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Bulletin Board is the place for items that didn't make the last newletter (but will be "old news" by the time the new one comes out!)

  • Posted March 31, 2004 - "GT loses another one" Cousin Tom graduates from Georgia Tech May 1st, 2004 with an Industrial Engineering Degree.

  • Posted March 31, 2004 - "Is he wearing anything under that kilt" Cousin Terry and newest Outlaw Eddie MacIntosh to wed June 19th, 2004 in a small ceremony in Frederick, Maryland.

  • Posted July 29, 2001 - "TAH-DA!....MIKE PARVIS!....OUR NEWEST EXTENDED COUSIN!"

    I ran into Mike a while ago and we had not seen each other for 20 years. Mike and I went to High School and College together, and since being back in touch, he has been staying on top of Epps family events, etc thru our website. It has been great being back in touch with him. As you can see, we played football together and both had plenty of hair. Today, we can't make a full head of hair between us!

  • Posted July 1, 2001 - "HE DIDN'T KNOW IT WAS A JOKE AND TOOK OFF WITH THE FOUR ABOARD" Just like Ben T. before him, David likes to gather up all the kids and take them for a ride.

  • Livin in the country can be verrry interesting... We spent a night in Hayesville not too long ago and woke up the next morning to an odd noise. I went to the window and looked out and just had to laugh. This was better than any rooster crowing at first light...instead Susan and Gary, I mean Susan and Gary's goats were "headbutting", with one goat getting some unusual assistance from the baby goat. Check with Susan and Gary for details...

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