the site which tells you all about them.

To Stuff Matters Laboratory

E-Mail!: mhuffine@avstc.org // Office Hours: MWF 9-12, T-Th 2-4 //

MRC Phone: 946-5414 ext. 238