The dachshund is a very intelligent animal with a mind of his own. He
often is comically stubborn. They do well with school age children as constant companions
and cold night footwarmers. Their size, cleanliness, and lack of dog odor make them the
perfect house dog. Having scenting abilities equal to any in the canine kingdom, our
short-legged friends are constantly 'sticking' their long and inquistive noses into things that
don't concern them. Family wise they are very possessive and assume protective
responsiblities readily. The have a loud bark comparative to their size and serve adequately
as watch dogs, being alert in annoucing strangers. The dachshund will be a clever, playful,
and lively addition to your household. They are affectionate and lovable often to a disgusting
degree. And their courageous to the point of rashness. Their devilish and clownish acts will
provide you with hours and hours of pleasure and entertainment.
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since 5/01/03