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Kids Korner

Kids Korner is the place for young family members to display artwork that would normally reside on the front of the fridge, post poems, reports and other literary works of art, or to just write in and let us know what they're doin. (This is also the place where parents can do their braggin!)

Just to get things started, here's a couple of "masterpieces" from the webmaster's files... Terry Epps, Age 22. Even though she's not a kid anymore, we still like to brag about her... Terry took a photography class this summer and used Jim as her "model" more than once. Many of her shots were outstanding, but we just had to share this one. Isn't it amazing what Dad will do to help with a homework assignment???

Terry Epps, Age 7. Terry drew this just after our first visit to Walt Disney World back in 1985. It was obvious to us back then that she had artistic talent! And she's still using it... as an Art Studio major at the University of Maryland.

Tom Epps, Age 8. Tom drew this (it's a flume ride by the way) as an entry for a contest. Believe it or not, he won a $100 savings bond! As you can guess, the win was not due to his artistic abilities, it was due to luck in a random drawing. Fortunately, he's decided to pursue a career in engineering at Georgia Tech.

Come on kids...get in the ballgame. Don't be shy, send us your pictures and stories so we can share them with the rest of the family.

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