Information taken from A Short History of the Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War 1861 - 1865 and The Nebraska Department of The Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War 1861 - 1865 issued by The Nebraska Department Bicentennial Committee.
Kearney, Buffalo County, Nebraska
Chartered March 13, 1919. Estella M. Moore, National President. Lulu Carlin, National Secretary. Disbanded December 1960.
Charter Members
Bishop, Anna M. Geist, Virginia Blakely, Mary Green, Hester Crisp, Agnes L. Hecox, Hannah A. Driscoll, Elinor Olday, Cora E. Driscoll, Mabel Rowell, Flora M. Easterling, Viola M. Shahan, Mabel Edminster, Sirelda Warren, Anna E. Gamble, Minnie E. Watson, Lucy Gardner, Rena Winn, Lottie
Wakefield, Dixon County, Nebraska
Chartered April 26, 1919. Estella M. Moore, National President. Lulu Carlin, National Secretary. Disbanded December 1968 or 1969.
Charter Members
Aistrope, Mary Ingraham, Sylvia Aistrope, Olive McCorkindale, Ada Sneath Baker, Iva Ritter Merritt, Sadie Baker, Velma Murphy, Luella Beebe, Cora Murphy, Margaret Brittain, Mabel Murphy, Pearl Brown, Frances Nuernberger, Lulu Dilts, Catherine Nuernberger, Ruth Harmon, Lettie Oliver, Mercy Hugelman, Fannie Short, Anna Hunter, Ethel Slaughter, Jennie Ingraham, Adelia Whipperman, Jessie
Lexington, Dawson County, Nebraska
Chartered May 16, 1919 by Flora M. Rowell, President of Mary Todd Lincoln Tent # 2, Kearney, Nebraska. Estella M. Moore, National President. Lulu Carlin, National Secretary. Disbanded October 10, 1927. 11 Charter Members, one named - Mrs. Amanda Harris.
Tent Presidents
Harris, Mrs. Amanda 1919-1920 Heron, Mrs. Johanna 1920-1921 Zimmerer, Miss Wilma 1921-1922 Lugg, Miss Mayme 1922-1923 Mitchell, Mrs. Ada 1923-1924 Brown, Mrs. Naomi 1924-1925 Heron, Mrs. Johanna 1925-1926 Heron, Mrs. Johanna 1926-1927
York, York County, Nebraska
Chartered May 20 or 29, 1919. Estella M. Moore, National President. Lulu Carlin, National Secretary. Disbanded.
Charter Members
Banning, Jennie M. Johnson, Lottie Barber, Mary L. Johnson, Lucy M. Barnett, Anna E. Maulsby, Camilla Beckley, Lena Behling McKinley, Emily K. Behling, Ida A. McCloud, Estella Evans Bell, Ida M. Stewart Nearing, Emma Brott, Helen Phelps, Alyse B. Carscadden, Elva Reed, Hattie S. Charlton, Anna Reese, Etta Brooks Clark, Anna L. Reisinger, Marie Cleland, Vera Rossiter, Verna Conway, Hattie E. Shamp, Amelia G. Currah, Gertrude Sisson, Rachael L. Foster, Lillie E. Smith, Mary Foster, Rebecca Stafford, Minnie Gilbert, Pearl Stewart, Jessie Guenzel, Eda Behling Thompson, Elizabeth D. Hall, Minna J. Tipton, Martha E. Harrison, Helen Wagner, Addie Humphrey, Florence Watt, Sadie Jerome, Adelaide S. Wilkins, Emma Johnson, Ada Youst, Imogene P.
Bradshaw, York County, Nebraska
Chartered May 23, 1919. Instituted by Myrtle Dion, Past Department President. Estella M. Moore, National President. Lulu Carlin, National Secretary. Disbanded 1920-1921. Charter Members: 15.
Aurora, Hamilton County, Nebraska
Chartered June 10, 1919. Instituted by the Department Treasurer, Camille Maulsby. Clara Yengling, National President. Disbanded. Charter Members: 15.
St. Paul, Howard County, Nebraska
Chartered February 12, 1921. Nellie M. Goodman, National President. Disbanded 1950-51. Anna May Morrison was the first president.
Charter Members
Conklin, Mittie Mead, Mildred Crow, Jennie L. Morrison, Anna May (Rhode) DeBord, Edna Pope, Dora Hanson, Mary Potts, Cora Higley, Ruth C. Schmidt, Florence Curtis Jeffers, Miss Effie Stun, Harriet Johnson, Laura Taylor, Vera I.
Genvea, Fillmore County, Nebraska
Chartered July 19, 1921. Disbanded 1970. Nellie M. Goodman, National President; Georgia Priestly, Department President. The first Tent President was Mrs. Elsie Laurine, 1921-22.
Charter Members
Anderson, Gladys McKibben, Mary Crawford, Louise Spafford, Maggie Ford, Elizabeth Thomas, Clara B. Ford, Ethel Walker, Martha Gilmore, Hanna Walker, Pearl Gilmore, Stella Wells, Beulah Laurine, Elsie Wells, Rose
Neligh, Antelope County, Nebraska
Charter Members
Ames, Mable Lowe, Catherine Bellar, Sylvia Marcellus, Doris Bliss, Jennie Muhm, Agnes M. Bucham, Ethel Nichol, Floy Burbank, Merle Putnam, Lucille Dahl, Alta E. Remley, Grace Davis, Emma Rice, Nell L. Dency, Mabel Ritchie, Minnie M. Ferguson, Ella B. Sowders, Jessie A. Freeman, Effie B. Stone, Etta Graham, Jennie D. Stott, Anna Hall, Pearl L. Williams, Mabel H. Heuitt, Fannie E. Winn, Dade Haberstrah, Lottie Winn, Grace Johnson, Mabel K. Winn, Harriett Kryger, Clara Worden, Emma
Central City, Merrick County, Nebraska
Chartered November 6, 1923. Disbanded 1952-53. Tent instituted and officers installed by Grace Marie Hall, Department President. Bess S. Ripperteau, Department Secretary. The first Tent President was Nettie Jewell, 1923-24.
Charter Members
Bilmore, Myra J. Jacobson, Lucile Boelts, Edith Jefferson, Anna E. Boelts, Irene Jeffreys, Clara T. Boelts, Kate Jewell, Nettie Booher, Nellie Jewell, Opal M. Breckon, Minnie King, Anna M. Crawford, Myrtice O. Land, Emma C. Crawford, Naomi Lindgren, Jeanette Cuddington, Mary Martin, Jennie l. Farnham, Jennie B. McCann, Ruth Fischer, Alma J. McDermott, Brownie Foster, Mary C. Odell, Emma Lucile Gosnell, Gusta Scott, Althea M. Gray, Ella Sinsel, Jessie Grosvenor, Lovenea R. Sporer, Myrtle C. Hastings, Blanche Whitmore, Bertha J. Hastings, Jessie Wilson, Ada M. Holden, Harriet E.
Fullerton, Nance County, Nebraska
Chartered November 16, 1923. Instituted and Officers installed by Grace Marie Hall, Department President. Disbanded December 31, 1946.
The first president was Jennie Christensen, 1923-1925. The second president was Jennie Hoppock, 1925-1926, and the third president was Dora Hansen, 1926-27.
Delegates to the 1926 Convention were Ella Colburn, Anna Fitzgerald, Mrs. Robinson and Mrs. Stoops. Alternate Delegates to 1926 Convention were Matilda Wolters, Mattie Carson, Nora Delancey and Effie Stumpff.
Delegates to the 1927 Convention were G. F. Robinson, Alice Weeks, Anna Fitzgerald and Mrs. Stoops. Alternate delegates to 1927 Convention were Myrtis Luse, Ethel Leininger, Hetti Donnelly, and Ethel Shively.
Charter Members
Bintz, Effie Hansen, Dora Borrdman, May Helms, Mary Hoppock Bowman, Florence (Forman) Hoppock, Jennie Campbell, Anna Knowles, Jessie May Christensen, Jennie Leininger, Ethel Clear, Ollie Meyers, Vernie Colburn, Ella Millard, Nellie Colhoun, Nellie Myers, Myra Crotcher, Clementine Scarlet, Arabella Delancey, Mary Snyder, Edith Delancey, Nora Stoops, Sarah Donnelly, Hattie Trotter, Goldie Lee (Whitney) Fitzgerald, Anna Trotter, Martha Foland, Eva
Clay Center, Clay County, Nebraska
Chartered November 19, 1923. Instituted and officers installed by Grace Marie Hall, Department President. Disbanded 1928.
Charter members 19. First president was Eva Rippeteau, 1924-25. Second president was Mrs. Daisy Hurt, 1925-26, and third president was Ethel Oakley, 1926-27.
Delegate to the Convention in 1927 was Ethel Oakley and the Alternate Delegate was Elsie Riley.
David City, Butler County, Nebraska
Chartered April 10, 1924. Georgia Prestly, Department President. Lola S. Eliot, National President. Disbanded 1956-57.
Charter Members
Of the 29 charter members, names of the following 12 were given.
Ball, Nancy Maule, Ruth Brown Davis. Blanche Miller, Annie Fulmer, Nellie Nelson, Minnie Hughes, Alice Plith, Nellie R. Kimuson, Celia Jennie Roberts Kuhn, Grace Sacrider, Carrie First president was Mrs. Carrie Sacrider, 1924-1925. Second president was Mrs. Daisy Hurt, 1925-1926, followed by Minnie Nelson who was the third president who served from 1926-1928. Mrs. Mattie Widdorson was president from 1948-1949 and the secretary was Grace Kuhn. Mrs. Maude Davenport was the president 1951-1952. Mrs. Clara Wells served as the treasurer 1948-49 and 1951-52.
Delegates to the 1926 Convention were Belle Miles and Alice Hughes. Alternates in 1926 were Dora Kosch and Nan Sheldon. Delegates to the Convention in 1927 were Clara B. Wells and Alice C. Hughes. Alternates were Betty Walling and Nellie Fulmer.
[The pseudonym of Mary Ann (or Marian) Evans was George Eliot. On May 6, 1880, she married an old friend who later published George Eliot's Life as Related in Her Letters and Journals.
Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska
Chartered April 18, 1924. National President was Drusilla Ingalls Thayer. Grace Marie Hall was the Department President. Meetings were held in the homes of members on the third Friday evening of the month. Disbanded June 30, 1950.
Charter Members
Brown, Edith E. Lyle, Lena A. Deffenbaugh, Nellie G. C. Matthews, Martha Everhart, Ida M. McCutcheon, Neva Hill, Julia E. McCutcheon, Nevada James, Leona C. Thorp, Ella K. Lyle, Effie Winn, Rosa The first president was Leona James, 1924-25. Second president was Ida Everhart, 1925-26, followed by Lena Lyle as third president. In 1948, the president was Mrs. Anna Wilson, treasurer was Mrs. Maria Bauman, and Mrs. Gladys Farris was the secretary.
Delegates to Conventions: Effie Lyle, 1926; Ella K. Tharp, 1927; Margaret Falmlen; Eudora Morefield; Gertrude Laughlin, and Martha Matthews. The Alternate Delegates to Conventions were: Edith Brown, 1926; Effie Lyle, 1927; Florence Goff; Anna Bryant; Edith Brown, and Julia Hill.
Broken Bow, Custer County, Nebraska
Chartered July 20, 1925. Instituted, and the officers installed by Grace Marie Hall, Department President. The first president was Matilda Osbourn, 1925-1927. Disbanded 1930-21.
Charter Members
Bass, Bessie Holcomb, Essie Bass, Emma J. Holcomb, Margaret Bass, Josephine Thralls Iabertew, Montana Bennett, Clara L. Joyner, Rosella Fodge Berga, Milla McComas, Cora Bishop, Emma J. Miller, Madge Bishop Bowman, Della Dare Osbourn, Matilda Chinn, Mildred Penn, Maude N. Cornish, Isabel Fodge Perryman, Charlotte T. Corothers, Elsie Porter, Ida Foster Coulter, Grace M. Purinton, Stella Dean, Cora Foster Reese, Etta Brooks Elder, Ida May Robertson, Dora Fisher, Katherine Clark Shafer, Roberta Fodge, Martha H. Tait, Ethel Bass Halliwill, Jennie R. Taylor, Frances Reynor Halliwill, Julia Worthington, Cora Dare Hersh, Dessie
Scottsbluff, Scotts Bluff County, Nebraska
Chartered July 29, 1928. Instituted by Helen Kolf, Department President. Disbanded 1961-62.
Charter Members (*Possibly Charter Members)
Brown, Elisebeth* Neighbors, Carrie Alice* Callahnan, Stella* O'Donnell, Marie* Challis, Sarah Patterson, Edith Fassey, Lavina J.* Shore, Grace A.* Forrest, Delia Silvernail, Lillian Franklin, Belle* Steele, Marie Franklin, Katherine* Talmage, Esperance* Hackman, Frankye* Teitsort, Myrtle* Ireland, Phoebe Tietsort, Hazel* Johnson, Hazel Tietsort, Lyda* McAlear, Evelyn* Warren, Grace Silvernail* McKenry, Ella F. *
Arapahoe, Furnas County, Nebraska
Chartered November 1, 1928. Instituted, and officers installed by Helen Kolf. Lucy Watson, Department President. Leana A. Lyle, Department Secretary.
Charter Members
Blackman, Emma Light, Ada Blackman, Marjory McCoy, Emma B. Boobbitt, Gertrude Manahan, Leona Brecks, Ruby M. Phillipson, Leale Cawhree, Rhoda Pilkerton, Lily D'Allemend, Emma Prince, Esther Eland, Harriett O. Prince, Ruth Faris, Edith Singley, Trua Hand, Sarah Singley, Wilburna Highland, Ethel Stevens, Lizzie Highland, LaVerne Stoll, Edith Highland, Louise Stoll, Eva Langtry, Verna Wilson, Ora E. Lewis, Ethel
Surprise, Butler County, Nebraska
Charter issued and signed May 17, 1929. Hazel L. Riley, National President. Instituted and initiated April 17, 1929 by Georgia Priestly.
Charter Members
Berryhill, Mrs. Edna Reichwein, Mrs. Rachel Brogan, Miss Nola Schweser, Mrs. Nadine Chapman, Mrs. Josie Sleiger, Mrs. Elizabeth Crapenhoft, Mrs. Kitty Smith, Mrs. Cora Dell Daugherty, Mrs. Alvira Sperry, Mrs. Hattie Dibble, Mrs. Kate Towner, Mrs. Sarah Dolgner, Mrs. Theodosia Way, Miss Gertrude Flasburg, Mrs. Ellen Wautrack, Mrs. Eva Gill, Mrs. Lulie Woods, Mrs. Clara C. Reichwein, Mrs. Estella
North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska
Chartered May 18, 1929. Instituted by Helen Kolf of Hastings, Nebraska. Lucy A. Watson was the Department President. Lena A. Lyle, National Secretary. Tent disbanded 1968-69.
Charter Members
Anderson, Nell McMichael, Grace Barnell, Lora Mecomber, Nettie Bell, Grace Mesmer, Hattie Bonner, Eta Miltonberger, Helen Brooks, Mable Monks, Ida Brown, Lena Oliver, Mildred Butler, Dorothy Owens, Katherine Covel, Frances Petty, Julia Elder, Amy Prettyman, Eva Elder, Faye Rector, Carrie Elder, Mary Riggs, Alta Eshleman, Laura Salisbury, Emma Feathers, Elizabeth Salisbury, Emma J. Garmon, Clarice Salisbury, Katherine Graham, Martha Sander, Margaret Hart, Lois Self, Etta Horne, Katherine M. Sensel, Beulah Hosford, Elizabeth Snyder, Edith Jones, Ruby Steen, Dennice Koontz, Effie Steeve, Julia Kuhns, Minnie Tatum, Althea Lanmin, Viola Thomsen, Alta Lanmin, Wilma Tucker, Inda Lewis, Martha Kuhns Turpen, Florence Lowe, Mary Wills, Dorothy McIntosh, Essie Wolbach, Emroy McMichael, Eunice Wood, Helen
McCook, Red Willow County, Nebraska
Organized May 8, 1930. Tent disbanded.
Charter Members
Axtell, Margaret Miller, Maude Beeler, Margaret Myers, Bertha Brown, Flora Pettis, Arbelia Clark, Jeanette Pennell, Jennie DeLong, Jessie Petty, Jeanette DeWald, Alice Reynolds, Katie French, Irene Rhoad, Mary Gibson, Altha Rodstrom, Agnes Harmon, Matilda Shepherd, Grace Hasty, Nettie B. Shields, Eliza Hertz, Grace Shields, Esta Hoyt, Nettie Stewart, Edna Kellogg, Lulu F. Tarvin, Pleasant Loper, Sybil Thomas, Adelila McMillen, Olive Wallen, Vira Manker, Myrtle Ward, Viola Marsh, Nancy Wilcott, Julia Matz, Elizabeth Woolard, Elizabeth
Columbus, Platte County, Nebraska
Chartered May 19, 1936. Ethel Leininger instituted the tent and installed the officers. Sister Bertha Peterson was the first president.
Charter Members
Bates, Ada Ma Lambert, Lucille R. Bliss, Vedah Mae Lohr, Alice M. Christensen, Clara N. Nelson, Mary Sheldon Clark, Evelyn C. Nelson, Pearl Arta Clark, Hazel E. Peterson, Bertha Merrill Dodds, Anna M. Phillipps, Sophie J. Dodds, Elizabeth Mae Preston, Priscilla Eacher, Gretchen Galley Randle, Martha Foote, Rosie A. Rogers, Maude Davidson Fritz, Esther Leisy Rotzin, Beverly E. Galley, Grace M. Smith, Helene W. Galley, Marcia Taylor, Minnie Edith Gates, Delilah Thomas, Eleanor Hughs Hardle, Juanita Nelson VanAlstine, Edith E. Innan, Jessie A. Vos, Pauline Tschudy Jones, Isabella Wadsworth, Esther M. Kellogg, Ethyel Meays Weaver, Oma Merrill Kinnan, Dollie Westbook, Nellie E.
Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska
Chartered October 2, 1939. Mary Elder, Department President. Margaret Sander, Department Secretary. Disbanded 1978.
Charter Members
Alves, Evelyn Harney Korp, Esther Anania, Delia Lehman, Flavia Bagley, Ada Lippold, Velma Barlow, Edith Maloney, Faye Coder Beaumont, Charmain McLoud, Frances Bebout, Dora McMillan, Mary Beckenhauer, Margaret Mogensen, Inez Berger, Grace Nicol, Lucia Bowles, Daisy Noel, Lennie Breeden, Margaret Oak, Mae Brittain, Mabel Parisis, Beatrice Krejci Clausen, Anna Pursley, Eva Creal, Annie Riley, Matilda Bea Creamer, Sophia Robinson, Carrie Daniel, Ada Dalbey Ruxton, Florence Decker, Ruth Rye, Eva Domgren, Frances Schlotfeldt, Elizabeth Edmunds, Anna Short, Mattie Fortwangler, Bertha Sides, Lettie Goff, Nellouise Sigel, Irene Harney, Myrtle Sigel, Shirley Heath, Hattie Smith, Blanche Hetherington, Lela Stocking, Stella Calabria Hope, Ruthe Taulborg, Barbara Houghton, Helen Timmons, Lela Huff, Ethel Vincent, Mary Frances Jacobsen, Artie Wansley, Nellie Johnson, Gertrude Warren, Bessie Jones, Mary Weander, Martha Keim, Hazel Yarton, Inez