DONATIONS: SOAR registries should not charge for services. Registries who offer targeted advertising*, or are attached to, or promote fee based services will not be accepted. Registries that apply for membership/endorsement by SOAR that ask for donations will be taken on a case by case basis. An initial disclosure statement of donations will be required as part of the application process. Registries that ask for donations must either provide a quarterly financial report to the SOAR board for donations received or post this report at the registry website. Requests for donations by SOAR-endorsed registries should follow the following guidelines: a. A statement similar to the following MUST be included on the registry: "Donations received by this registry are used for maintenence and upkeep. Items purchased with your donations include office supplies, and ISP fees. Donations are on a voluntary basis and, in no way, compromise your registration." b. Requests for donations should not contain "high-pressure" pleas. There should be no threats of having to close the registry if donations are not sent to the registry owner. c. The registry should not send out pleas for donations in any E-mail or other type of communications with registrants outside of what appears on the registry website. * International Link Exchange, and other randomly generated banner ads excluded. (IE: Geocities, Angelfire and the like.) ISRR Agree to promote the International Soundex Reunion Registry in one or more prominent places on the registry's website. One of these must be the registry's home page. Acceptable methods of promoting ISRR are by placing the following statement on the registry website: ******************* I.S.R.R. International Soundex Reunion Registry The International Soundex Reunion Registry is the world's largest and most successful mutual consent reunion registry and is a free service. For more information, visit ISRR Or by placing the following image on your page with a link to ISRR
MISCELLANEOUS As A SOAR Registry, you must: Agree to have registry in exsistance 6 months prior to joining SOAR. Agree to uphold the confidentiality of their database, current or defunct, by never selling, trading or giving away the information contained in their database. Agree to notify SOAR prior to shutting down the registry for record keeping and for any assistance in the handling of the information contained in your registry. Agree to not knowingly allow anyone to solicit for business using the registry database, including investigators and intermediaries. Agree to not release registrant information to any third party not related to the registrant without the express, written consent of the individual who posted the information. Agree to create and supply a confirmation letter which is sent to each new registrant. This letter must include a personal ID number for their registration which they will use in updating or removing their information from your registry. This letter can also include other helpful information, including information on ISRR. Agree to have contact information for questions/complaints/help, and such inquiries must be responded to in a timely manner. A "timely manner" is not more than two weeks. Agree to provide a means for a registrant to remove all their information from the database for any (or no) reason. Must explain clearly their authentication procedures for accepting updates or removals.. Agree to explain on the website how inquiries are handled in the case of a possible match. Agree to join the SOAR webring. Agree to provide an online searchable database* and/or agree to provide matching data requests in a timely manner from an offline database. * Guest books, forums, chat areas and bulletin boards are not considered searchable databases. URL's submitted to SOAR will be the address of the front page of the registry. This page is to include registry information, adoption information and other adoption related information.
If you feel that you meet ALL the requirements in order to join SOAR, please fill out the Application. A committee member will contact you within 2-3 days. This page hosted by ![]() Get your own Free Home Page |