We hope you are planning to come to the 1999 Hays Family Roundup in Wyoming!!! Note: If you don't have your T-shirt orders in, do it now. Call Gordon at 401-762-3289 as Bev will make the order on June 15th. The order form is on the web page, http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Oaks/2385/
T-Shirt Order Form or you can give your sizes to the Hayses when you call. All shirts are $8 except XXLarge which is $9 and XXXLarge which is $10. This letter has the schedule, list of things to bring, and request for volunteers for our activities, info about the Legacy Calendar and about bidding on the next reunion. HERE'S THE SCHEDULE: Sunday evening, the 18th of July Welcome, mixers, Assemble Family Updates, Review Reunion 1994 Video, Begin setting up Legacy Calendar Monday, 19th Receive T-shirts, Photographs, Forest/Fishing Trip/Swimming, Cribbage Tournament begins Tuesday, 20th Ranch/Cemetery visits, Kids' games and exchange, Cribbage Tournament continues, Square Dance Wednesday, 21st Museum Tour, Auction, Cribbage Tournament ends, Kids' games, Steak Fry, Hayrack Ride Thursday, 22nd Your activities, Birding with Laurie, Family meeting, Plan the next Reunion, Vote on Location THINGS TO BRING: You and your family; that's the most important thing. Updates on your family: information about what's happened in the last 5 years. (If you didn't get your family's information into the reunion book in 1994, please begin at the beginning and fill us in.) Forms are enclosed if you wish to use them. Items for the auction which will help pay for the rent at the School House, copying and mailing, etc. We hope to put aside an amount for seed money for the next committee also. What to bring, something you made or created, something that pertains to your family or location, something you would like to bid on. Stan will be the auctioneer. Information for the Legacy Calendar: Birthdays, anniversaries, and other important dates to be written in on the big calendar so Boyd can make up our calendars for 2000. Plan to share photographs with us afterward too. Calendar orders will be taken at the reunion and order forms sent to anyone who can't be there. Children bring something for the children's exchange - again something from your location or hobby or interest, something you would like to trade for. Photo albums and other memorabilia you want to share with us. Plans for the meal your family is responsible for. If you are flying and need supplies, give Gordon your shopping list and he will be in touch with the Savery Store. Stan is coming a week early so he can do the shopping for you. Sports equipment, your cribbage board, games for sharing, fishing gear, your cowboy hat, camera and film, and anything else that comes to mind to add to the fun. Planning our next reunion - Would your family group like to host it again in Savery? Stan and the Bill Hays family group would be glad to help you get started. Have you another idea? A location you enjoy? A place that would give us all plenty to do? A place that connects with our family history? Please plan to bring information about your choice of location so we can make our decision on Thursday - we will decide on which year then too. (If you want to do it in Arrow Rock, MO where Harry Hays lived for a short while as a young man, I will be glad to make local arrangements. Laurie) Now is the time for you to volunteer....... ____to help with transportation to the forest ____to help with transportation to the cemetery ____to help with transportation to the steak fry ____to help with games and activities for children and young people ____to help with the children's exchange and corn shucking ____to help with the auction ____to help with the cribbage tournament ____to take the photographs for the reunion Contact your point rider with your volunteer list; we'll be needing your help.
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