Contributed by Connie Sally

Contributed by Dale Kendrick
Dale, Mark, Melinda, and Kelley

Contributed by Dale Kendrick

Hawthorne Elementary, 1946

Contributed by Bill Robinson
Dr. and Joyce Trapp Powers

Contributed by Bill Robinson
Bill Robinson and Joyce Trapp Powers

Contributed by Bill Robinson
Dr. and Joyce Trapp Powers

Contributed by Bill Robinson
The famous Robinson Grandson's

Contributed by Bill Thayer
H.R. 114 Freshman class Central Jr.

(Top row down) Row 1: Mrs Wall- Ronald Bond - Shirley Sumner - Don Marsh - Mary Park - Randy Middaugh - Sharon Tucker - Larry Seddan - Mildred Reed Row 2: Carl Yeager - Sharon Priddy - Clifford Holliday - Norma Barnhill - Frank Romero - Rebecca Hammar - James Gaither? - Melva Johnson - Paul Barbarich Row 3: Maye Shoemake - Larry Simpson - Ruth Foy - Delbert Lofton - Joyce Butler - Frank Stapp - Barbara Johnson - Jim Wilson - Reola Dawkins? - Row 4: Penny Standish - Richard Rupe - Louise Evans - BILL THAYER - Patricia Miller - Phillip Ireton - Donna Moore - Mike Kostuke

Contributed by Bill Thayer
Here is the Thayer Family.
Seated, of course, are Betty and Bill.
Standing are Debbie, Bill Jr and Michelle.

Contributed by Hank Frese
Group pictures of committee members

Members of the committee in th picture are as follows: (left to right) Back Row: Bruce Schlosser, Judy Gulley Frese, Marsha Broyles Richardson, Nancy Abbott Dillingham, Karen Adams Stout, Karon Flies Stroup, Garry Poore, Don Stroup, Lynne Meeks Wenski, Jackie Goodack Studer, Jim Gill Middle Row (seated): Joyce Trapp Powers, Kay Johnston Tucker, Bill Robinson, Dale Kendrick, Anne Brandt Front Row: Jack Smithson, Fred Haynes, Chris Hoegler Evans

Contributed by Al Justvig
Al Justvig and Myra SWENSON Bettis, Lake Michigan, Racine, WI Sunday, August 8, 1999

Contributed by Barb Schone
Northwest Class of '54

Contributed by Dale Kendrick

Contributed by Kay Johnston Tucker
Felice Miller Paley and grandchildren

Contributed by Barb Schone
The Schones

Contributed by Mr. Frese
Anne Brandt & Kay Johnston Tucker

Contributed by Mr. Frese
Dale Kendrick, Kay, Bill Robinson, Judy Marable King

Contributed by Mr. Frese
Karen Adams Stout & Jack Smithson

Contributed by Mr. Frese
Bill, Judy, Mike Wall & Judy Gulley Frese

Contributed by Mr. Frese
Carol and Artie Sorenson

Contributed by Mr. Frese
Bruce Schlosser, Nancy Abbott Dillingham, Dale & Kay

Contributed by Mr. Frese
Bruce, Kay, Bill, Artie, Judy, Mike

Contributed by Mr. Frese
Bruce, Kay, Bill, Artie, Judy, Mike

Contributed by Mr. Frese
Gary Poore, Kay, Christine Hoegler Evans, & Fred Haynes

Contributed by Bob Sparks
"Do you know these two Desparadoes?"
Rumor has it that one grew up to be a law man of some kind. The other spent one night in a Hampton Beach, New Hampshire jail in 1963 and vowed not to let it happen again.
He has since aided law enforcement in apprehending a robbery suspect, a couple of shoplifters, and several stolen vehicles.

Contributed by Terry Barnhart
Abbott School
Here is the picture from 1953 to go with the Abbott school list. That's me third row second from right. My next door neighbor, and then best friend David Zuck is last row second from right.
Bill, a couple of other names who have been mentioned in 59 correspondence from Abbott are Robert Sparks, first row second from right, Richard Morris, second row, fourth from left, and Stanley Walton, last row fourth from right.
I think 2nd row fourth from right is Olive Hamilton, 3rd row last on right looking at it is Jack Frost, and 4th row the 5th girl on right is Darlene Frost, which is Jack brother and the 6th girl next to Darlene is Marybelle Taylor. I am not sure but that is who they look like to me I did not attend Abbott but ran around with those girls when they were about 14 or so.........Alice Geer Singer

Contributed by Barb Schone
Don and Barb Schone, Victor Goethe

This photo of Barb and Don (Schone) with Victor Goethe at the 30th reunion made us smile. Sharing with Vic's special friends...

Contributed by Barb Schone
Life Relay for Victor

Yesterday was "Victor" Thursday, and Don and Barb had another pleasant telephone visit with him. Vic had a friend visiting again and we did most of the talking. He was pleased to hear about the Mission Viejo Relay For Life event and repeated his appreciation for Mary Ann (Sheue) and Doug Jennings' participation in Topeka. That is Don on the track in the last of the attached photos Barb took at the M.V. relay. Nice to be able to tell Vic about the poem "a classmate" had written in his honor and Bill shared with all of us. He thought that was just great! It is included in another mailing we are sending today. Have not heard, but assume Louie Shelleda called Victor last Monday as planned from his mountain cabin near Tahoe where he is vacationing. So...for now at least, our friend continues to get along ok and remain an inspiration to his friends and family. Best to all and thanks for being "Special Friends of Victor." Barb and Don Schone

Contributed by Barb Schone
Don Schone, June and Terry Bloskey

Contributed by Terry Barnhart
My family from youngest daughters wedding in July, 1998. Jason on left, then me and Carolyn.

Contributed by Bill Robinson Jr.
Hi everybody, this is what happened to us on sunday, June 13th. We were headed to our daughter's home after an accordian concert at the UMKC Conservatory of Music. We were headed south on Holmes just past 150 highway. A Dodge Pickup truck crossed the center line of the highway straight for us. . Hank just had enough time to swerve to the right, or it would have been a head on crash. The impact spun us around and the van rolled over but landed on its wheels, our van was completly totaled. Our daughter and two of our grandchildren were with us and they took all of us to the Hospital. Hank spent the night at Saint Joseph Hospital with severe lower back and leg pain, but was released on Monday. Julia (10) was thrown out the side window and had cuts and a broken ankle. Please pray for her as they are going to do surgery Friday or Monday. Weston (12) had thirteen stitches in his hand. My daughter and I have had aches and pains. All were wearing seat belts, but Julia and Weston's broke. We praise the Lord for saving our lives, and for so few injuries. The picture is Julia on the ground, our daughter is leaning over and the two men are helpful strangers that were driving by. I am trying to send a picture, if it doesn't come through let me know and I will send an attatchment later. Judy Gulley - Frese

Contributed by Sarah Riley Kenny
left to right: Diana Staton, Tim Van Cleve, Dennis Hester, Vicki Kapnick, Fred Haynes

Contributed by Kay Johnston Tucker
Anne Brandt receiving her computer
The judge is installing it...on his best side.

Anne Brandt and Myra Swenson Bettis

Anne Brandt

Bill Robinson Jr. and Don Stroup

Anne Brandt and Bill Robinson Jr.

Contributed by Kay Johnston Tucker
May 4th Meeting at Chappell

Kay Johnston Tucker and Myra Swenson Bettis

Contributed by Don and Barb Schone
Bill and Donna Robinson

Contributed by Don and Barb Schone
Louie Shelleda and Dwight Plumlee

Contributed by Don and Barb Schone
The Guest (Barb Schone)and Don Stroup

Contributed by Don and Barb Schone
John and Sandy (Morton) Krivjansky

Contributed by Don and Barb Schone
Charlene (Crane) Lemery, Francis Lemery, Francine (Green) Kimerer, and Darlene (Crane) Jones

Contributed by Don and Barb Schone
Bloskey and DeGoler's

Contributed by Bill Robinson Jr.
Big Eleven Fish 1

Contributed by Steve Swaim
Basketball Team

Members of the Eighth Grade Basketball Team Pictured above are: First Row: Timmy VanCleave, Larry Bird, Steve Swaim (manager), Junior Thiry, Charles Alstrom, Second Row: Larry Lewman, Carol Easley, Norman Fordyce, Richard Cox, Jim Gill, Third Row: Harry Rutledge, Arthur Sorensen, David Horner, Jack Wright, and Terry Blosky.

Contributed by Don Shone
There Goes The Judge

Pictures of a Brown's Canyon raft trip we took last Wednesday. Brown's Canyon is on the Arkansas between Salida and Buena Vista. There was 7 of us together in one boat; 8 including Robby our guide and new friend. From the left front of the boat are: Bruce Jordan, Bill Boswell, Elaine Boswell, and guide Robby. From the right front of the boat are: Norm Koeppen, Bill Zust, Carolyn Jordan, and Shirley Koeppen. We had an absolute blast! We were soaked to the bone from the white water, but nobody wanted it to end. We all had on wet suits so it really wasn't that cold, but the hot chocolate did taste good when we pulled out. The most exciting part was taking the rapid called the "Widow Maker" when big Bill Zust lost it and did a back flip into the current. He floated about 30 yards ahead of us before we caught him. He did exactly as Robby had instructed, he was fine, a little cold till his wet suit brought him back to normal temperature. Afterward we all celebrated, then went out that evening to a Chinese restaurant. Did we like it? We are all going next year. This is a preseason half price special put on by the Chamber of Commerce. Bruce and Carolyn

Old Photos furnished by Mike Wall

Old Photos furnished by Joyce Trapp Davis Powers

Beat Central

8th grade Cheerleaders

Eighth Graders

Eighth Graders Last Day
Mary Ann Sheue, Rita Mae Wright, Paul Mallin, Joyce Trapp, Marcella Glass

Janice Agin, Melanie Chandler, Julie Brockman

Slumber Party

Carolyn Westbrook

Joyce Trapp and Bill Latas

Joyce Trapp and Junior Thiry

Joyce Trapp, Henry Ross, Connie Downing and Bob Schmidt

Harry Rutledge, Gail Geiger, Mary Jane Beach and Stephen Patterson

Susan Callender and Miller

Darlene and Charlene Crane, Connie Downing, Connie Swisher, Sharon Scoville and Francine Green

Pat Foster, Dale Kendrick, Harry Rutledge and Gail Geiger

Kay Johnston, Mary Ann Sheue and Marcella Glass

Gail Geiger, Melanie Chandler, Sylvia Schmidt and George Ann Porter

Nancy Abbott, Mollie Hart, Susan Callender, Julie Brockmeier,and Lois Potter

Trapp Group

The Girls

The Guys

Ronnie Smith, Roy Miller, Bob Schmidt, and David Hume

George Ann Porter and Wayne Preston

Northwest Class of '56
Jr. Thiry family

Stan and wife