The Mind Of Christ
Is Peace And Joy And Life
God speaks
to me about Life, not death, as some dwell on. In order to have
the true depths of His joy, we must have the mind of Christ and
this is Life, having His mind.
In the
past year, God has given me more of the Mind of Christ, meaning
I have more of it than I did even a year ago. I understand more
of how His mind is, what He expects of us, both what He thinks
and what he wants us to think. That we might love, act, speak
and commune with Him in every single moment of our lives.
As I continue
to grow in Him it is like sometimes lately I can almost 'crawl
inside Him.' I feel so close to Him in my mind and spirit that
I feel my heart merge as one at times in my closeness and relationship
with Him. I don't mean at all in a new age type of one-ness as
if I were somehow a part of God himself. (Does this make sense?)
I feel more a part of Christ than I ever did, like there is only
an inch separating us, like I know more of what He felt, feels
now, and where I am with Him and even where I am supposed to be
with Him.
The true
relationship He desires for us to have with Him is so deep and
separated from anything else in this world that we could ever
imagine. It is like my spirit is in tune with His spirit, in harmony
with his spirit, like a deep moaning with each other in spirit.
It is like I am beginning to touch Him, merging with Him in my
walk with Him in an all consuming great desire to have the Mind
of Christ.
To have
the mind of Christ is to really know how He looks at us, how He
sees us, and then we can go back to how we really see and understand
Him and His majestic being and the power flowing from Him.
I feel
the end times are very near, and there is not much time left,
and some are not going to be able to hang on till the end to make
it through the golden gates of heaven with our Jesus, and Jesus
knows this, and we must do every thing in His power to be ready
for Him.The greatest thing we can do in order to prepare for His
return is to have the mind of Christ.
The mind
of Christ is revealed only in the bible. His thoughts... His ways
and will...
the bible is a grand collection of His thoughts it can become
our thoughts and our mind if we only diligently allow our minds
to be filled with His mind revealed and always available to us
in His word. You see, He is preparing us for heaven, for eternal
life with Him, preparing us now while we are temporarily on this
earth for what He has for us in His Kingdom, and we must pass
the test here on earth first; this is what He is showing me!
The fiery
trials we go through are testing us, and the only way we can be
peaceful inside while battling this till the healing comes from
Him is through the mind of Christ.
I have
seen and talked to many people who were walking through their
final illness toward their deaths, facing the fear and pain of
death, and even if we die, how are we going to handle it? How
can we go though it? I am sharing things He has been showing me,
things He has been speaking to me on.
understand, when I say God is speaking to me it is not in an audible
voice that could be taped on a tape recorder, he speaks in the
silence of my mind. He speaks through the very thoughts of the
mind of Christ that has been stored up within me through His word.
If you want God to speak to you, begin immersing your mind in
His word. Soon He will begin to speak to you also.
With the
Mind of Christ we will not question Him. We will trust him completely
and absolutely. We will be peaceful and without confusion or complaining.
We will just let Christ have control. I am not perfect in this
yet and still face daily fears and anxieties, but I am doing much
better in this lately than ever before, and am so much more peaceful
inside, but have a long way to go to be totally in the Mind of
Christ. But I now know what it means, what He is talking about,
what He wants and expects of me. HE WANTS ALL OF ME, not just
part of me.
I know
I complain too much about being in bad pain, but I am doing much
better than in the past. Also it is sepecially difficult to have
peace when suffering like we do, (If you too have fibro or a similarly
painful long term illness) but I am doing much better in this
area then I ever have before, but still have a ways to go to be
totally 'with' Him on this also. And I want to be 'with Him' in
all things great and small.
The reason
I say this is that lately God has give me so much trust in Him,
so much faith that I did not have before, yet in the past I thought
I had trust and faith for Him, but compared to today, I did not
truly have it then. His word says "His mercies are new every
morning, Great is You'r faithfulness O Lord." Every day we
can get to know Him in a new way as if we really didn't know Him
at all the day before!
- Oh goodness,
Lord! His anointing just come over me, all though me just then,
just now on me, Thank You Jesus. -
Ok, I
am back, His presence sent me into praying in the spirit just
then, He is 'all over me.' And it is the desire of His heart to
be 'all over you too!'
Yes, all
the terrible suffering around us, especially when we are part
of it, and pain tries to eat away at our faith it is not always
easy to have the Mind of Christ, but with faith and trust, deep
prayer, and in the Word, God ministering to us, I can see that
we are getting there.
God has
been helping me on this more lately, and I have been getting more
and more of the Mind of Christ. Resting in His thoughts and trusting
in his eternal life and provision for me every day. After all,
He said, "I will never leave you nor forsake you." (This
is a part of the mind of Christ and you can see how much one single
sentence from His mind comforts and helps overcome this fear.)
about heaven is one of my favorite occupations and this too is
an exercise of the mind of Christ. Imagine the description of
heaven as laid out in Revelation, (Especially chapters 21 and
22... Go read those chapters over and over and the mind of Christ
about eternity will begin to speak to you on this also.)
visions and dwelling on heaven helps immensely when a person is
finally facing that abyss of death an the last days and hours
of their life here on earth.
A dear
friend of mine named Ray died a few days ago. He had turned into
a living skeleton but had great peace the last weeks before he
died. He had a smile on his face most of the time for he knew
when Jesus was fixing to take him home. Instead of fear, he was
peaceful. In the last hours of his life he woke up and said to
his wife Shirl, "One hour." Then he would look up and
say "OOHH." As if he was looking at heavenly fireworks,
or something so beautiful that it took his breath away. At these
times Shirl said he would smile and sigh with such a peaceful
look on his face. It was like he had just smelled a beautiful
fragrance on the breeze from across the river. Exactly one hour
after he said, "One hour." He breathed his last on earth
and went home with a sigh so peacefully.
has called the bible, "Basic
Instructions Before Leaving
Earth!" The mind of Christ
in these matters is so important!
Now, this
is where we, and I, need to be totally, and I feel myself soooo
much closer to being that way than I was a year ago. I still do
not want to die, but I want sooo much to be with Jesus some day...
I love it. I feel like I am leaving out a lot of what I am trying
to say on what God has shown me, and spoken to me for sometimes
it is hard to explain. Some things are too deep and awesome for
words and God is not through working on me yet.
My friend
Ray died only last Sunday. That night when I was praying for Shirl,
his wife in Canada, God gave me a vision of Ray in heaven and
I can see it again as I write this. This is what the mind of Christ
is showing me, and remember the mind of Christ is really Christ's
thoughts, not some rules or regulations about 'religion.'
In my
vision Ray was wearing a long white flowing robe. I could not
see his feet because the robe covered them. There was a white
fog like all around him on the ground. It did not look solid or
even like the ground, just mist like. Ray was looking up and all
around him like you do when you hear an airplane overhead, and
your head turning just looking for it. This is the way Ray looked
but he had this huge smile on his face and his mouth 'open' in
awe of what he saw and felt around him, like he could not believe
how beautiful it was and the awesomeness of God's presence He
felt. He looked so peaceful and there was such a joy on him, just
in awe of his surroundings. When I saw Ray like this, I could
not cry for him.
when thinking about this vision God gave me, all of a sudden I
longed to be in heaven and see and feel what Ray was feeling that
tears came in my eyes, but I do not want to die, but be in the
rapture. I was happy for him, no more suffering with that horrible
word that makes me sick at my stomach, cancer... I just wanted
to share this with you all.
God has
revealed to me there are many things He does not want us on this
earth to know while here, there are many things of the Spirit,
understandings of Him and the spirit world, we will not know till
we are taught them in heaven. These things of Him are reserved
for His saints that hold out to the end and live with Him in heaven;
things that now we cannot even imagine with our earthly minds
that will be in heaven. The bible says, "Eye has not seen,
nor ear heard, what God has prepared for the hearts of those who
love Him."
Yes, we
have to interpret the bible to have the Mind of Christ. Study
it and 'break it down' and use the discernment God has given us;
but we must remember there are millions of people who do not have
discernment or God's wisdom, they just take every thing like it
is, or as they see it or think it is, instead of seeking God for
His interpretation and what He wants to tell us and let us see...
The bible
is so interesting. The Spirit of God leaps out to us through it
and speaks to us, and to and through His spirit in us; there is
nothing like it. But it seems that some don't take it seriously,
it is a book we HAVE to read, we HAVE to believe in
God in order to receive His mind.
Some go
to church because they think that is all there is to God and Christianity.
They go because they feel they have to, and then do their own
thing the rest of the week. This is what I see so much. Yes, most
people do believe in God, but do they KNOW God. This is why when
I pray with someone to accept Jesus in their heart, at the same
time I also pray for them to receive the Holy Spirit, be baptized
in the holy Spirit, to be filled with the zeal and fire of the
Holy Spirit and to get to know Him the way He wants us to know
Him, not just warm a pew and say "I got saved when I was
six years old, so I will always be saved."
I have
been dwelling a lot on heaven, and with my imagination I can 'see'
pictures of heaven like I think it might look, how pleasant and
peaceful and beautiful it is. I think there will be flowers. The
flowers I mostly see are yellow tulip like with green, but flowers
of all kinds and colors everywhere with bright green grass expanding
out with no end or stopping. Like looking at the ocean that goes
out and out and you think it might drop off because you can't
see anything on the other side of it. I don't know if this is
my imagination or God showing me this, but I keep seeing it. I
'see' the fog like substance all around, laying low close to the
ground, with not a solid land to stand on.
years ago God gave me a dream and a vision. It was a vision of
the coming Rapture of the church when we all will be snatched
up by God to meet him in the air like it say's in the book of
Thessalonians. In it my husband Larry and I were caught up in
the rapture in a twinkle of an eye. It was awesome, and as I write
this, He is showing me the same vision again, of heaven.or something
like heaven. It was fog like around us, clinging to our ankles
and feet, lying low on the 'ground.' We had on white gowns like
that flowed free, we were bare footed, on Holy Ground like Moses
in front of the burning bush in the desert. It took only a second
to get to heaven, and as soon as we did, I could feel such a peacefulness,
such an awe. In this vision God did not show me much of heaven
or what it looked like or anything, for the dream and vision ended
there with us standing in awe taking in the peacefulness around
us, white fog like all around us, under
us, over us, in the midst of us...
I am sure
that is all God wanted me to see at the time, but by this dream
and vision He gave me, it brings me such peacefulness knowing
that I will be in the rapture, that I will be part of His kingdom,
that I will be kneeling at His feet in His presence... Only the
Mind of Christ can give us this kind of faith and hope as we live
here in the midst of all the pain and sickness and death all around
I do not
know if I will still be here for the rapture or not, but do know
about the dream and vision God gave me. I do not know what is
going on, only God does, I stopped trying to figure it out a good
year ago and am only now at last letting God have control like
it should be. I just know that things will happen in His time.
What I am trying to say to you is that your wish, your desire,
and the desire of all those that truly love his word and have
his mind, including mine, may happen down the road not too far
off. We will be in heaven with Jesus. And we (Oh Lord have mercy,
I am starting to cry now) won't be in this horrible pain anymore.
I have
so many friends that are dying with cancer right at this moment,
they won't be suffering anymore. (Now I am really crying, His
presence is very strong on me at this moment.) Those of you who
are reading this and longing for His return, I know what you are
feeling, I know the pain you are in and exactly how it feels.
I have been like this for three weeks now. Massive charlie horses
on both sides of the shoulders, shoulder blades, the neck, it
is awful, I know. I have not been able to sleep for three weeks
because of it, and when I lay down on my shoulder and arm, it
makes it worse. I could not turn my neck or shoulder to talk to
someone or to drive the car, I have to turn my whole body because
the pain is terrible. It is just now starting to let up some,
but still bad. But I can still feel the peace and joy of the Lord
because I have the Mind of Christ within me giving me hope and
Lord God,
You hear you'r precious children and their cries of pain, needing
relief from the every day drudgery of pain and suffering. I ask
you to touch them and heal their bodies of all pain and the cause
of it, all Fibro or what ever it is, but you know God what it
is. What ever is causing them fear and pain muscle cramps or spasms
in their neck and shoulders, I ask you to take it away now Lord
as they are reading this prayer. I pray for them Lord. That they
would be able to apply the mind of Christ that is so clear and
calm, the still hand of God reaching out to them in the midst
of the storms of their lives. As Jesus calmed the storm with a
word, Let the word of God calm the storms of fear and anxiety
and depression that threaten to overturn the ships of their lives.
I ask you to sustain them, make their his job's light and easy
for them each day. Make each day easy for them to face untill
you return for Your Bride. Use them mightily for Your work each
day as they come in contact with other people, let Jesus Light
in them shine through for others to see and want what they have.
Make manifest the mind of Christ in each and every one of your
children. In Jesus Name I ask you this, Amen!
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