Please Fill Out Our SOAR Adoption Registry Survey
With this survey, we hope to find out what we can do to improve our registries. Please fill out each section to the best of your ability. Our goal is to make your visit, and subsequent registration, an easy thing to do.
This survey is for ALL registries who have linked to it. It is for INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. Please do not ask for us to update your registry to register with us..or ask us to get back with you. We are not a registry...we are just a survey page to gather information from you on how we are doing and what your thoughts and opinions on reunion registries. THANK YOU!!!
Please fill out a separate survey form for each registry that you would like to rate.
If you are rating a SOAR registry, please select correct registry:
Alabama Birthlink
Arizona Adoption Registry
Arkansas Reunion Registry
Bits & Pieces Mutual Consent Reunion Registry
Black Market Adoptee's Registry
California Mutual Consent Registry
The Cole Baby Registry
D's Search Posts ~ State Specific
Delaware Reunion Registry
Finding in Florida
N. Georgia Reunion Registry
Gina's Adoption Page
Indiana Searching
Kayhh's Adoption Registry
Ole Kentucky Home Registry
Lost Angels Registry
Lost n Found Adoption Registry
Merry-Go-Round International Adoption Search Registry
Mississippi Reunion Registry
New Mexico Adoption Registry
Oregon Adoption Registry: The Lost Children of Oregon
Relinquished Registry
Tammy's Adoption Search Page
Tennessee Mama's Reunion Registry
Tennessee Reunion Registry
Name of registry if not a SOAR registry:
How did you find this registry?
Was it easy to understand how to fill out the application form?
Was there a second way to apply if the form wasn't working?
Was it easy to get around the registry?
Were there many broken links?
Were the registry guidelines and policies easy to find?
Were the registry guidelines and policies easy to understand?
What is your overall feeling about the security of your information?
I feel very secure
I'm comfortable
I'm a little nervous
I'm hesitant
No opinion
If you said that you were a little nervous or hesitant, please tell us why:
Was there information regarding what would happen if a possible lead was made for you?
Would you rate this registry as:
Very good
Please explain why you gave the registry the rating above.
Comments about the registry you are rating.
Please give us your email address:
Click on the SEND SURVEY button to submit your survey form.