Kids Say the Darndest Things!

This page to dedicated to my two beautiful children
who bring so much joy and laughter into our lives.


At age 3 1/2 weeks my Mum was in the kitchen preparing tea and I was sitting with my Dad. All of a sudden I started to squawk and my Dad was walking me around the loungeroom and could do nothing to placate me. My Mum came out of the kitchen to see what all the commotion was about and fell into a fit of laughter. I was squawking because I had hold of my ear and was pulling so hard it hurt! I hadn't learnt to let go!


For some reason I am fascinated with the bathroom. Whenever someone leaves the bathroom door open I'm in there as quick as a flash. Jessica was having a bath one night while Mum was cooking tea. I decided I'd better keep Jessie company. Mum could hear squeals of laughter and giggling going on so she knew everything was OK. Mum popped her head around the corner to tell Jessica to pull out the plug and got the shock of her life. I was having such a great time because Jessica had covered me with bubbles and water and there was at least one inch of water on the floor - who needs a porcelain bath?

| More Laughs from Jessica! | More Laughs from Ben! |

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Updated on 17 May 2001

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