The Father's Heart. The Fathers's heart... Just as I typed that and said it out loud just this second, "The Father's Heart..." His presence overwhelmed me with chills and goose bumps all over me; thank you Jesus. I don't think we need a bunch of people around us for us to praise and worship God and be in His intimate fellowship, for the children of God seem to have quite a fellowship with Christ when alone with Him. In church when I am worshiping to the music, a lot of times I just weep in His presence as I feel The Father's Heart reaching out to me. In the past during service while I was weeping some thought I was in pain and came to lay hands on me, yet I was all wrapped up in another world in God's 'Father's Heart' presence enveloping me. I still feel His presence on me as I dwell on Him now while sharing this with y'all. (Remember I'm a Texan.) I would love to sit with you readers and play music together, just stay in the Father's presence playing our musical instruments together, what a great time in the Lord we would have, and can you imagine just how wonderful it will be at long last in heaven playing our musical instruments and singing with our brand new beautiful voices? It's like I can see it now, in front of me as I write this. To our Father's Heart we are like open books. Volumes open for others to read but also guarded, hidden from them in those inner ways. Yet in the secret place of our souls, those wonderful rooms in our inner beings where only God can triumphantly proceed, in that procession as he parades taking us captive to him and freeing us at the same time, in the silence on the inside, in the secret place there he dwells and rules and helps and blesses. Only he can read those areas. Only he is aware of all that I feel and think and am. I believe it takes effort for even Him to open my book. He must gently, persistently work at it because I resist Him sometimes. I'm reluctant in so many ways to be exposed to His piercing light. I resist yet there is so much of me that He has captured already, places that used to resist Him but now are totally in agreement with what He wants to do and is doing in me. This is the will of Our Father's Heart; that my will be brought into total agreement with His. To each other we are only partially opened as we see only each others flesh but to him all the secret places of our soul, all of the mysterious rooms in our inner beings where only God can enter and be with us, All those places He see's... Hebrews chapter 4:13 says, "There is nothing hidden from His sight. All things are open and laid bare before the eyes of Him with whom we have to do." There is nothing we can hide from Him, He knows us 'LIKE A BOOK.' We are His book, HE wrote us. And He knows the next page in our book! There have been times I wished I could have hidden something from Him, but then the part of me that He has transformed, the part that is growing 'from glory unto glory' really did not want to, for I want Christ to show me all my mistakes and sin in my life so I can repent of it and change. Yes, we are open for others to read, and they can, but they can't read all of our heart, only our precious Jesus can enter that inner room and see it all, loving us and fellowshipping with us, forgiving us only that He might love us more. Just like I am. I want to be like an open book or glass window to those around me. I try to be real, and make every effort I can that there would be no faking in me and that I would have nothing to hide. Yet at the same time I put up a guard around me and only God can enter this part, and know the secrets of my heart; most of which I have not let out and in many ways can't let out for others to see. I've also found that at times I put up a guard around me when I think I am going to be hurt by someone, or if they've hurt me already, hoping this guard will protect me from more hurt and weeping, and again only God can get into this room that I have blocked from others, All the keys to my inner being He holds and can use, entering in so He can minister to me and speak to me. Only God's presence in that room with us brings us the peace we long for. The city has torn up the road in front of our house over the last few days, doing some kind of construction and there is noise and mess and ugliness yet the end result will be more beauty and wholeness to our city and it's the same way with God. At times he must do major construction on our inner hearts and then the pain and struggle is bearable only when we keep our minds on The Father's Heart and knowing that this present trial is only to build us up that we might bear more of His glory. I need all the prayers any of you can spare in this and I would love to be able to pray for you every day for your needs and trials, your jobs and families and health or anyhting else. Music is so connected to the Father's Heart. As I was playing my keyboard a few minutes ago I felt such joy. The dancing singing vibrant voice that instrument has... At times it seems as if it's my own voice traveling through the muscles and sinews of my hands into the strings and hammers and soundboard until out comes the fragrance, the voice and joy of God. As His book what comes out of me is both the chapters I write, (which are all bad) then the chapters he writes, (which are marvelously good) then the chapters we 'co-author' together, His Holy Spirit and I, (Which are unique... All good even though mixed with the bad that is in me) Those chapters are all good because of His GRACE!!!! His GRACE! Oh so sweet, so overwhelming! In the darkness and pain and war that is this world His grace shines and illuminates the words of the book of my heart and HE reads it! He beholds my inner heart and understands all. He laughs at times and weeps at times and loves all the time as He reads. My faltering attempts to portray His love and light. My weak and lonely gropings for Him all day long as I work and pray and sing. Somehow in some way He does infinite good in me. Through the book in my heart He is writing. Without the Fathers Heart, What would we have? NOTHING!!! Nothing at all. I hope and pray you are doing well... Linda. To my new page on giving To my homepage...