We continuously have fun trials running please feel free to contact Bill Kennedy for further information. Come out and train your dog, all birds, guns, shells will be provided. There is a cost of $5.00 per dog for members
President - Chris Stoddart
Vice President - Glen Cumpson
Secretary/Treasurer Susan D Scott
Trial Chairman - Susan D Scott
Our next field trial will be held May 6 & 7, 2000 entries closing Sunday April 30, 2000 @ 6:00 P.M. Mail entries to: Bill Kennedy, Field Trial Secretary RR#3 3789 Hwy 38 Harrowsmith, Ontario K0H 1W0 Phone (613)372-0400 Fax (613)549-5431kennedybill@king.igs.net. This trial will be featuring only an Open trial on Saturday and Sunday. There will be no tailgate after each trial.