Department of Nebraska
  Sons of Union Veterans
of the Civil War

Established 25 June 2000


Norman Weber, Department Commander

Nebraska Department Encampment will be held April 17, 2010 in Omaha, NE at the Mormon Trails Museum

 2010 Encampment
 Victor Vifquain Camp # 1, Omaha
     (East Central Nebraska)
 Shiloh Camp # 2, Lincoln
      (Southeast Nebraska)
 Harrison Camp # 53-2, Wisner
      (Northeast Nebraska)
 John M. Thayer Camp-at-Large

How to apply for membership
    in Nebraska SUVCW

Camp and Department Newsletters
 GAR in Nebraska

 GAR Highway
 Grave Registrations  
 Medal of Honor Recipients  
    buried in Nebraska
 GAR Commanders-in-Chiefs
    from Nebraska
 Nebraska GAR Commanders
 Related Links
 Nebraska DUV
 National SUVCW
 National ASUVCW (Auxiliary)

 Nebraska Civil War Veterans  Soldiers & Sailors Data Base
 Pension Records Information

   2008 Department Officers
with James R. Hanby Sr., JVC-in-C from Deleware

Perpetuating the memory of the Grand Army of the Republic and of the men who saved the Union 1861 to 1865

For further information on membership contact Merle Rudebusch , Department Secretary/Webmaster.

(C) 2007 Department of Nebraska Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War