Dear Ashland Boys we welcome you
Back to your "Home, Sweet Home,"
Back to the scenes of childhood days
Where you were wont to roam
As care-free youngsters o'er the hills
Through shady vale and dell,
Back to the streams and "swimmin'holes"
That each one knew so well.
Back to the friends of long ago----
(My how the years have flown!)
Old Time has streaked some heads with gray----
(Say nothing of my own)
There's Frank and Bill and Jim and Joe,
And Mike and all the rest,
Each wears a smile that won't come off,
Their mirth can't be suppressed.
How are you Jack! How are you Joe!
Don't "Mister" me! I'd have you now,
Today my name is just plain BILL,
And yours, will have to be, plain JOE!
Among the crowd there's quite a few,
Who've earned prefixes to their names;
The world's been kind, but then, you know,
Most Ashland Boys were born with brains.
On others who have fought and won,
I see a sparkling gem or two---
The rest? why, theyre just MANY MEN,---
O, Ashland Boys, we're proud of you!
So for today let's cast away
Each mark of class and clan,
Let's be just BOYS, with BOYISH joys,
And all forget the MAN.
Nestling within the four hundred and seventy-five square miles encompassing
the Anthracite coal fields of Pennsylvania is the little town of Ashland,
Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania came into being with William Penn's acquisition
of 47,000 square miles of land from England's King Charles, the second,
in the year 1681. It did not include the land where the borough of
Ashland now stands or any other territory north of the Broad Mountain.
This area joined the Province with the "Indian Purchase" of 1749.
Coal was responsible for the very existence of Ashland. The first map on on which Ashland appears is dated 1863. It's hard to believe that at one time Center street was nothing more than a tangled jungle of virgin forest and thick underbrush, not a fit home for man or beast. Outside of occasional hunters, it was barren of human occupancy. The first real penetration other than white hunters was by early construction gangs hired to build a road through the area. The very first was built in 1770. It was called the Sunbury Wagon Road or King's Highway. It was little more than a foot path, scarcely passable except on horseback.
History tells us the first man to inhabit the land where our town now stands was one Jacob Rodenberger. He built a crude log cabin that became the stopping off tavern for travelers on the Centre Turnpike. In the ensuing years one man began to take notice of the area and its possibilities. His name was Burd S. Patterson. Local history has not deemed it necessary to commemorate his memory, yet this man is the "father"of our town. He induced John Penn Brock of Philadelphia and James Hart to go in partnership with him in the purchase of two tracts of land. Patterson, Brock and Hart made their original purchases in 1845 and named the land the Ashland Estates in honor of Henry Clay's home in Kentucky. Our Ashland, third oldest of 13 such named places in the United States, ranks its Kentucky namesake by one year. At that time in American History our country was importing much of its coal from Wales. When a high tariff on imports took effect, it halted the flow of imported coal.
The streets were named after those in Philadelphia. The new proprietors kept busy. After the crude streets were opened they erected company houses to shelter the workmen. At first immigration to the new village was slow but the owners did not give up hope. Finally, the Mine Hill and Schuylkill Haven Railroad surveyed the possibility of an extension to town and resumed work towards this end in 1851. This gave renewed impetus to settlement and Ashland starated to grow. Other business found their way into town around this period. Employment was now available; the town had something to offer new settlers.
By 1856 Ashland was a thriving community. Two years previously, Bast and Taylor opened a colliery on the outskirts of the village. To shelter their workers they built company houses near the mine. In 1856 George C. Potts and Co. was in the process of mining coal to the west of the town. The following year he too built company houses for his employees and the little town of Locust Dale came into being. Another big advancement of the coal industry was the opening of the Tunnel Colliery by Repplier and Moody in 1856. At the height of the colliery's production it employed over 300 men.
On February 13, 1857, Ashland officially became a borough.
February 14, 1857, in the yellowed files of the Miner's Journal (Pottsville)
is the following notation:
"Harrisburg, Feb. 6 - Senate-A bill to incorporate Ashland, Schuylkill
County into a borough, passed. It has 2,500 inhabitants and is one and
three-quarters of amile long and a mile and a quarter broad."