Some Dates to Fly the Flag:
Inauguration Day | January 20 | |
Wm. McKinley's Birthday | January 29 | (Born 1843) |
Lincoln's Birthday | February 12 | (Born 1809) |
Presidents' Day | February, 3rd Monday | (Established 1971) |
Washington's Birthday | February 22 | (Born 1732) |
Grand Army Day | April 6 | (Organized 1866) |
Appomattox Day | April 9 | (Anniversary, 1865) |
U. S. Grant's Birthday | April 27 | (Born 1822) |
Loyalty Day | May 1 | (Established 1958) |
Armed Forces Day | May, 3rd Saturday | (Established 1949) |
Memorial Day | May 30 / last Monday, half staff till noon | (Established 1868) |
Pray for Permanent Peace | May 30 / last Monday | (Established 1950) |
Flag Day | June 14 | (Establ. 1916; Anniv. 1777) |
Honor America Days | June 14 through July 4 | (Established 1975) |
Independence Day | July 4 | (1776) |
Labor Day ............ | Sept., 1st Monday | (Established 1894) |
Constitution/Citizenship Day | Sept. 17 | (Constition approved 1787) |
Columbus Day | Oct. 12 / 2nd Monday | (Mon. established 1971) |
Veterans Day | Nov. 11 | (WWI Armistice 1918) |
Remembrance Day | Nov. 19 | (Gettysburg Address 1863) |
Daughter's Day | December 12 | (Incorporated 1885) |
The flag can be flown every day, sunrise to sunset.
If inclement weather, it should be an all-weather flag.
It can be displayed 24 hours of the day if properly illuminated during the hours of darkness.
The national anthem is "The Star Spangled Banner."
The national march is "The Stars and Stripes Forever'' by John Philip Sousa.
The national motto is "In God we trust."
The national floral emblem is the Rose.
The National DUV flower is the "Mr. Lincoln" red rose.