The Rottweiler is a strong powerful breed with natural
protective instincts. The Rottweiler is a medium-size black dog with rust markings. The breed’s
coat is a medium length, straight and almost coarse. The head is broad with hanging and
triangular ears. The Rottweiler possesses great strength and has a broad, deep chest.
The Rottweiler is generally a quiet, alert pet and excellent watchdog. Seemingly fearless, the
breed is well known for providing undying protection to the guardian. The Rottweiler is a good
pet for individuals seeking a loyal friend and faithful watchdog. Owners share a strong bond
with their pets; however, the breed is not known for the ability to form quick, friendly
relationships with strangers. The Rottweiler enjoys being the only dog in the household.
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since 5/01/03