The elders speak of changes,
the time is drawing near.
The world seems to be in chaos,
in all our hearts there's fear.
The time to be strong is now,
prepare for what will come
Don't give up on your people,
do all that can be done.
Be brave and stay on the red path,
teach all who come near,
by deeds we do,and words of love
our mission should be clear.
Don't waste your time on negativity,
fill not your heart with rage.
Join together, think as one, trust the spirits,
join the circle, use the sage.
Dikanogi Ogadali
Coming Of Age
Two thousand steps and still higher I go
Up in the clouds, just ahead there is snow.
Have to move on before I get weak.
To the top I must go, a vision I seek.
A sound close behind me, I'm sure it's a bear,
I look straight ahead, pass the bushes with care.
The cry of an Eagle, the call of a Hawk
Out of this ledge, with caution I walk.
Two days now with only the sky,
Grandfather, protect me, as in darkness I lie.
Spirits come forth and swirl round my head,
My tribe and my family, round me are dead.
A revolution is coming, I feel it in the air
I must warn the others, of the coming despair.
I must go to the elders, before it's too late,
in my vision I've seen our terrible fate.
I retrace my steps to the village, Brother Wolf leads me home,
Never in my twelve years have I felt so alone.
My Sisters meet me as I walk into view,
I'm greeted as a man now, I start manhood with you.
Copyright ©2000
Beautiful colors....sound of the drum,
Light footed dancers...People now come.
It's the season for joining of tribes.
A pow-wow is coming.
The women are cooking
the children are running.
A long hard winter is past
starvation and cold took it's toll
Our storage of meat didn't last
We had only maize for our bowl.
Now three deer and a rabbit on the fire
and herbs, for our failing are fresh.
We'll trade with the others the stones,
moccasins, and furs, our best,
for the food they have gathered
on their march to attend.
The hard times for another
season will end.
The grass dancers in their finest regalia are here,
preparing the field for a safe ceremony.
A show of our people and all we hold dear.
Several couples will join in matrimony,
our guards are on duty , so there is no fear.
Come all my people,
A POW-WOW is here.
Lessons of Life
I've felt the pain of winter,
and known the joy of spring.
I've shared in all the heartaches
an empty lodge can bring.
We had to fight to keep our land
we fought to protect our race.
We prayed to our creator
we sang Amazing Grace.
We gave up,we surrendered
our life was ours, no more.
They took us to a barren land,
and there they shut the door.
We were mistreated and forgotten,
and barely were we fed.
We were broken men, deserted,
no blankets for our bed.
Our children died, our women cried,
we thought our tribe would perish,
but grandfather had a plan for us
his word we'll always cherish
Love one another, and do not dispair
He taught us compassion, our lives we now share
We'll teach you what he taught us, if only you will listen
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this was written pre 1914
Lo, The Poor Indian
Lo, the poor Indian! Whose unturored mind
Sees God in the clouds, or hears Him in the wind;
His soul, proud silence never taught to stray
Far as the solar walk, or Milky Way;
Yet simple nature to his hope has given
Behind the cloud-topp’d hill, an humbler heaven;
Some safer world, in depths of woods embraced,
Some happier island in the watery waste,
Where slaves once more their native land behold,
No fiends, torment, no Christian thirst for gold;
To be, contents his natural desire,
He asks no angel’s wings, no seraph’s fire;
But thinks, admitted to that equal sky,
His faithful dog shall bear him company.
___ Alexander Pope