Compilation of Earlier Barbee Posts
*Note – to make searching easier, press CTRL-F, type in the name or place that you are looking for and press the find button. Repeat until you find what you are looking for or you reach the end of the document.
The following was posted a while ago. Since then I have found a web page that helps links this information with more recent generations. I have added this information to the end of this message
Hi all Barbee researchers...
I have the following on my home computer and just found it for everyones review. I received this from another researcher as listed. enjoy Glen in TN
This is a copy of a copy from:
Anne Saucier 3030 North Star Rd, Columbus Ohio 43221 / 614-457-4353
(There are footnotes, but I do not have the reference)
It has been reported that the Barbees came from France, but it seems more likely that they came from France at the time of William the Conqueror and from England to Virginia in the mid-seventeenth century. Barbee was sometimes spelled "Barby" during the Revolutionary War and in early Virginia and Kentucky Records. It has obviously changed more than that over the Centuries since the time when a Berchebi came to England from France with William the Conqueror. The Archivist of Northampton County England has traced this evolution of the Barby name as follows:
1Name Date Source
Berchebi 1806 Doomsday Book (William the Conqueror)
Beruby 12th Cent. Survey. Inquisition - Post Mortem
Berroby 1268 Assart
Bergebi temp. John B. M. , etc (British Museum)
Bereweby 1235 etc.
Berughby 1314-1419
Boreweeby 1316 F. A.
Boroughby,etc. 1550-1613
Barby 1508
Barby on the Hill Village on the Hill
A family by the name of Barby has been located from Northamptonshire and Devonshire England. There is a Barby of Washfield line taken form The Visitations of the County of Devon comprising the Heralds’ visitations of 1531, 1564, and 1620 with additions by Lt. Col. J.L. Vivian
2. There was a John Barby of Barby, Northamptonshire England, from whom there was ample opportunity for us to have descended. His son, Edmund, has three sons bearing the well used Barbee names of John, Thomas, and William. The Village of Barby is located in Nhants, England, five miles northwest of Daventry in Northamptonshire. There is also a village of Barbe about fifteen or twenty miles west of Dublin in the county of Kildare which indicates a strong possibility that there was also an Irish branch of the family3 from which we could have been descended.We can speculate that our first Virginia ancestor could have been a William Barby who appears as one of the twenty head rights of George Morris and John Pigge for their purchase of 1000 acres in New Kent County, Virginia on December 14, 1660. This William Barbee could have come over even earlier than 1660 since headrights were often saved up and used much later for the securing of large land grants.
This William Barby could have had at least two sons: (1) Andrew Barbee from whom many Virginia and Kentucky Barbees are descended, and (2) William Barbee whose Will was recorded in Middlesex County Virginia, showing him to have been a prosperous planter who died in 1720/1. This William Barbee was the progenitor of the multitude of Barbees of Chatham, Orange, and Wake Counties in North Carolina.
The Barbee family of "Oakland", Danville Kentucky can be traced with certainty from Andrew Barbee of Stafford County, Virginia, according to an old family chart completed by * Daisy Barbee. Andrew died in Stafford County before September 11, 1699, the time of the Inventory of his Estate by his widow, Sarah Barbee, who, following her husband’s death had married Thomas James. The "Inventory" was presented at Court in November 1702 and included mostly livestock and among other things "two sizeable chests, and old sword and guns," also a certain amount of household gear. This inventory was done especially for the benefit of the two orphans, Thomas and Mary Barbee, who were not yet of age at the time of their fathers death. Thomas Barbee was born 1690 so he must have been round nine years old.
We know that Andrew Barbee and his wife, Sarah, had these two children, Thomas and Mary Barbee, because of a Gift of Deed the children received from George Mason II, dated April 9, 1701. The land given had been inherited form George Mason I who had come to Virginia in 1651/2 and settled near the Brents, Fowkes, and Peytons on land drained by Potomoc Creek and Accokeek Run and near the mouth of Aquia Creek. This had been the home plantation for the father, but, while retaining his leadership in the area, George Mason II moved his home plantation northward to Pohick on Doeg’s Neck and land on which "Gunston Hall" eventually would be built by his grandson, George Mason IV, who wrote the Bill of Rights for the United States onstitution.
The Gift of Deed reads as follows:
To whom those present shall come, I, George Mason of the County of Stafford in Virginia send greetings in our Lord God Everlasting - know ye that the said George Mason for divers good causes.. but more especially for the good will and respect that I have unto Thomas and Mary Barbee, son and daughter of Andrew Barbee, late of the said county deceased, do hereby these presents, give, grant,, and imprim unto the said Thomas and Mary to them and their heirs forever, 200 acres of land situated and lying upon the Acquickeek (Accokeek) Run in Stafford County, it being the uppermost end and part of a treater tract or dividend belonging to me the said George Mason upon Acquekeek aforesaid reserving to me and my heirs and assigns the benefit of a Lease of the said 200 acres of land which is grated and made by me unto Thomas James (Thomas and Mary Barbee’s step-father) during his own natural life...
4This great granddaughter of Elias Barbee of Green County, Kentucky was the first woman to attend Washington University Law School in St. Louis, Missouri in 1895. She retired in 1949 after 53 years as a member of the bar and 40 years in active practice. She had graduated cum laude in 1896 after winning the annual law senior’s thesis prize with 38 contenders. Called "the Pertia of St. Louis," she was "hailed at the turn of the century as St. Louis’ first successful woman barrister, the champion of women in distress." (Clifton McEwen, "The Unforgettable Daisy Barbee, " St. Louis Globe Democrat, October 1, 1950, p 15)
It would seem that the Barbees and the Masons were very closely associated or even related at this early date. Later, about 1856, Frances Julia Barbee of "Oakland" would marry Presley Mason Talbot, a direct descendant of this George Mason II.
As already sated, Andrew’s widow, Sarah, had married Thomas James and they lived on Potomac Creek on land patented about the same time as their marriage. Their son (and Thomas Barbee’s half-brother), George James,"by inheritance, purchase and marriage..because of wealthy land holder in Stafford, Prince William, and Spotsylvania counties..He married Mary Wheeler, only child of John Wheeler, Gentleman (1684-1746) a vestryman in Overwharton Parish and had 10 children..."
5Note: there were 5 foot notes referenced, which I do not have.
I have come across this page in my search. The below web pages have links to each of the branches and may come in very handy for most people researching. I highly recommend that you look at the following page : Barbee’s Crossroads GenWeb: Barbee Vital RecordsMajor Barbee Lines in the United States:
William Barbee of Essex and Middlesex Counties, Virginia (1660 - 1720). Descendants moved to the Wake, Chatham, Orange County area of North Carolina and then many branches went to Tennessee. A very few branches went to Kentucky, Georgia and Texas. This is one of the best documented Barbee lines. For extensive information on this line look for "A Study of the Barbee Families of Chatham, Orange and Wake Counties in North Carolina" by Ruth Herndon Shields, Belle Lewter West and Kathryn Crossley Stone, 1971 in many genealogical libraries. There is a thick supplement also.
Andrew Barbee of Stafford and Faquier Counties, Virginia (1670 - 1699). Descendants moved to Culpeper County, Virginia and Kentucky. Many lines moved north and west from there including Ohio, Illinois, and Missouri. Although not much has been published on this line, we are beginning to piece it together. I would appreciate your help!
Other Barbee Lines and unconnected Barbees.
John "Smith" Barbee was my GGG grandfather. He was orphaned before the Civil War in Macon County, Tennessee and was supposedly reared by his grandfather (unknown). I believe his mother’s name was Polly. I am trying to identify his father. Smith married Loubina Henderson, daughter of Ira Henderson. They appear in the records of both Macon County, Tennessee and Allen County, Kentucky before moving to Chataqua County, Kansas. With 14 children, they have many descendants in Oklahoma.
Beware of mis-indexing!
Researching Barbee’s is complicated by frequent misinterpretations of the name in the original records as BARBER. Often, census, marriage and other records are indexed as BARBER, even when the original record is clearly BARBEE. As you can guess, there are many more Barbers in the U.S. than Barbee’s. To this day, people tend to spell my name BARBER, or they assume Barbee is my given name. Consequently, indexes are even less reliable than usual for determining whether a Barbee record exists. If you think Barbee’s were in the area—go to the original records!
Hope you make a connection!
Janet Barbee
Good Luck
Julie Freedman
Many special thanks to Julie Freedman for her post about the website BARBEE’S CROSSROADS. I wanted to re-emphasize the web address. good website is You may have already checked this out, but there were quite a few Barbee listings. Two of the Barbee brothers came to Texas. They settled in Dublin and Hico, Texas. This summer we cleaned up a Barbee cemetary on private land in Hico. There were only a few graves, maybe 15. Some of the stones were broken, but we wrote down what we could read. It is a beautiful location...on top of a hill with trees and a hand stacked rock fence surrounding it. There is also a Barbee cemetary in Dublin where most of my ancestors were buried. Also read in a book of a Barbee private cemetary in Richland Springs, but have not been to check it out.Still in Texas... ect:
I just wanted to let you all know that I have been off-line for a while with a move and a computer malfunction, but hope to soon be able to update my web site. I’m always looking for other Barbee links, so if anyone has a related web site, please let me know and I’ll add a link. This list is a great idea. I have a lot of catching up to do. Thanks!
Janet Barbee
Information Sources for BARBEE research
family forun
kindred konnections
family tree maker
Will each subscriber please post to this list all the other sites and sources you know about for BARBEE research and information. I would like to compile this information into a master list.
Robert Perry
list owner
Virginia - Barbee research in 1700's and 1800's
If your Barbee ancestors were in Virginia in the 1700's or 1800's, you should search their name through one or both of these sites.
This is for USGenWeb Archives search (Virginia)
This is for USGenWeb (Virginia) Search of Digital Library
Here are some BARBEE sources you a may be looking for.
A Study of the BARBEE FAMILIES of Chatham, Orange and Wake Counties in North Carolina Compiled by Ruth Herndon Shields, Belle Lewter West and Kathryn Crossley Stone
A Supplement to A Study of the BARBEE FAMILIES of Chatham, Orange and Wake Counties in North Carolina, Compiled by Ruth Herndon Shields, Belle Lewter West , Kathryn Crossley Stone, Consisting of Corrections and Additions, Including A Study of the Virginia Ancestors of the BARBEE FAMILIES of Chatham, Orange and Waked Counties in North Carolina Compiled by Kathryn Crossley Stone.
The two Books mentioned above can be found in the Family History Center on microfilm. In the back of each book is a complete list of reference and source material. Both books have very good indexes.
I hope this helps and if I come across more I will let you know.
If any of you have a site devoted to BARBEE research, let me know and I will add a link to your page on my BARBEE page which you may enter through Debra’s Genealogy Page. I would also be happy if a link to my page is added to yours. Just email me.Debra
Can do 1850 Virginia Census Lookups
Hi all!
If anyone is in need of an 1850 VA (entire state) Census lookup—I can do them! If interested—please do the following:
1. Send lookup requests directly to me -->
2. Put 1850 VIRGINIA CENSUS LOOKUP in your subject line—so I don’t accidentally delete the message.
3. Be concise—no long paragraphs of persons names or dates to go through
For example: Looking for: John Q. SMITH and wife, Sarah. Children:
Samuel, Ellen, James. Probably in Tazewell Co. or Russell Co.
4. If it’s a very common surname—please give extra identifying info.— such as approx. how old they would have been—and make sure to put which counties that you suspect they may have been in. (or else I’ll be searching for days)
Amy :)
Hmm. I wonder if this "Accokeek" is the same as Accotink Creek which empties into the Potomac forming area referred to by locals as the "Mason Neck" and is a little south of Mt. Vernon. The next main waterway down river (Potomac-wise), on the Virginia side, is Occoquan River that forms the Fairfax/Prince William county boundary over the eastern part of the two counties. Don't remember if the "neck" is bounded by Accotink Creek and the Occoquan River.
John Speight
mailto:tchad@gte.nettchad@gte.netWas wondering if there is any consensus on the cultural origins of the name "Barbee"? Is it German? English? Does anyone know with any certainty?
Although the name or versions of the name have been found in a number of countries; especially Germany, England, Ireland, and France. Most traditions that I have heard of conveyed a French origin. We had about decided that this was incorrect after Mrs. Stone’s book came out. However, recently we have found a book that lists "Barbe" among the names of French Huguenots that were driven out of France in the middle 15 hundreds. Germany, England, and Ireland took the Protestant refuges into their mist. The French Huguenots were followers of John Calvin; and the mear accusation that you were a Huguenot meant death! These people for the most part became very successful middle class people in the new countries. In trying to fit into the new countries they named their children names used in the new country and often made their own names sound more suitable. I have no proof that this is the origin—but it seems to fit.
Marriages - Barbee Virginia & North Carolina
Below is some marriages of Barbee in VA and NC. I hope that it can help someone. I do not have this disk.
CD 004, November 1994 Edition
N. Carr. Marr., Alamance, NC
Screen 1 of 7
SNDX Spouse 1 SNDX Spouse 2 Date
A416 ALBRIGHT, George B610 BARBEE, Frances 12 Jan 1867
N. Carr. Marr., Cabarrus, NC
Screen 4 of 77
B610 BARBEE, Benjamin H400 HOWELL, Rachael 25 Oct 1862
B610 BARBEE, George G650 GREEN, Esther 15 Jul 1848
B610 BARBEE, Jonah T260 TUCKER, Mary C 24 Jan 1867
Virginia Marr., Caroline, VA
Screen 2 of 34
B610 BARBEE, Hawes J520 JONES, Polly 13 Dec 1799
J520 JONES, Polly B610 BARBEE, Hawes 13 Dec 1799
N. Carr. Marr., Chatham, NC
Screen 2 of 30
B610 BARBEE, Alvin E425 ELKINS, Sarah 09 Nov 1858
B610 BARBEE, W M H630 HARWOOD, Liney 15 Feb 1867
B610 BARBEE, Wm C350 COTTEN, Ady 17 Jan 1865
G650 GREEN, Calvin J B610 BARBEE, Martha 22 Sep 1851
G650 GRUN, Calvin J B610 BARBEE, Martha 22 Sep 1851
S512 SNIPES, A G B610 BARBEE, Sarah 07 Jan 1866
Virginia Marr., Culpeper, VA
Screen 3 of 67
B610 BARBEE, William C632 CURTIS, Fanny 23 Jan1808
C632 CURTIS, Fanny B610 BARBEE, William 23 Jan1808
N. Carr. Marr., Cumberland, NC
Screen 5 of 103
B610 BARBEE, C C B624 BARCLAY, K S 10 Apr 1848
B610 BARBEE, Robert R125 ROBESON, Sarah 29 Oct 1832
Virginia Marr., Fauquier, VA
Screen 4 of 68
B610 BARBEE, Anna C513 COMPTON, Richard 04 Mar 1799
B610 BARBEE, Edward W363 WOODWARD, Caty 20 Dec 1797
B610 BARBEE, John D250 DYSON, Margry 24 Jun 1782
B610 BARBEE, John D250 DYSON, Mary 24 Jun 1782
B610 BARBEE, John D250 DYSON, Margry 24 Jun 1782
B610 BARBEE, John D250 DYSON, Mary 24 Jun 1782
B610 BARBEE, Joseph W362 WITHERS, Ann 02 Feb 1768
B610 BARBEE, Joseph W362 WITHERS, Ann 02 Feb 1769
B610 BARBEE, Joseph L652 LAURANCE, Elizabeth 28 Apr 1783
B610 BARBEE, Sally B631 BRADFORD, John 14 Sep 1787
B610 BARBEE, William H262 HICKERSON, Ann 23 Jan 1785
B610 BARBEE, Joseph W362 WITHERS, Ann 02 Feb 1769
B610 BARBEE, Joseph L652 LAURANCE, Elizabeth 28 Apr 1783
B610 BARBEE, Sally B631 BRADFORD, John 14 Sep 1787
B610 BARBEE, William H262 HICKERSON, Ann 23 Jan 1785
B631 BRADFORD, John B610 BARBEE, Sally 14 Sep 1787
C513 COMPTON, Richard B610 BARBEE, Anna 04 Mar 1799
D250 DYSON, Margry B610 BARBEE, John 24 Jun 1782
D250 DYSON, Mary B610 BARBEE, John 24 Jun 1782
H262 HICKERSON, Ann B610 BARBEE, William 23 Jan 1785
L652 LAURANCE, Elizabeth B610 BARBEE, Joseph 28 Apr 1783
W362 WITHERS, Ann B610 BARBEE, Joseph 02 Feb 1768
W362 WITHERS, Ann B610 BARBEE, Joseph 02 Feb 1769
W363 WOODWARD, Caty B610 BARBEE, Edward 20 Dec 1797
N. Carr. Marr., Gates, NC
Screen 24 of 63
H146 HOFLER, Hance B610 BARBEE, Elizabeth 19 Sep 1806
N. Carr. Marr., Granville, NC
Screen 92 of 151
M532 MONTAGUE, WilliamC200 COOK, Barbee 19 Dec 1818
N. Carr. Marr., Guilford, NC
Screen 8 of 161
B610 BARBEE, H M245 MCLEAN, Nancy 05 Jan 1863
R400 RILEY, Henry B610 BARBEE, Martha Jane 18 Mar 1864
N. Carr. Marr., Johnston, NC
Screen 27 of 76
H400 HILL, Richard B610 BARBEE, Susan 28 Feb 1853
Virginia Marr., Lunenburg, VA
Screen 6 of 102
B320 BETTS, Barbee K523 KNIGHT, Judith Woodson 06 Nov 1789
K523 KNIGHT, Judith Woodson B320 BETTS, Barbee 06 Nov 1789
Virginia Marr., Middlesex, VA
Screen 4 of 120
B610 BARBEE, Elizabeth D120 DAVIS, Andrew 10 Jan 1728
B610 BARBEE, George F250 FAGAN, Martha Mrs 22 Jun 1759
B610 BARBEE, John M460 MILLER, Ann 25 Dec 1708
D120 DAVIS, Andrew B610 BARBEE, Elizabeth 10 Jan 1728
F250 FAGAN, Martha Mrs B610 BARBEE, George 22 Jun 1759
M460 MILLER, Ann B610 BARBEE, John 25 Dec 1708
N. Carr. Marr., Nash, NC
Screen 2 of 42
B610 BARBEE, Willis C640 CROWELL, Susan 23 Sep 1839
R240 RACKLEY, Leomon DB610 BARBEE, Francis J 03 Jul 1852
N. Carr. Marr., Orange, NC
Screen 3 of 167
A450 ALLIN, Samuel B610 BARBEE, Elizabeth 03 Sep 1791
A536 ANDREWS, Ames J B610 BARBEE, Frances A 41 Sep 8554
B610 BARBEE, Abemelech W326 WHITTEKER, Hannah 10 Nov 1789
B610 BARBEE, Allen C625 CARSON, Elizabeth 17 Dec 1797
B610 BARBEE, Alston A E363 EDWARDS, Rowan 27 Jun 1860
B610 BARBEE, Christopher S163 SHEPPERD, Jeany 06 Jan 1814
B610 BARBEE, Christopher P362 PATTERSON, Sarah 04 Jan 1820
B610 BARBEE, Fletcher H630 HARROD, Eliza 04 Dec 1847
B610 BARBEE, Francis N142 NEVILS, Elizabeth 08 Feb 1794
B610 BARBEE, Frances C200 COOK, Caroline 26 Dec 1846
B610 BARBEE, Gabriel AF655 FREEMAN, Carolina 20 Oct 1860
B610 BARBEE, George M652 MORING, Martha 16 Feb 1832
N. Carr. Marr., Orange, NC
Screen 9 of 167
B610 BARBEE, George W B610 BARBEE, Phebe Ann 23 Nov 1846
B610 BARBEE, Gray S252 SCOGGINS, Hawkins 17 Sep 1836
B610 BARBEE, Gray B610 BARBEE, Drucilla 25 May 1861
B610 BARBEE, H T R210 RIGSBEE, Ann Eliza 02 Jan 1861
B610 BARBEE, Henry H436 HOLDER, Nancy 09 Oct 1833
B610 BARBEE, Henry H D120 DAVIS, Sarah Ann 20 Mar 1861
B610 BARBEE, James R H436 HOLDER, Mary 10 Nov 1844
B610 BARBEE, James R C100 CAPE, Mary Ann 25 Aug 1851
B610 BARBEE, Jesse J525 JENKINS, Milly 04 Oct 1867
B610 BARBEE, Jno R163 ROBERTS, Sally 27 Nov 1827
B610 BARBEE, John H653 HERNDON, Esther 20 Mar 1790
B610 BARBEE, John P230 PICKETT, Elizabeth 09 Feb 1832
B610 BARBEE, John M240 MICKLE, Amey 12 Aug 1868
B610 BARBEE, Jones L300 LLOYD, Frances 25 Oct 1831
B610 BARBEE, King H653 HERNDON, Nancy 27 May 1812
B610 BARBEE, M B G655 GORMAN, Mary A E 20 Aug 1849
B610 BARBEE, Mark M445 MULHOLLAN, Elizabeth 24 Oct 1804
B610 BARBEE, Mark A421 ALSOBROOK, Nancy 08 Jun 1811
B610 BARBEE, Mathew A325 ATKINS, Christiana 27 Nov 1799
B610 BARBEE, Matthew A325 ATKINS, Louisa 08 Dec 1853
B610 BARBEE, Neville H125 HOPSON, Sally 16 Mar 1821
B610 BARBEE, Pleasent G B622 BOROUGHS, Mary A 22 Dec 1854
B610 BARBEE, Samuel C350 COTTON, Celia 18 Oct 1866
B610 BARBEE, Walter A L362 LEATHERS, Elizabeth J 04 Feb 1854
B610 BARBEE, William S643 SCARLETT, Salley 24 Dec 1810
B610 BARBEE, William (Jr) , 26 Sep 1833
B610 BARBEE, William P362 PATTERSON, Isabella 17 Dec 1867
B610 BARBEE, Young D460 DOLLER, Elize 07 Nov 1849
B610 BARBEE, Zachariah D463 DILLIARD, Melinda 08 May 1819
B610 BARBEE, Zachariah T620 TRICE, Tabitha 23 Dec 1819
C640 CARREL, Charles B610 BARBEE, Edy 27 Sep 1794
C640 CARROLL, Benja B610 BARBEE, Pathenia 18 Nov 1810
C100 CAVE, Hudson M B610 BARBEE, Delia M 19 Sep 1823
C254 CHIZENHALL, Burwell B610 BARBEE, Sarah 26 Jan 1834
C620 CRAIG, John M B610 BARBEE, Elizabeth 06 Mar 1834
D460 DOLLAR, Thomas B610 BARBEE, Sarah 12 Sep 1857
D655 DURNING, Lewis B610 BARBEE, Candess 23 Jul 1814
G620 GEORGE, Jno B610 BARBEE, Dolly 27 Nov 1866
G416 GILBERT, Joel B610 BARBEE, Tabetha 18 Feb 1837
G200 GUESS, Jas H B610 BARBEE, Helen 21 Jul 1858
H626 HARGRAVE, Jesse B610 BARBEE, Margret J 11 Feb 1843
H653 HERNDON, Green E B610 BARBEE, Mary Ann 20 Dec 1842
H650 HORNE, Chesley P B610 BARBEE, Adaline 22 Sep 1849
J520 JAMES, Thomas B610 BARBEE, Elizabeth 26 Jan 1824
J520 JONES, Edward B610 BARBEE, Anne 06 Feb 1795
J520 JONES, John B610 BARBEE, Jane 23 Dec 1867
L532 LINDSEY, Hyder B610 BARBEE, Polley 17 Dec 1833
Edition N. Carr. Marr., Orange, NC
Screen 89 of 167
L520 LYNCH, Grief B610 BARBEE, Sarah 27 Mar 1827
M625 MARCOM, Willis B610 BARBEE, Melinde 19 Jun 1847
M625 MARCUM, Willis B610 BARBEE, Edy 28 Dec 1812
M630 MERRITT, Wm Henry B610 BARBEE, Susannah 15 Sep 1803
M600 MOORE, Thomas B610 BARBEE, Patty 25 Jan 1805
M625 MORGAN, James Allen B610 BARBEE, Franky 24 Sep 1809
M625 MORGAN, Jones B610 BARBEE, Amy 04 Mar 1850
N500 NUNN, Ilai M B610 BARBEE, Emily 22 Dec 1831
P620 PARISH, William B610 BARBEE, Winney 30 Nov 1826
P362 PATERSON, Mann B610 BARBEE, Polly 30 Dec 1803
P362 PATTERSON, James N B610 BARBEE, Mary C 27 Jan 1858
P362 PATTERSON, John TB610 BARBEE, Clementine H 31 Jan 1825
P623 PROCTOR, O K B610 BARBEE, Sarah I 10 Feb 1848
R500 RAINEY, James B610 BARBEE, Elizabeth 23 Jan 1802
R320 RHODES, John B610 BARBEE, Hellon 26 Apr 1860
R320 RHODES, Willie T B610 BARBEE, Peniay 20 Nov 1838
R255 RICKMAN, Abraham B610 BARBEE, Rosanah 26 Mar 1803
S530 SMITH, H P B610 BARBEE, C H 15 May 1862
S160 SPARROW, Hutson B610 BARBEE, Sarah 06 Dec 1865
T526 TANKERSLEY, Felix B610 BARBEE, Fannie Adel 13 Oct 1862
W325 WATSON, Barbee M625 MARCUM, Milley 15 Feb 1799
W425 WILKINS, William B610 BARBEE, Caroline A 20 Dec 1854
W452 WILLIAMS, William B610 BARBEE, Salley 19 Apr 1800
Virginia Marr., Page, VA
Screen 2 of 46
B610 BARBEE, William RM200 MCKAY, Mary Jane 22 Nov 1847
N. Carr. Marr., Person, NC
Screen 53 of 64
S250 SUSSOM, Steven D Dr B610 BARBEE, Mary A 19 Mar 1852
Virginia Marr., Prince Edward, VA
Screen 30 of 52
M250 MASON, Barbee Glover W623 WRIGHT, Samuel 13 Dec 1800
W623 WRIGHT, Samuel M250 MASON, Barbee Glover 13 Dec 1800
B610 BARBEE, Betty S530 SMITH, Wm 01 Jan 1750
B610 BARBEE, Mary C350 COTNEY, Wm 24 Feb 1745
B610 BARBEE, Thomas F530 FANT, Margaret 29 Sep 1748 C350 COTNEY, Wm B610 BARBEE, Mary 24 Feb 1745 F530 FANT, Margaret B610 BARBEE, Thomas 29 Sep 1748 S530 SMITH, Wm B610 BARBEE, Betty 01 Jan 1750 N.
Carr. Marr., W.M.C., NC
Screen 24 of 68
G620 GEORGE, John B610 BARBEE, Dolly ?? 1866 N.
Carr. Marr., Wake, NC
Screen 8 of 165
B610 BARBEE, Asa H325 HUDSON, Polly 26 Sep 1811
B610 BARBEE, Christopher 01 Feb 1784
B610 BARBEE, Christopher J520 JONES, Franky 13 Aug 1807
B610 BARBEE, Dorris S640 SORRELL, Elizabeth 25 Aug 1835
B610 BARBEE, Francis S640 SORRELL, Marthey 21 Jun 1792
B610 BARBEE, Gabriel D100 DUFFY, Nancy 28 Dec 1815
B610 BARBEE, Gabriel B432 BLEDSOE, Ann 29 Nov 1824
B610 BARBEE, George W H125 HOPSON, Martha 13 Feb 1854
B610 BARBEE, George L L360 LUTER, Margarett E 01 Dec 1857
B610 BARBEE, Gray (Jr) H125 HOPSON, Sally 28 Nov 1803
B610 BARBEE, Green U340 UTLEY, Virginia 25 Feb 1867
B610 BARBEE, Josiah B240 BEASLEY, Masey 15 Nov 1805
B610 BARBEE, Josiah B240 BEASLEY, Clarkey 20 Apr 1810
B610 BARBEE, Madison C643 CARLTON, Delany F 30 Sep 1867
B610 BARBEE, Mark G656 GARNER, Temperance 22 Dec 1801
B610 BARBEE, Mark F630 FORD, Leanor 16 Mar 1818
B610 BARBEE, Matthew L500 LYON, Virginia C 24 May 1861
B610 BARBEE, Mordecai J523 JOHNSTON, Nackey 10 Feb 1809
B610 BARBEE, Pleasant H W362 WEATHERSPOON, Caroline F 30 Jan 1847
B610 BARBEE, Reuben D463 DILLIARD, Gilly 07 Oct 1816
B610 BARBEE, Rufus H325 HUDSON, A V 17 Jun 1865
B610 BARBEE, Sidney M H630 HARDEE, Frances W 07 May 1839
B610 BARBEE, Simon B610 BARBEE, Palmira 31 Dec 1866
B610 BARBEE, William J520 JONES, Hasting 01 Feb 1800
B610 BARBEE, Willard H663 HARRARD, Patsey 27 Sep 1805
B610 BARBEE, William M200 MEGEHEE, Frances 21 Jan 1841
E363 EDWARDS, William R B610 BARBEE, Elender D 26 Feb 1856
H663 HARWARD, Briton B610 BARBEE, Milley 18 Dec 1809
H630 HARWOOD, Bry B610 BARBEE, Betsy 08 Dec 1801
H630 HARWOOD, James B610 BARBEE, Rosey 08 Apr 1786
H653 HERNDON, Chesley P B610 BARBEE, Mary 03 May 1859
H453 HOLLAND, Willis B B610 BARBEE, Lucinda 15 Jan 1838
K400 KELLEY, Henry B610 BARBEE, Mary 21 Dec 1771
L500 LYNN, William B610 BARBEE, Patsey 05 Nov 1808
M646 MARLER, E W B610 BARBEE, Narcicy Jane 26 Jun 1865
S620 SEARS, Aleck B610 BARBEE, Candice 09 Mar 1867
S620 SEARS, Barbee B610 BARBEE, Peggy 16 Sep 1799
S620 SEARS, Barbee O410 OLIVE, Mary 04 Mar 1834
S640 SORELL, Willis B610 BARBEE, Martha 31 Dec 1840
S640 SORRELL, Joseph B610 BARBEE, Amelia 13 Jul 1838
S350 STONE, Young B610 BARBEE, Candis A 03 Apr 1861
W362 WETHERSPOON, Josiah B610 BARBEE, Elizabeth 13 Oct 1838
W330 WHITHEAD, Henry B610 BARBEE, Nancy 24 Feb 1820
W452 WILLIAMS, Cannon L B610 BARBEE, Margaret A 02 Dec 1865
Y320 YATES, Simpson B610 BARBEE, Kiddy 29 Nov 1841
Andrew Barbee - VA>KY>MISSOURI
I am new to the list.
My Barbee ancestry is as follows:
Andrew Barbee, d. 1699, mar. Sarah ______, Stafford Co. VA Thomas Barbee, d. 1752, mar. Margaret _______ (Williams?)
Joseph Barbee, b. 11 Feb 1744 d. 1799, mar.__? ,then,2nd, Eliz. Laurence
Daniel Barbee, b. ca 1775, d. 1862, mar. Molly Dearing, Fauquier Co. VA
Joseph Barbee, b. 1800, d. 1887-9, mar. Rachel Compton in Wilson Co. TN
Minerva Barbee, b. 1826, d. ?, mar. Patrick Ross, Franklin Co. ILL
I am interested in finding the names of the wives of the first 3 generations above, as well as filling blanks re: children. etc.
Rick Phillips
I have Andrew Barbee m. Sarah E.
Thomas Barbee m. Margaret Williams
Joseph Barbee m Lee Ann Leanah - last name suspicious at best
None of this is verified, but I’ve picked it up somewhere along the way. If you get a more positive response I would be interested as well.
Paul Escarraz
1312 Arlington Chase
Sherman IL 62684
I am new to the list.
My Barbee ancestry is as follows:
Andrew Barbee, d. 1699, mar. Sarah ______, Stafford Co. VA
Thomas Barbee, d. 1752, mar. Margaret _______ (Williams?)
Joseph Barbee, b. 11 Feb 1744 d. 1799, mar.__? ,then,2nd, Eliz. Laurence
Daniel Barbee, b. ca 1775, d. 1862, mar. Molly Dearing, Fauquier Co. VA
Joseph Barbee, b. 1800, d. 1887-9, mar. Rachel Compton in Wilson Co. TN
Minerva Barbee, b. 1826, d. ?, mar. Patrick Ross, Franklin Co. ILL
I am interested in finding the names of the wives of the first 3 generations above, as well as filling blanks re: children. etc.
Rick Phillips
Sorry for the length, but I have condensed as far as I can. I have more data if someone is interested.
I am trying to connect my Missouri Barbee’s back to the Barbee’s who moved from Fauquier Co., VA to Fayette Co., KY about 1785. I am providing, below, three separate lines, as follows: A) Andrew (1660-1699), B) John (1700s) and C) William (1822-1848).
The data for line A was extracted from the Fauquier Co., VA web page, line B from CD187, Broderbund Software, Inc., which includes VA genealogies and vital records, and line C is my direct line supported by official records. I am attempting to connect line C to B and subsequently to A. I have a lot of circumstantial evidence, but no proof of any connections. In reviewing the below data, approximately ½ has been verified from other sources, so it is likely to be well researched. Items that come from other sources are shown in brackets [ ]. Items which lead me to conclude a connection to my line are shown in uppercase.
Line A
Andrew Barbee (A1) - born before 1660, died before 1699, Stafford Co., VA; married Sarah.
A2. Mary
A2. Thomas
Thomas Barbee (A2) (Andrew) - born ca1690, Stafford Co., VA, died between Nov 8, 1748-Mar 10, 1759, Stafford Co., VA; married Margaret.
A3. Sarah, b. ca1712, d. in 1806, m. John
A3. Thomas, b. ca1717, m. Margaret Fant
1777 Fauguier Co., VA]
A3. John, b. ca1723, m. 1)Elizabeth Welch
A3. Lydia, b. ca1721, m. John Grant
A3. Mary, b. ca 1726, m. William Coatney
A3. Anne, b. ca1731, m Garner Burgess
A3. Betty, b. ca1732, m. William Smith
A3. Joseph, b. ca1736
A3. Catherine, b. ca1737, m. James Withers
A3. Andrew, b. ca 1714 [will 1790-1795,
Fauguier Co., VA], m Jane
A4. Andrew
A4. John
A4. Mary [m. Thomas Foley,
Fauguier Co., VA]
A4. Elizabeth [m. Unknown Withers]
A4. Sarah [m. John Bradford,
Fauguier Co., VA]
A4. Joseph
Line B
John Barbee (B1), m. Unknown
B2. Andrew
Andrew (B2) (John), b. Mar 15, 1767, d. Jul 1, 1813, m.
Margaret Bradford (d/o John who moved to Fayette Co., KY ca 1785)
on Nov 29, 1789. She died Feb 2, 1819. [Andrew Barbee
received a
land grant in Fayette Co., KY 1780s]
B3. John, b. Sep 21, 1790, d. Aug 15, 1810
B3. Isa, b. Sep 18, 1792, m. Elizabeth
B3. Rose, b. Aug 7, 1794, m. 1)George
Bradford [Fayette
Co., KY] 2)James Sharpe
B3. Daniel, b. Sep 23, 1798, d. Jan 2,
1864, m. Isabel M.
B3. Clara, b. Nov 15, 1800, d. 1848, m.
Jonathan Jennings
B3. Bradford. b. Dec 21, 1802, d. Feb
1868, m. Sarah
Enders [McCracken Co., KY] B3. Amanda, b. Dec 26, 1804, d. 1832, m.
Robert Enders
B3. Melvina, b. May 1, 1809, m. Robert
Enders aft. 1832
[McCracken Co., KY]
B3. Oscar, b. Mar 16, 1807, d. Oct 30,
1877, m. Julia Ann
B3. Lucinda, b. Aug 15, 1812, m. Dr.
William Lay
B3. Elizabeth, b. Oct 9, 1796
Elizabeth (B3) (Andrew, John) born Oct 9, 1796, married [Oct 8,
Fayette Co., KY] William Barbee (any relationship unkown)
[William Barbee, possibly the father of William, above, is listed in
Fayette Co., KY 1790 tax list near John Bradford,
grandfather. William Barbee received a land grant in
Fayette Co.,
KY ca 1798.]
Line 3
William Barbee (C1), b. ca 1822, d. Aug 23, 1848, Fort Mann, AR
(Mexican War) m. Paulina/Perlina Williams (d/o John and
Williams) Nov 8, 1842, Daviess Co., MISSOURI. She was b. ca 1819, TN, d.
Oct 1859, Harrison Co., MISSOURI.
C2. Nancy b. c1843, m. Unknown Swopes
C2. John, b. ca1845, m. Catherine Woods
C2. Robert, b. ca1848
C2. Mary Elizabeth, b. Jul 15, 1842, Harrsion Co., MISSOURI
d. mar 14, 1901, Mercer Co., MISSOURI, m. Granville
Feb 6, 1860, Grundy Co., MISSOURI.
1) Can anyone connect William (C1) to William and Elizabeth (B3)?
Any siblings for William (C1)?
2) Can anyone connect John (B1) and John (A3) as the same person?
He would have been about age 44 when Andrew (B2) was born.
3) John Bradford founded the Kentucky Gazette in Lexington in 1787.
I believe he probably included his family birth, marriage,
death data in the paper. If anyone is near the Lexington
issues of the paper are located there.
If anyone has anything to add or can bridge the gap between MISSOURI and KY, please respond to
Thank you,
Kathy Dawson, Bluefield, WV
In reply to Robert Perry’s last message—my name is Sharon Ware and I have been trying to find parents of my Benjamin for sooooo long. Benjamin was b ca 1760 in Va (?), served in Rev War, married to a Mary, migrated to Ohio possibly via Portsmouth, Scioto Co., Ohio, on to Liberty Twp., Butler County, Ohio. He died there in 1816. Most of his children moved north during the 1830’s to Shelby Co., Ohio.
I have tons on Benjamin’s children but have not located his parents.
I also collect info on other lines—esp the early Andrew & Sarah E. Barbee, but I do have large file on the early Wm & his two marriages. I especially have info on Barbee’s in Ohio, as I am now working on the group who lived in Franklin Co., Ohio. I have a file on those who were in the Ross Co., Ohio area.
Traced an early Thomas Barbee m to Patti Barham who went to Al. I might be able to help anyone in that area. Also, traced a supposedly Louis in TN, but there never was early Louis, we find it now to be a Joseph m to Elizabeth Laurence.
Anyway, if I can help you, I will try. but sure would like to find Benjamin’s parents!
Sharon or anyone,
We may have talked before, but, I will try again and put this on the BARBEE LIST.
I am looking for information on ROBERT BARBEE b.1786 in Virginia.
May be connected to ANDREW BARBEE but I have not found a connection. Robert came to Bath Co. KY around 1800, son JOHN BARBEE b. 1820 in Bath Co. KY d.4-18-1852 in Bath co. Married Martha Grimsley c1845.
Any help appreciated. Vearl
I am looking for my husband’s gr-grandparents, Benjamin Barbee Jr. who married Ella Lively on 13 Aug 1889 in Newton Co, AR.
His father Ben or Benjamin Barbee Sr signed the security bond.
After finding this marriage licenses I believe we have been following the wrong line of Barbee’s for many years. So I’m hoping someone will be able to help me in finding either Ben Barbee Jr and Ben Barbee Sr.
The marriage licenses says he was from Mt Hussy in Newton Co, AR.
Ella Lively was also from Newton Co, AR.
I believe this family lived in or around Dallas Co, AR as 2 of the children are listed as born "around" Dallas Co, Ar. I also believe at some time they lived around Washington Co. Later moving into Oklahoma.
Benjamin Barbee or he was sometimes called Ben or BG Barbee. born May 1, 1870 and died Dec 31, 1943 in Shidler, OK. He is buried in Bartlesville, OK. He m. Ella 15 Aug 1889 Newton, Co, AR. Ella b. 13 Nov 1871 Newton Co, AR and d 8 Jan 1940. She was the daughter of Willis and Cassie (George) Lively of AR.
Children of Ben and Ella (Lively) Barbee.
Nancy Caldonia Barbee
Mary Lou Grace Barbee (this is my husband’s grandmother)
William Marcus Barbee b around or near Dallas Co, AR
Millie Frances Barbee b around or near Dallas Co, AR
Tennie May Barbee
Mina Marie Barbee
Lew Willis Barbee
Harry Willard Barbee
Benjamin Franklin "Calip" Barbee b. 1908 Bartlesville, OK
Jake E. Barbee
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hello Everyone
I am new to this list and would like to post some information. Hopefully I can make a connection with some of you. I descend from the Chatam, Orange and Wake County North Carolina BARBEE’S. The following small outline is a piece of my lineage where the JONES and BARBEE’S connect. I have a ton of information on the North Carolina BARBEE lines but I am at dead end with my JONES line.
have nothing on EDWARD JONES who married NANCY BARBEE. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Direct Descendants of Christopher (Old Kit) Barbee
1 Christopher (Old Kit) Barbee Abt. 1738 - 1834
Died: 1834 in Orange
County, NC b: Abt. 1738
. +Mary SURNAME Unknown - Bef. 1823 Died: Bef. February
05, 1823 b:
Unknown d: Bef. February 05, 1823
........ 2 Francis Barbee Abt. 1767 - b: Abt. 1767
........ 2 William Barbee b: Abt. 1778 d: Abt. 1856
........ 2 Elizabeth Barbee b: Unknown
........ 2 Susanna Barbee b: Unknown
........ 2 Nancy Barbee b: Unknown
............ +Edward Jones b: Unknown
................... 3 Ross Jones 1796 - 1877 Died: April
18, 1877 b:
September 1796 Chatham County North Carolina d: April 18, 1877
....................... +Eady Barbee 1798 - b: April 30,
1798 Orange County,
.............................. 4 Young Jones
.............................. 4 Jackson Carroll Jones 1818 - 1895
November 22, 1895 in Marion County, Illinois b: January 17, 1818
North Carolina d: November 22, 1895 Marion County, Illinois
.............................. 4 Willis Jones 1820 - 1851
Died: November 01,
1851 in Marion County, Illinois b: March 23, 1820 Knoxville, Tennesse d:
November 01, 1851 Marion County, Illinois
.............................. 4 Joseph Jones 1822 - 1844
Died: 1844 b:
1822 d: 1844
.............................. 4 Christopher Jones 1828 -
Died: in Marion
County, IL b: 1828 d: Marion County, IL
.............................. 4 James E. Jones 1833 - 1855
Died: October
31, 1855 in Jones Cemetery, Kinmundy, Illinois b: October 12, 1833 Salem,
Illinois d: October 31, 1855 Jones Cemetery, Kinmundy, Illinois
.............................. 4 Henderson B. Jones 1839 - 1898
Died: April
30, 1898 in Sandy Brush Cemetery, Marion County, Illinois b: January
01, 1839
Illinois d: April 30, 1898 Sandy Brush Cemetery, Marion County,
.............................. 4 Horace Jones Unknown -
b: Unknown Marion
County, Illinois
.............................. 4 Mary Jones Unknown -
b: Unknown
................... 3 Willis Jones Unknown - b:
Hello Everyone
I am looking for information on one of my 6th Great Grandfather CHRISTOPHER BARBEE. Maybe someone can help me.
Christopher (Old Kit) Barbee b. 1739 - d. 1834 Chapel Hill North Carolina. I have been informed that he was a Revolutionary War veteran and that his military record has been documented. Does anyone have knowledge of this. I hope, I hope. I have tried to contact the SAR but can’t seem to get anywhere.
I also have extensive information on the North Carolina Barbee’s if I can
Can anyone tell me the parents of this Christopher BARBEE?
Christopher Barbee b: 1794 in North Carolina d: January 1851 in Panola County, Texas
+Elizabeth Herrin b: 1804 in Georgia d: May 29, 1893 in Panola County, Texas m: 1821 in Franklin County, Tennessee
Any help would be appreciated.
Doyle T. Brittain
Pls help me fill in the gaps in this family. Also, correct any known errors.
The inputs are from all over the place!
I descend from Rosey Barbee and James Harward.
John Speight
Descendants of Christopher Barbee, Sr.
Generation No. 1
1. Christopher3 Barbee , Sr. (John2, William1) was born 1712-1722 in Essex Co, Virginia?, and died Aft. June 1777 in Wake Co, North Carolina. He married Margaret Vawter?. >>> any "proof" abt the Vawter connection?
More About Christopher Barbee , Sr.:
Fact 1: Will dated June 1777 in Wake Co, NC.
Children of Christopher Barbee and Margaret Vawter? are:
2 i. Anney4 Barbee. She married Goin Barbee. - Who were his parents?
3 ii. Joseph Barbee. He married Eleanor.
4 iii. Sarah Ann Barbee. She married Unk Beasley.
5 iv. Sukey Barbee. She married Jesse Beasley.
6 v. Thomas Barbee.
7 vi. Martha Barbee, born 1744 in Bertie Co, North Carolina?; died 1810 in Pendleton, Anderson Co, South Carolina.
8 vii. Christopher Barbee , Jr., born 1761; died Bef. May 1792 in Orange Co, North Carolina.
9 viii. Rosanah Barbee, born Abt. 1763.
10 ix. Benelge Abimelech Barbee, born 1770-1771 in North Carolina; died 1848 in Jackson Co, Alabama. He married Hannah Whitaker November 10, 1789 in Orange Co, North Carolina.
More About Benelge Abimelech Barbee:
Fact 1: In Oglethorpe Co, GA in 1800 census.
Fact 2: In Franklin Col TN in 1820 census.
Fact 3: Joined church in Jackson Co, AL in Nov. 1820.
Fact 4: In Green Co, IL in 1830 census.
Fact 5: Moved back to Jackson Co, AL by 1832.
Generation No. 2
7. Martha4 Barbee (Christopher3, John2, William1) was born 1744 in Bertie Co, North Carolina?, and died 1810 in Pendleton, Anderson Co, South Carolina. She married Lewis M. Wimberley , Sr. 1765 in Bertie Co, North Carolina?.
Children of Martha Barbee and Lewis Wimberley are:
11 i. Mary "Polly"5 Wimberley, born 1758-1769 in Bertie Co, North Carolina; died Abt. 1856 in Montgomery Co, Georgia. She married William Yates , Jr. November 07, 1787 in Chatham Co, North Carolina. 12 ii. Elizabeth Wimberley, born 1773 in Chatham Co, North Carolina; died 1806. She married Matthew Tyson Yates November 30, 1793 in Wake Co, North Carolina.
8. Christopher4 Barbee , Jr. (Christopher3, John2, William1) was born 1761, and died Bef. May 1792 in Orange Co, North Carolina. He married Sarah "Dicey" Hopson 1784.
More About Christopher Barbee , Jr.:
Fact 1: Will dated January 17, 1792 in Orange Co, NC.
Children of Christopher Barbee and Sarah Hopson are:
13 i. Edy5 Barbee. She married Willie Markham.
14 ii. Milley Barbee. She married Briton Harward. - Who were his parents?
15 iii. Patsey Barbee. She married William Lynn.
16 iv. Abimelech Barbee, born in North Carolina.
More About Abimelech Barbee:
Fact 1: Moved to Franklin Co, TN.
17 v. Joseph Barbee, died 1880 in Wake Co, North Carolina. He married Elenor.
18 vi. Christopher Barbee, born January 20, 1779; died November 20, 1851 in Wake Co, North Carolina. He married Frances Jones August 13, 1807 in Wake Co, North Carolina.
9. Rosanah4 Barbee (Christopher3, John2, William1) was born Abt. 1763.
She married James Harward April 08, 1781, son of William Hereward.
More About James Harward:
Fact 1: In June 1, 1840 pensioner census in Wake Co, NC.
Children of Rosanah Barbee and James Harward are:
19 i. Jacob Myrick5 Harward, born October 12, 1782; died August 30, 1866 in Oakboro, Stanly Co, North Carolina. He married Mildred Yates December 01, 1803 in Wake Co, North Carolina. - MY LINE!
More About Jacob Myrick Harward:
Fact 1: Will written November 18, 1863, probated October 1866 in Stanly Co, NC.
20 ii. Wyatt Harward, born January 03, 1785. He married Agnes/Agatha Holloway November 27, 1809 in Orange Co, North Carolina.
More About Wyatt Harward:
Fact 1: In Wake Co, NC 1820 tax list.
21 iii. Susanah Harward, born May 18, 1788.
22 iv. William Harward, born 1789. He married Unk. 23 v. George Harward, born October 15, 1791. He married (1) Margaret Oliver. He married (2) Elizabeth Suggs January 17, 1817. 24 vi. James Harward, born Abt. 1793. He married Mary "Polly" Yates. - Who were her parents?
David BARBEE & Catherine/mary Haughn/Haugn
Edith Fishel wrote:
Need information on the family of David Barbee & Catherine/mary Haugn/Haughn
son, william s. barbee b. 14 Jun 1852, Wm. s. md. #1. Agnes
Edgar L. Barbee in Platte Co., Missouri
Hi, I am new to this list. One of my ancestors married into the BARBEE family. I am looking for information on the following:
Edgar L. BARBEE m’d Mollie (PEPPER), daughter of John DuVall & Martha J.
(GLOVER) PEPPER. Edgar & Mollie m’d Sept. 24, 1882 in Platte Co., MISSOURI.
I have not really looked into their marriage or anything. I am planning on getting a copy of the marriage certificate but just have not gotten around to it yet. Was wondering if I might connect with someone out there.
Thank you for your time and attention.
I traced my line from Virginia thru North Carolina to east Texas. I know that a few split off and went to Kentucky and one son went to South Carolina. I did not trace those lines. If you can get your line back to North Carolina, I can probably help you. I would suggest that you look in all of the counties around Raleigh, North Carolina which seems to be where they settled before they
went to Kentucky. In particular, look in Wake, Orange, and Durham Counties.
Good luck.
Doyle T. Brittain
1. Edward BARBEE (estimated birth 1830’s) was living in Missing Ford (or Mossing Ford), Charlotte County, Virginia in 1862. Shortly after, moved to Hopkinsville, (Christian county) Kentucky. He was married to Elizabeth.(last name not yet known). I’m very anxious to learn more about their ancestors, siblings and descendants.
Edward BARBEE and Elizabeth had the following children:
+2 i. 'Lee' Judson BARBEE. 1862-1934 (See Below)
3 ii. W. W. BARBEE. (estimated birth 1860’s) In 1934, he was living in Oak
Grove, KY.
4 iii. Florence BARBEE. (estimated birth 1860’s) In 1934, Mrs. Florence
Barbee Wooten was living in San Antonio, TEXAS.
5 iv. possible other children BARBEE.(estimated birth 1860’s). If there
were other children, they had probably died by 1934.
2. 'Lee' Judson BARBEE was born on Jan 26 1862 in Missing Ford, VA. (or Mossing Ford in Charlotte County) He died on Jul 22 1934 in Bluefield , VA. He was buried in Maple Hill Cemetery, West Graham (now Bluefield), VA. The following are highlights from his obituary: As a small child, he moved with his parents to Hopkinsville, KY where he grew up and received his education. He returned to Virginia in 1882, joining the S. Walton construction company of Falls Mills, as a bookkeeper. In 1915, he was made president of that firm, and was responsible for the construction of numerous railroads through the area. He retired from that concern in 1923, and became associated with the Bank of Graham. He became President of the Bank of Graham in 1927, and also served as a director of the Commercial Bank, of Bluefield, WV. He was a Mason and Shriner, serving in leadership positions, and was an avid fisherman and hunter. He served for many years on the Board of Stewards of the First Methodist Church. The obituary further notes "...the handsome residence of Mr. and Mrs. Barbee, which occupies an eminence south of the town, was always open to their friends with its well known hospitality."
He was married to Frances 'Fannie' Patton MCCALL (daughter of Jesse Meek MCCALL and Mary Matilda GEORGE ) on Dec 23 1890 in Graham, VA (now Bluefield VA). Frances 'Fannie' Patton MCCALL was born on Jan 17 1869 at "The Willows," Witten Valley, Tazewell Co., VA. She died on Sep 21 1957 in Akron, Ohio. She resided at Bluefield, VA for most of her life.. She Was buried in Maple Hill Cemetery, West Graham (now Bluefield), VA. Their home was on Tazewell Avenue in Bluefield, VA. In the mid 1940's she lived in Alexandria, VA, presumably with her son Lee Jr., and about 1947, went to Akron, Ohio to live with her son Edward. Her 1957 obituary in the Bluefield paper indicates she was survived by one son, Edward, and five grandchildren. (the Akron obituary says four grandchildren and five great-grandchildren) 'Lee' Judson BARBEE and Frances 'Fannie' Patton MCCALL had the following children:
+6 i. Edward McCall 'Mack' BARBEE. 1891-1959
+7 ii. Lee J. BARBEE Jr..1898 to ?
8 iii. Bessie BARBEE died on Jun 7 1894 in Graham, VA (now Bluefield VA). She was born on Dec 3 1894 in Graham, VA (now Bluefield VA). She was buried in Maple Hill Cemetery, West Graham (now Bluefield), VA. She died when she was three months old. There is a stained glass window in her memory in the First Methodist Church of Bluefield, VA.
6. Edward McCall 'Mack' BARBEE was born on Oct 11 1891 in Graham, VA (now
Bluefield VA). He died on Feb 12 1959 in Akron, Ohio. He was buried in Maple Hill Cemetery, West Graham (now Bluefield), VA. Mack went to Akron shortly after WW I, and spent the rest of his adult life there. His home was at 57 Rhodes Ave., in Akron, and he was associated with the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. His obituary states he was survived by three grandchildren.
He was married to ? ?. He was divorced from ? ?.
Edward McCall 'Mack' BARBEE and ? ? had the following children:
9 i. Edward M. BARBEE Jr.. In 1959, he was living in Charleston, WV.
10 ii. Frank W. BARBEE. In 1959, he was living in Florida.
7. Lee J. BARBEE Jr. was born about 1898 in Graham, VA (now Bluefield VA). In 1931 he was living in Bluefield, Virginia, and by 1946 in Alexandria, VA. He had died by 1957. He apparently had several children and grandchildren. Nothing more is known at this writing.
He was married to Mattie. Lee J. BARBEE Jr. and Mattie had the following children:
11i. Infant Son BARBEE was born on Feb 21 1927 in Bluefield , VA. He died on Jul 3 1927 in Bluefield , VA. He was buried in Maple Hill Cemetery, West Graham (now Bluefield), VA.
12 ii. probable other children BARBEE.
Prepared by:
Robert L. Perry III
1226-3A Fairmont Ave.
Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464
Edward Barbee & Elizabeth - VA & Christian Co, KY
Does anyone recognize this family?
Edward BARBEE (estimated birth = 1830’s) He was living in Missing Ford, Virginia in 1862. Shortly after, moved to Hopkinsville (Christian Co), Kentucky. He was married to Elizabeth.(last name not yet known). They had the following children:
I am searching for:
Elizabeth Barbee born May 1, 1835 married Randolph Wilkerson b Mar 3, 1835.
Their known child, Elizabeth Price Wilkerson, was born Cow Skin Prairie, MISSOURI
Jan 1, 1862.
Elizabeth Price Wilkerson married Benjamin Franklin True and raised her family
in Benton Co., AR.
Any connections?
Sey Duncan Jones
Smokies in TN
I have recently visited Hearn Hill Cemetery in Watertown, Wilson County, TN and saw the following names on a gravestone.
Elizabeth J. Barbee, b. 1861 d. 1940 (Mama)
and Shelah F. (?) Barbee b. 1860 d. 1931 (Papa)
I hope this helps someone. I would like further information on these if
someone knows of them. Thanks,
Marilyn Williams
I am searching for: Elizabeth Barbee born May 1, 1835 married Randolph Wilkerson b Mar 3, 1835. Their known child, Elizabeth Price Wilkerson, was born Cow Skin Prairie, MISSOURI Jan 1, 1862. Elizabeth Price Wilkerson married Benjamin Franklin True and raised her family in Benton Co., AR. Any connections? Sey Duncan Jones
Smokies in TN
I am new to the Barbee Discussion List and a VanBebber researcher. I am looking to identify the parents of Elizabeth and Emily Barbee. Elizabeth Barbee (14 Jun 1813 - 8 Aug 1864) married William VanBebber about 1830 in Tn. and died in Ray Co. Missouri. After the death of Elizabeth,
William married her sister Emily (Barbee) Herron. William and Elizabeth are buried in VanBebber cemetery, Ray Co. Missouri.
What happened to Emily after the death of William in 1870? Any information on this family will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Gary R. Hawpe.......
San Diego, CA
Elsea (Elzy) Barbee And Descendants
Below is the information I have on my BARBEE Line - I still have questions and gaps to fill in as I’m sure most of you do and will appreciate any help in that area!!!
It begins with James Barbee of NC and that is all I have and have no verification on this. Then it goes:
Elsea (sometimes spelled Elize) Barby/Barbee born ca 1797 - Elsea married Polly Maples in 1820 in Grainger County, Tennessee - their children are:
Also have information that Lewis was buried in Cleveland, TN in 1904 but have not verified this.
James Barbee and Mahala Puckett Barbee hand the following children:
(I don’t know what all the initials stand for)
George Barbee and Mariah Byram had the following children:
David Barbee and Mary Puckett had the following children:
They lived in Jefferson County, Tennessee. Martha Ellin is my great great grandmother - she later married Charles Shannon Jett.
Harvey Robert Barbee married Louiza Cannon (who was born 1876 and died 1953) - they had the following children:
Now, Lewis Barbee and his three wives had a lot of children and the breakdown is as follows: Lewis and Louiza had William Houston Barbee born ca 1844, James K.P. Barbee born ca ca 1859, Benjamin Caswell Barbee born ca 1849, Mary Elizabeth Barbee born ca 1852, and Silas Wright Barbee born ca 1847. Then with his second wife Sarah had Rachel S. Barbee born ca 1879, Frankie Barbee born ca 1876. I also have info from another researcher that gives two other children, Benjamin Franklin Barbee who later married a Mary Epley, and Isabelle Barbee who married a Mr. Crouch. With his third wife Flora Boyd he had the following children: Nancy Ann Barbee born 1891, Grover C. Barbee born 1894, John Barbee born 1897, Julia Barbee born 1901 and also Thomas Barbee (no dates).
If anyone has this line, I also have a list of children of Martha Ellin Barbee and Charles Shannon Jett and also a list of children of William Houston Barbee who married Lydia Ann Housely/Housley - let me know if you need these names.
William Houston Barbee had a son Bemjamin Barbee who was born in Arkansas in 1874 or 1875 and I have some information about him as well.
If anyone has any more info on this line of Barbees please let me hear from you. Or if you find corrections that need to be made also let me know.
Debbie Austin-Wallace
P.O. Box 218
McDonald, TN 37353
Fax: 423-476-2903
Hi Debbie, You have lots of info about Elsea Barbee's children. I'd like to know, if you don't mind, how you received that information? I can't find anything on the computer at the history center to connect. Frankie Barbee, brother of Rachel S. Barbee, is the Frank that was married to Mary Epley. Frank and Mary are my husband's grandparents. I had the privilege of meeting Mary Epley Barbee. Lewis Barbee, father of Frank Barbee, his 1st wife was Elizabeth Jones (Louise was a nickname for Elizabeth); 2nd wife was Sarah Thomas, mother of Frank & Rachel S. Barbee. I didn't know there were suppose to be any other children (Benjamin Franklin & Isabelle?).3rd wife was Flora Boyd.
Lewis Barbee Co. I 4th Tenn. Cav. is buried at McDonald Cemetery, Hamilton County. That info comes from 1860 Hamilton Co. census; 1880 James Co. soundex and census; 1900 James Co. census; 1900 Bradley Co. census, all of Tennessee, and from Lewis Barbee's pension application. Nashville Archives sent me Lewis' regiment and burial location. I surely would appreciate any more info that you might have. :) Martha Elzia Barbee was the daughter of Frank and Mary. Martha married James Anderson Bice. I married one of their 12 children, Almon Jesse Bice. Thanks so much!!!! Evelyn Bice
looking for information my ggggrandfather Elsea (Elzy) Barbee, b1797 NC d1870-1880, married Polly Maples May 23, 1820 Grainger Co., TN (east tn) children:
1. James Nelson Barbee b1829, marr Mahala Ann Puckett June 25, 1846 jefferson county tn (east tn) (children: A, J.R., S.M., M.L.)
2. George F Barbee mMariah Byram (children: E.N., William, N.E.)
3. David Barbee (my gggrandfather) b1828, m Mary Puckett Oct 15, 1846 jefferson co., tn (Children: William b1850, James b1852, Nancy b1857, Louisa b1860, Ellin b1864, Harvey Robert (ggrandfather) b1867.
4. James Lewis Barbee b4-04-1823 jeff co, tn, d6-05-1904 in James co. tn, m 1-Elizabeth Jones 184?, 2-Sarah ?, 3-Flora Boyd June 16, 1889. (children: William Houston b5-27-1844 jeff co tn, d 1-09-1918 brooken, maskell co, OK m Lydia Ann housley 12-10-1866, James K. P. b1859, Benjamin Caswell b 1849 m Nancy C Avens, Elizabeth b1852 d Arkansas, m George Biggs, Silas Wright b2-11-1847 Jefferson Co tn, d 7-06-1912 buried Kelty, OK., married 1-Sarah ? 2-Josephine Connor 10-21-1877 Paris, Arkansas.
Would appreciate any info & will share what I have - also would like to know where to get a copy of book "A Study of the Barbee Families of Chatham, Orange & Wake Counties in North Carolina) by Ruth Herndon Shields, Belle Lewter West and Kathryn Crossley Stone.
Thanks for any information in advance
Don Barbee (Jefferson Co., Tn)
i am researching elsey barbee’s dad hames from nc. the line from lewis fotward all livednear chattanooga tn area. i’m also looking for the proof of cherokee blood of lewis( i think it was sarah thomas) that frank ellison claims frank barbee went to court to get.
can everyone please postt alll they know about any james barbees in nc 1750-1800? thanks. ken.
i’,m looking also for info on a george barbee who rode a kentucky derby winning horse in 1889. anyone with a ky or va george or a family involved with horses? thanks.
This message is for Don Barbee and anyone I can help. The first child of James Nelson and Mahala A. Puckett was Elzie Alexander Barbee ( my ggg-grandfather) born Oct.1848 in TN, died Nov. 12, 1914 in New Decatur, Morgan County, AL. The family called him Alex. His first wife was Eliza ? from GA . They had two children. Then he married Martha A. McDonald on Dec.26,1875 in Morgan County, AL. They had seven children. I have more information on this line if anyone has any questions please e-mail me .
I have run into a brick wall with this Barbee Family. I have Franklin and Margaret Adams marrying in Franklin Co. Ohio in 1828. Where he really came from, I’m not sure and what happened to him, I am also not sure.
His son was Thomas Sheldon Barbee. Thomas eventually moved to Nebraska where he died 11-10-1907.
Thomas and Martha or "Lucinda" had 5 children.
William U.
I have made contact with Belle Barbee’s family and we are from William’s line.I would love to exchange any info with other members of this family, but more importantly would like to figure out where Franklin comes from. HELP!
mailto:Mawhitley@aol.comMawhitley@aol.comHello Deb,
I don’t find a Franklin Barbee in my records, but I do know that the grandson of Andrew Barbee, John (b. 1724 d. 1805 Mercer Co KY) went to KY and raised his family. He was married twice, first to Elizabeth Welch and then to Phylis Duncan. He had children with both ladies. This may be a place to look. I think he had a total of nine sons.
Good Luck,
I posted a note the other day but came across this that I had received from another member of the family.
Seeking info. on parents, other ancestors, siblings, children of Franklin Barbee, b. Kentucky abt 1808. the family had lived in VA before that. He moved with his family to Franklin Co., Ohio abt 1813. He married Margaret (or Mary) Adams 1828. Had children: Ben abt 1820, Elizabeth abt 1832, Thomas Sheldon 1833. Wife and daughter died 1835 or 36. (Tombstones badly weathered). Franklin married Lucinda Merris 1836. No other children known. They later moved to Scott Co., I
Thomas Sheldon married Lucinda White, had four children, one of them William Ulyses,
moved to Gresham, NE in 1881.
Just trying a different tack!
I know I have wrote this before but I’m taking a stab again. Franklin was born abt. 1805 in Va.
He married his 2nd wife is Lucinda Merriss on March 12,1835. The only child from this marriage I think is Abigail b. July 9 1836.He was married to his 1st wife Margaret Adams .
I was told by Debbie another subsriber that Franklin was born 1807 in Ky.Margaret died in 1835. They had 3 children: Ben, Elizabeth, Thomas Sheldon. If any one can help futher with any info Please write.
Thank you
Phyllis Burkiett
Hi everybody,
I am joining Phyllis on this search for Franklin Barbee’s family. Hope someone out there knows more about him! I’m more than willing to share what I know of my line, which is that of Thomas Sheldon Barbee.
Hi. I’m taking a stab and seeing if someone new out on the list might connect. My husband’s gggg grandfather was Franklin Barbee about 1805 in Virginia and married Margaret Adams in 1828 they had 3 children Ben, Elizabeth. and Thomas Sheldon. Thomas married Lucinda Whiteha 5 children 2 unknown Stanton, Belle, William Ulyses.Margaret died I thin in 1835 with her daughter. Franklin married Lucinda Merriss in 1836 in Franklin Co. Ohio. Abigail their daughter was b. August 9, 1836 in Columbus Ohio. Franklin and Lucinda did have a son because Lucinda died while visting him in Iowa. Could be more also. Abigail married George Burnett March 16, 1854 in Fairview Fulton ILL. A lady Deb on the list gave me some of this info. If you see any connections please wirte back
Thank you
Phyllis Burkiett
Dear Phyllis and other list members: Do you know of any connection between the Franklin Barbee family, above, and the Edward Barbee, below.
Edward BARBEE was born in the 1830’s or early 1840’s (estimated), probably in Charlotte County, Virginia. He was living in Mossing Ford, Virginia (Charlotte County) in the early 1860’s and soon afterward moved to Hopkinsville, Kentucky (Christian County).
He was married to Elizabeth and they had three children:
1) ‘Lee’ Judson BARBEE 1862-1934. He resided in Bluefield, Virginia.
2) W. W. BARBEE. He was born 1860’s (estimated), and In 1934, he was living in Oak Grove, KY (near Hopkinsville, KY and Clarksville, TN).
3) Florence BARBEE. She was born 1860’s (estimated), and in 1934, she was Mrs. Florence Barbee Wooten, living in San Antonio, TEXAS.
Robert Perry
Hi Robert,
I have a newapaper interview with Franklin’s son-in-law George Burnett. He said and alot of documents says Franklin was born in Va. Deb wrote she found he was born in Ky. in abt 1808. Maybe parents came when he was 3 to Ky. and and then went on to Franklin Ohio in 1813 where he married Margaret Adams.I working on files this weekend I’ll try to see if anything goes together and write back more.
Thank you
Phyllis Burkiett
This is a long time coming for Sharon who has been real patient I got very sick for along time and lots of test then I moved with all the packing and unpacking plus being a preschool teacher didn’t leave me any time to do my family research.But hopfully I’m back There is alot of other barbee researchers that has ask me things also. So I hope this helps.
William Hawes Barbee
b. Feb.28, 1775 in Front Royal Va.
m. Dec. 26 1794
d. March 20, 1860 in Columbus Ohio
wife Mary Jones
b. Feb. 1, 1775
d. March 24, 1851
1. Agnes b. Sept. 14, 1796 in Va.
2. Susannah b. August 8, 1798
3. John b. March 21, 1800
4. Mary March 25, 1802 married Eli Spangler
5. Franklin b. April 18, 1804 in Va. d. August 24, 1845 in Fairveiw Fulton Co. ILL. married Lucinda Merriss March 12, 1835 ( my line more info )
6. William b. June 18, 1806 in Va. married Mary Haughn
7. David b. Dec. 8, 1807 in Va.
8. Elizabeth b. Sept. 4 1811 in Va. married Thomas John Adams
9. Lucinda b. July 29, 1813 in Va.
10. William Hawes Jr. b. July 21, 1815 in Va. married Mary ann Rowles
11. Katherine b. June 7, 1819 in Franklin Co .Ohio
12. Joesph b. Jan. 21, 1820 i Franklin co. Ohio
13. Eli b. Sept. 26, 1822 in Franklin Co. Ohio married Rebecca Marsh
Franklin Barbee married Margaret Adams in 1828 she died in 1834 or 35 in Franklin Co. Ohio
1. Ben b. abt 1820
2. Elizabeth b. abt. 1832 d 1834 or 35
3. Thomas Sheldon b. 1833 d. Nov. 11, 1907 in Nebraska married Lucinda
1. unknown
2. Stanton
3. Belle
4 unknown
5. William Ulyses moved to Gresham N.E in 1881
Franklin Barbee married Lucinda Merris after Margaret’s and daughter’s death they moved to Scott ILL. around 1834 He is buried in Lyons cemetery in Fulton ILL. Lucinda died in Iowa while visting her son.
1.Abigail born July 9, 1836 in Columbus Ohio died Dec 20 1919 in Fairveiw Fulton Co. ILL. married George Burnett on March 16, 1854 in Fairveiw, Fulton co. ILL. They are buried at Coal Creek Cemetery in Fulton ILL. George Burnett was the son of William and Sarah (Poland) Burnett .William b. 1801 in Tyrone Co. Ireland d. June 9, 1863 in Fairview Fulton Co. ILL. Sarah Poland b. 1804 in Va. d. May 20, 1861 in Fulton ILL.
2. unknown son
CHILDREN of William and Sarah
1. Rachael b. 1830 d. Ipava ILL.
m. John Roberts Oct. 1, 1843 in Fulton co. ILL.
2. Elizabeth b. 1824 d. July 22, 1861 in fathers home m. John W.
Hughbanks Feb 6, 1845 in Fulton ILL. 3. John b. March 14, 1828 in
Howard Co. W.V
d. June 11, 1913 in Drakesville IA. m. Charlotte Johnson Sept 21, 1848 in Fulton ,ILL. 4. George b. April 19, 1830 in Harrison Co. W.V d. April 28, 1900 in Fairview Fulton Co. ILL. m. Abigail Barbee March 16. 1854 in Fulton ILL. 5. Martin died in infancy 6. Mary b. 1833 in Va. d. in Metropolis ILL. m. Rueben D. Hungerford 7. James b. Feb 1835 d. Nov. 30, 1908 m. Eliza McFarland March 9, 1858 in Fulton ILL 2nd Phoebe.
8. Margaret Jane b. June 1837 d. May 5, 1860 in Fulton ILL. Lyons Cemertery.
9. Sarah A. b. 1839 in ILL. d. Warren Co. ILL. m. Benjamin F. Sampson Dec 30, 1858 in Fulton Co. ILL.
10. Martha b. Jan 1842 d. July 6, 1865 m. Alex Phillipi April 10, 1862 in Fulton Co. ILL.
11. Anettie m. William Boden in Sacamento CA.
12 William b. 1848 d. 1888 m. Neosha Davis
CHILDREN of George and Abigail
1. John Franklin b, March 15, 1855 in London Mills ILL. d. Sept 19, 1932 in Fulton ILL. buried at Coal Creek Cemetery Fulton Co. ILL. m. 1) Eliza Pratt 2) Luella Alpaugh (more info)
2. Climena Ransoline b. Aug 31, 1864 in Fairveiw Fulton ILL. d. Sept 29 1964 in Canton ILL. Coal Creek Cemetery m. Dec 20, 1883 in brides home to Joesph Thomas Gourley (my line More info)
3. Mary C. d. March 27, 1873 17 yrs old 10 mths Coal Creek Cemetery
4. William
Joesph Thomas Gourley was b. Sept 11, 1859 in Fairview Fulton ILL. d. October 6, 1940 in Fairview Fulton ILL. Coal Creek Cemetery (more on line)
CHILD of Joesph and Climena
Blanche Rosella b. April 27, 1886 in Fairveiw Fulton Co. ILL. d. March 2, 1972 in Busnell ILL. m. Albert Seaman Burkiett on Feb, 18 1914 in Denver Colorado . Albert was b. Feb. 25, 1873 in Phil. PA. d. Nov 29, 1940 in Fairveiw Fulton ILL. Albert is the son of Robert Walker Burkiett and Louise Pollinger (more on this line)
CHILDREN of Albert and Blanche
1. Marilea Forrest
2. Joesph Walker
3. Albert Theodore
Thank you
Phyllis Burkiett
a george barbee of va born 1860’s? (white) is in the horseracing hall of fame as a jockey. anyone familiar?
To all the BARBEE List,
May I introduce myself, I am Linda Barbee Thompson. My family is a direct line right back through the "three Christopher’s" and then John and William BARBEE in VA. My research, like so many of us, was started with the Ruth Herndon Shields book, " BARBEE FAMILIES OF CHATHAM, ORANGE AND WAKE COUNTIES IN NC.
My grandfather was Ernest Paul BARBEE. My father was his oldest son, Robert O. BARBEE, and I am the oldest daughter. I would love to correspond with any of the numerous cousins that I know are out there. The section in the "BARBEES" book that my line is from, has lots of holes and I can fill in some of them. I am hoping there is someone out there who will be able to fill in some of my blank spaces.
Happy Hunting to all of "the cousins"
Linda Thompson
George Bell Barbee
Looking for info on ancestors and decendants of George Bell Barbee who married Sarah Elizabeth Crow. He was the son of Solomon Gray Barbee who married Nancy Trice. They where from Montgomery Co.,Tenn.
Andrew J.(Jack) Gilbert,P.E.
W.A.Morris Sand & Gravel
I am looking for information on the BARBEE line that came to Fl. from Georgia.
My Uncle was LM Barbee named after his father LM.,and his mother was Arriann.All I have is the info. listed in the 1920 census, which states they came from GA. According to the ages of the children their first child was born in 1901 in GA. They came to GA. before their next child was born in 1903. They had a total of 7 children. Their names were; Monroe, Ida Mae, Ruby, Julia ?,Maud, LM, Ossie, Mildred.
Thank-you for any help you may be able to give me.
I am looking for the parents and sibblings of H.W. Barbee b. 1817 NC and he married Eleanor (last name unknown) she was b. 1813 in TN. (NOTE!!!! I don’t know what the H.W. stands for, it could be Harry Willard or Harry Willis or Henry William as some of the other children have those names in some combination.)
In my research, I feel the above family might descend from William and Elizabeth Barbee.
Their Children:
The names Benjamin, Gray and Mary are handed down in the above generation to one of John & Ann (Miller) Barbee’s children, Joseph who was b. ca. 1704 who also married a Mary. He named one child Gray and another Mary. While Mary is a very common names Gray is most unusual.
In order to connect my husband’s line to this William and Mary (Gray) Barbee line I need to fill in from 1717 to 1871 to Benjamin Gray Barbee as shown above, some 150 years. If anyone has any information, EVEN A SMALL AMOUNT, on any of the above families I certainly would appreciate some help.
I do have more information on some of the other children and grandchildren of H.W. Barbee. I will be be glad to share.
I’m new to the list. I supposedly am related to the Barbee family through my Rhodes family. Way back in the 1600’s a Christopher Rhodes is said to have married Hannah Barbee in VA. They had a son Hezekiah Rhodes who was born around 1660? I would love any information that might verify this!! Thanks!
Nancy Wilson
Hazael BARBEE & Phoebe Ann CLAYTON
I'd like to hear from anyone who is working on any line of the family of Hazael BARBEE and wife Phoebe Ann CLAYTON. My interest is in John BARBEE, born 21 Dec 1821? in Ross Co, Ohio.
His father, Hazael, died around 1825, and his mother Phoebe Clayton re-married James MILLER and moved to Shelby Co, IL Hazael and wife had 6 children, but I do not know anything about
John married Deborah Ellen COMPTON on 23 Nov 1875, and settled in Shelby Co, IL. They had one known child, Charles Milton BARBEE.
The above info was taken from a county history, and I'm not sure the
dates, etc. are right. Your input would be appreciated.
Carol Wilson
Mason, WI
MANLY BARBEE from Or. Co., NC to Lee Co., Texas.
Carol wrote:
I’m looking for any information on Mary Henton BARBEE,b 1839 and married
George Ewing GAY b 1833, d 1896. They were married in what is now Lee Cty,
in 1855. They had 13 children according to Lee County History. Thanks for any
possible help.
Glad to see this new list ..My earlest Barbee is James S Barbee
Descendants of James S.Barbee, I am not sure who his father ( maybe Young Barbee) or mother were .... I could use some help
1 James S. Barbee b: March 20, 1828 in Tennessee d: March 15, 1895 in Steward County, Tennessee
+Malinda E. Vaughn b: February 19, 1832 in North Carolina d: February 1876 in Steward County, Tennessee m: January 28, 1851 in Trigg County, Kentucky
2 George Barbee
3 Lowry Barbee
4 Dora Barbee
5 Mary Elizabeth Barbee b: November 09, 1863 d: April 04, 1945 in Dexter, Stoddard Co., MISSOURI
+Prince Edward Francis b: December 11, 1856 in Trigg Co., KY d: August 08, 1909 in Dexter, Stoddard Co., MISSOURI m: February 10, 1878 in Trigg County, Kentucky
Good Hunting ..But, Remember "To seek first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness Ray Hart
Greetings Barbee Folks,
My GGGGrandpop must have been so special that all of his history was
away -- Or, could it be that I've not been in the right records area???
John BARBEE married Mildred (Milly) BRICKEY 12/1804 Va.
During 1807-1816 he was purchasing land in Breckinridge Co., Ky. John
prior to 5/1816. I have located several John BARBEEs here and there,
cannot prove any are my John.
I'm hoping I've a "Cuz" on this list who can give me some clues.
Thanks, Wilma
Can someone tell me who the parents are of the following people?
1. John BARBEE, died 1799 in Orange County, North Carolina. Left a will naming his wife Sarah and his brother Christopher as executors.
2. Abimeleck BARBEE who married Hannah WHITAKER.
3. Benelegs BARBEE.
4. John BARBEE, born about 1715, and married Sarah GOIN.
Any help would be appreciated.
Doyle T. Brittain
Hello Doyle,
I have some information for you but as of right now I have not connect to it.
You may want to try the Barbeecrossroad site for proven cousins.
#1 John Barbee b 1737 NC d 177 m Sarah Patterson. His Parents, William Barbee and Rachel Dobson. Grandparent, John Barbee and Ann Miller. Great-grandparent, William Barbee and Elizabeth Beaumont. (I have more information in the way of dates, place and siblings, if you can you should try and borrow a copy of the Barbee book written by Ruth Herndon Shields and Assoc. There is also a supplement that would be of help)
#2 I remember seeing the name but don’t have any information in my files.
#3 I have a different spelling but I think it is the same person. Beneledge was the 1st cousin of #1. His father was Christopher Barbee b. @ 1715 VA, his mother was Margaret.
#4 Sorry, no information.
If you want the other information I have, let me know.
Greetings, all you Barbees out there.
I am researching my husband’s line from the Carrolls into the Barbees. His GGGGrandfather is JOHN BARBEE CARROLL, b. abt 1796, in Orange County, NC; married to ELIZABETH POTEET, b. 1802 in Buncombe County, NC.
Herein stands my brick wall:
I have found in a Family Tree Maker Pedigree, a CHARLES CARROLL married to an EDITH BARBEE (aka Edie, or Edy) who was the daughter of JOHN BARBEE. My supposition is that Edith Barbee Carroll might have named her child JOHN BARBEE CARROLL. I found in the Orange Co. Marriage Bonds a Charles Carrell and Edy Barbee dated Sep. 27, 1794. I just can’t seem to come up with a source to verify that John Barbee Carroll is their son. Any ideas out there?
The following may be useful to someone:
While visiting the gravesite of James H. Carroll (1850--1932), grandson of
John Barbee Carroll we found that the next gravestone over had the following
names: SHELAH F. BARBEE 1860--1931, PAPA
and ELIZABETH J. BARBEE, 1861--1940, MAMA
This is at Hearn Hill Cemetery, Wilson County, Tennessee near Watertown.
Wilson is the county east of Nashville’s Davidson County.
Write if I can help on this one.
Any help on a breakthrough for me will be appreciated. Marilyn
Season’s Greetings to All,
John BARBEE married Mildred BRICKEY 12/1804. John purchased property in Breckinridge Co., KY in 1807. John was dead by 1816. Milly then married Pleasant Eidson.
It sure would be exciting to find another John/Milly researcher as I am unable to prove that John existed prior to 1807.
The BRICKEY family was in Bedford, Botetourt and Westmoreland, Va. Counties.
Hello ?
Someone wrote to ask about the parents of John Barbee b. ?? 1814. I had gotten so caught up in looking for the information that I failed to read the name on the message and I don’t know who was writing. Then to add to my woes I got kicked off the net and can’t find the message. So, please, rewrite as I have a possible answer. I need the name of John’s wife again.
Hello John,
You can’t fool me. You were not original sender of the John Barbee message but I looked up information for you anyway.
I have a couple of possible leads. #1 John T. Barbee b. 1783. Son of John B.
Barbee and Mary (Margy) Dyson. This is in the Andrew Barbee Line. I haven’t followed John T. line down so I am not sure of his wife. John B. b 1757 d Sept 23, 1835 VA. John and Mary had eight other children.
#2 William Barbee and Mary Smith had a son named John but I haven’t found any more on him. I only included this one as two of his brothers were born in 1784 and 1788.
Sorry I couldn’t help more.
John Barbee, Orange Co, Va
My BARBEE line begins with Rosannah BARBBE m. Abraham RICKMAN 1803,Orange Co.NC-her parents are John BARBEE (m.1758 Orange Co NC) and Sarah PATTERSON; John"s parents are William BARBEE (b.abt 1711 Middlesex,VA-1758 Orange Co VA) m.Rachel DODSON (2nd wife)-William's parents are John BARBEE (b.1683 Middlesex,VA-d.1750 Essex Co VA) and Ann MILLER (m.25 Dec 1708 Middlesex Co VA)-John's parents are William BARBEE (b.1655 England-d.1720 Middlesex Co VA)and Elizabeth BEAUMONT (1st wife)-
I am seeking information on John Barbee, born 1 Mar 1819 in Vinton Co., Ohio. He married 4 Jan 1838 in Jackson Co. Ohio to Mary Ann Walker(?). He died 2 Aug 1888 in Jackson Twp/ Jackson Co. Ohio.
Does anyone have information on a John Barbee, born about 1845-1850 who married Deborah Ellen COMPTON? I know nothing about him, but his wife was born in Ohio, possibly Pickaway Co, of parents who came from Berkeley Co, VA. I do not have a date or place of the marriage. They may have settled in Shelby Co, IL.
Carol Wilson
Mason, WI
I have just started researching my family heritage and have only been
able to go back this far:
My grandfather was Paul Francis Barbee, b. 28 Aug 1919 in Bethesda,
MD, d. 20 Sep. 1967 in MD, m. to Helen Marie Kuldell.
His parents were John Edward Barbee and Martha Ann Poore. I just
received the following information about John from the Social Security
Administration. Born 14 Sep 1882 in Raleigh, Wake Co., NC; Died Dec
1966, Washington, DC. His father is listed as Henry Aloysius Barbee
and his mother as Hanna Shane.
I have no further information re: any of Paul's siblings, John's siblings, or
any information re: Henry Aloysius Barbee. If anyone either has
information or can point me to a good resource, I would greatly
appreciate it.
Hi there I am new to the list and am researching this Barbee line. Any help would be appreciated. Also hope this may help some others doing research on this line.
Descendants of John Smith Barbee
1 John Smith Barbee b: September 03, 1838 d: February 20, 1936
+Lubina B. Henderson b: December 25, 1841 in Kentucky d: August 05, 1938 in Caddo Co., Oklahoma
2 Alvin Smith Barbee
+Cora Mae Evans b: July 16, 1886 in Texas d: January 26, 1919
3 Viola Mae Barbee b: August 20, 1899
3 Beulah Oma Barbee b: October 22, 1900
3 Flora Belle Barbee b: September 05, 1902
3 Carl Clayborn Barbee b: May 16, 1906
3 Tiny Barbee b: November 09, 1907 d: November 08, 1909
3 Stella Opal Barbee b: November 07, 1908
3 Henry Otis Barbee b: May 01, 1910 d: January 11, 1963
3 Rex O.D. Barbee b: May 22, 1911 d: September 16, 1970
3 Mary Hazel Barbee b: April 22, 1912
3 Bina Belle Barbee b: May 06, 1913
3 Cecil Engram Barbee b: April 18, 1915 in Cowden, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma d: April 21, 1976 in Fresno, Fresno Co., California
+Ruby Mae Barham b: 1933 d: 1969 in Chico, California
3 Bally Norene Barbee b: July 05, 1917 d: July 01, 1920
3 Alta Gertrude Barbee b: September 06, 1918
2 Poley Ann Barbee b: December 26, 1859 in Macon Co., Tennessee
. +William Cowen
2 John Henderson Barbee b: April 13, 1861 in Allen Co., Kentucky, d: March 10, 1952 in Will Co., Illinois
+Permelia Ellen Vanzandt b: January 06, 1867 in Posey Co., Indiana d: December 21, 1945 in Will Co., Illinois
3 Lawrence Henderson Barbee b: October 07, 1861 d: 1970
+Erma Hawkins
Sharon Hillhouse
Thanks to those of you who have provided information on the Barbee family for me.
I am curious if there is any source information connecting the Joseph and Leannah of KY with the Fauquier CO. VA Barbees.
On the other hand, I have quite a bit of evidence that points to the Joseph Barbee, son of Thomas, dying by 1800 in Fauquier Co. VA - not going to KY.
Please let me know how this Joseph of KY has been placed with Andrew Barbee’s descendants, rather than the Barbees of Essex Co., etc.
Me again!
In response to Rick’s roll call I’m listing a couple of "facts" copied from here and there. I hope they will help someone.
Ky. Obits 1787-1854:
Joseph, Fayette County, 10/1/1831, knife cut
Andrew, Lexington, 7/1/1813, thrown by horse
General Thomas, Louisville (I apparently didn’t copy how he died)
KY Records, Early Wills and Marriages
Joseph Barbee, will book 3, page 15, Leeannah, son Jesse and other children
not listed, 9/1814
1812 Pensions
Christopher wife Elizabeth HERREN ---- Christopher d. 1851, Eliz. d. 5/1898, married 1821 Winchester, TN.
I’ve notes for other pension/war activities but do not want to repeat information you folks already have. I will be happy to share whatever I have if you want to email me.
Interested in the family of Joseph BARBEE who married Annie HARRIS in VA, probably Fauquier Co. They had a son Elias born 1811who went to MISSOURI. Also Anne BARBEE born 1786 VA who married Minor W. SINGLETON about 1800-1801.
John Eisenberg
332 E Broadmor Dr
Tempe, AZ 85282
Interested in the family of Joseph BARBEE who married Annie HARRIS in VA, probably Fauquier Co. They had a son Elias born 1811who went to MISSOURI. Also Anne BARBEE born 1786 VA who married Minor W. SINGLETON about 1800-1801.
John Eisenberg
332 E Broadmor Dr
Tempe, AZ 85282
I am new to this site but not new to researching my Barbee family. The following is what I have and hope that someone can help me find the parents of Joseph R. (Russell?) Barbee Rev. Joseph R. Barbee b 18 July 1815, Bourbon Co KY, d 9 Sept 1892 Cynthiana, Harrison Co., KY. Married ca 1834 Margaret A. Lemon b 12 May 1816 Scott County KY, d 24 Dec 1891. Both are buried in Battle Grove Cemetery, Cynthiana,Harrison Co., KY. Rev.(Baptist Preacher) Joseph R. Barbee and Margaret A. Lemon were the parents of possibly 14 children:
I have quite a lot of info on these children and their descendants, but have no proof as to the parents of Joseph R. Barbee. He has 2 grand children with the middle names of Russell, one boy and one girl, which leads me to the belief that Russell is Joseph's middle name. I believe his parents are Jesse Barbee and Anne Headington. NO solid proof! Jesse Barbee is mentioned as the son in the will of Joseph Barbee who was married to Leeannah -?- Barbee.
Any help appreciated.
Carole Gregory
Looking for more information on Lillie Barbee.
Willima Barbee married to Louise (Lucy)________
1. Lillie Barbee, born, Nov., 1869 in Wake Co., NC and died 1942.
She married 28 Jun, 1891, Durham, Co., NC to William Myatt Roundy.
Lillie and William Roundy had 8 children.
Yes, please send the previous Barbee posts. I would be most interested.
My grandmother, Linnie Ottis Barbee Brandon, is 92 years old and still
living. I had hoped she would be able to help me in my research, but,
unfortunately, she doesn’t remember much. She is the last living child of
John Calvin Barbee b. Feb. 14, 1868 in Erath County, TEXAS and d Dec. 4, 1922
and Martha Leola Poole b. Oct. 26, 1890. John Calvin’s line traces back to
William Barbee born about 1655 in England and died 1720 in Middlesex Co.,
Any help is most appreciated.
Diane Harlan
Looking for the family of Logan Barbee, who married Anna Lutisha Baker near Edgefield, Illinois. They had one child, Maude.
I am decended from Anna, so have the most information on her. She was born in 1869 in Clay Co., Illinois, and died in Decatur in 1947.
I know this is a stretch! Thanks, Roxann Balmer of Portland, Oregon
Louise Jane Barbee Family in Kentucky and Virginia
Dear Barbee Family Researchers,
I am seeking information on my Great-Great Grandmother, Louisa Jane Barbee. She was born November 21, 1854 in Butler County, Kentucky. She was the daughter of Thomas and Judith (Johnson) Barbee both from Virginia. She married Benjamin W. Cundiff on March 14, 1881 in Kentucky. She died December 16, 1929 in Martwick, Muhlenberg County, Kentucky. Does anyone have any information about her and her ancestors? I would appreciate hearing from anyone that may have any information about the family. Many Thanks.
Tom McHood
Am interested in finding parents (and proof of same) of Mahulda Barbee, who married Joel Walker Hunter. Also, I have been told that Mahulda is of Indian descent, can anyone confirm this for me?
Any help would be appreciated.
Ruby Martin
Mary Ann Barbee-Beatie connection
I will be out of town on and off for the next month, so I am not able to subscribe to your list at this time. However, I am interested in the Beat(t)ie-Barbee connection.
I have Mary Ann Barbee married William H. Beat(t)ie in Andrew Co., MISSOURI circa 1880 or so. I have the citation (Andrew Co., MISSOURI, Marriage Book #1, pg. 103) but no date.
I have Mary "Molly" Ellen Beat(t)ie married William Oscar Barbee, 16 Feb 1881 (I believe the location is Andrew Co., MISSOURI also).
Mary Ann and William Oscar Barbee are supposed to be brother and sister.
William H. Beat(t)ie and Mary Ellen Beat(t)ie are brother and sister also.
I am assembling a history of the Beatie clan and would like to converse with anyone who has these individuals in their notes. These Beaties are from Washington Co., VA originally. I am a very distant cousin of these Beaties.
Could you share with your list and direct any replies to me?
Joann, Riverside, CA
Mary Elizabeth Barbee dau of Matthew Barbee
Matthew marries unknown and had Mary Elizabeth Barbee b. 1825. Mary married Andrew Jackson Lee b. abt 1822. They had five children. Andrew is buried at Grandby, Newton Co., Missouri. Does anyone no this line. Thanks.
I believe they can be part of my Barbee line. I have only been able to go back to Thomas Gilbert Barbee b. 1870 in Newton County, MISSOURI. I do not know who his father was or his mother.
Joe Holder
Fort Huachuca, AZ
The only BARBEE I have is Mary Elizabeth, b. Jul 15, 1842, Harrison County, MISSOURI - d Mar 14, 1901, Mercer County, MISSOURI. She married Granville Vanderpool Feb 6, 1860 in Grundy County, MISSOURI.
Seeking any information on siblings, but specifically parents. Although I only have this one Barbee, I’m would be more then happy to share what information I have on Granville Vanderpool’s descendants/ancestors.
Kathy Dawson
Bluefield, WV
Mary Miranda Hinton Barbee Gay
I’m looking for any information on Mary Henton BARBEE,b 1839 and married George Ewing GAY b 1833, d 1896. They were married in what is now Lee Cty, TEXAS in 1855. They had 13 children according to Lee County History. Thanks for any possible help.
Mary Miranda Hinton Barbee was born 1839 and died 1926 in Lee County. She was the daughter of James Gray Barbee, M.D. and Miranda Burrow. She married George E. Gay in Jan. 1855. Dr. Barbee was my 4Xgreat uncle and I have further information his and Mary Miranda’s family. Be glad to share and answer any specific questions.
Dana W. Siegmund
Austin, TEXAS
Seeking birthplace and parents names for Matthew William Barbee, born 29 Mar 1836. Possibly in Marion County, Tennessee. Second marriage 8 Jan 1871, Benton Co., Arkansas to Talitha Jane Dodson. The Census for 1880, 1900 and 1910 show his residence to have been in Dickson Twp., Benton Co., AR.. Died 11 Jul 1920 in Benton Co., AR.. Buried in Gamble Cemetery Benton Co.,.
May have served in the Confederacy as Matthew Barbee, Private, Company B
18th Arkansas Infantry. And/or Company A Missouri Infantry, Parson’s
Brigade per Benton County Pioneer Volume 3, Number 4, page 8. Family
records provide the names of Matthew’s children as: John 1871, Mary
Belle 1875, Callie 1877, William Carson 1880, Thomas Jefferson 1882,
Martha Eunice 1885 and Katie May 1888. Any help will be greatly
appreciated. Bob Taylor
Does anyone connect with the following Barbees in Stanly Co, North Carolina? Allen and his brother Hiram, Abigail, Robert Seymore. Also , John Barba of Cabarrus Co, North Carolina. John witnessed the will of George Harkey abt 1826 in Cabarrus Co. Thanks. John Speight, Lilburn, GA.
I asked this question once before but I have a bit more information now so I thought I would ask it again. I am trying to find out anything I can about my father’s side of my family. Here’s the little I know now.
My father, Orvin Claude Barbee was born Apr. 26. 1929 in Westminster CA, he died in 1982. He had two sisters (Iris & Valera), a brother (D. D. a nick name) and a half sister (Joan England).
My grandfather, Claude Barbee was born about 1902 and died about 1983 near Modesto CA. He was married to Bessie Chadwick who died in the middle 1940s. Bessie had been previously married to a man named Bill England. I vaguely remember my father saying that his father’s family may have come from Arkansas or Kentucky but I am not certain of this. Bessie Chadwick had a brother in Southern California by the name of Orville Chadwick. Any help on this would be appreciated. On my mother’s side I can trace back as many as twenty generations in several directions on my family tree. On my father’s side I only recently discovered what my grandmother’s first name was. Shows just how ridiculous family feuds can get.
Can you please post to this list, whatever information you may have that would show a several generation descendancy from the Revolutionary era Virginia BARBEEs you mention here. Someone may recognize a later name that they know they tie into. Thanks so much.
I personally am looking for the parents and siblings of an Edward Barbee who had a
wife Elizabeth, and was born in the 1830's, in Charlotte County, Virginia .
Thanks so much.
Robert Perry
Robert Perry
I wish that I could! But, that's all he has and all that he sent. He added another sentence saying that he did not know how We related to any of these guys, either.
I realize from the posts I've seen that most of the researchers on this list are having trouble struggling with getting back more than 100-150 years ago, and that's a tough period to get back past. Which is exactly why this list is so valuable! Some family names are further along and more 'organized'.
I provided these names as a sort of 'save these and someday they might be valuable' thing, the same way I posted my two generation line from the man who (apparently) was the American Immigrant in the 1600's. (I'm NOT bragging, I just got lucky on my grandmother's surname (Withers) line and it tied into the BARBEEs way back there.)
Sorry that I can't help more.
My uncle sent me a note about our BARBEEs and BRYANTs that might be useful to someone on this list:
From "Catalogue of Revolutionary Soldiers and Sailors of the Commonwealth of Virginia to whom Land Bounty Warrants were Granted by Virginia for Military Service in the War for Independence" compiled by Samuel M. Wilson from Official Records in the Kentucky State Land Office at Frankfort, KY, reprinted 1994 by Southern Historical Press, Inc., Greenville, SC.
On p. 11 is BRYENT, John with warrant 2139 and a BRYANT, William with warrant 2394. On p. 12 is a BRYANT, William with warrant 2964. On p. 13 is BARBEE, John with warrant 3178; BARBEE, Joshua (3179); BARBEE, William (3180) and BARBEE, Daniel (3181) and a BRIANT, James with warrant 3343.
Mark Stearns
Arab, AL
I am repeating my Barbee ancestors, I have been unable to find anyone
before Robert, please help if possible
Anne Barbee b.1850, Bath Co. KY married David Hendrix 1870 Aberdeen,
Ohio d.1896 in Bath Co. KY
John Barbee b.1820 Bath Co. KY Married Martha Grimsley Bath Co. 1845, d. 1852 Bath Co.
Robert Barbee b.1786 VA, Married Lydia Richart 1815 Bath Co,KY. d.In Bath Co. Bef 1850.
I am seeking info on ROBERT BARBEE b.1786 in VA prob. Fauquier county. married to LIDIA RICHART March 2, 1815 in Bath county, KY., died in Bath County KY.
BARBEE b. 1820 d. Apr. 18, 1852, m.MARTHA GRIMSLEY c.1845 all in Bath County, KY. I have tried to find Robert’s ancestors without success.
Any info will be appreciated.
joyce miller of soddy-daisy tn is not online, but her mom was sarah barbee<frank<lewis<elsea. this is what she told me: lewis barbee’s 2 oldest sons wound up in ar. lewis entered union calvary nashville 13 oct 1863; was i regimental hospital and convelescent camp 1864 because of dysentery-developed heart palpitations. info was from pension papers.
Sirena/Syrena Barbee b. 1814 orange co nc
I continue to search for the family of
Sirena/Syrena/Sina BARBEE b. 1814 Orange Co NC and
d.1902 Tennessee, buried in Mimosa Cem. Lawrenceburge TN
She married Jobe GARNER about 1831 in TN?
Delana Elizabeth b. 1832 marr James Rackney
Nancy b. 1836 Tn marr Brown
William J. b. 1838 Tn
Selena M. b. 1840 Tn marr Charles Norwood
James Knox Polk b. 1842 marr Ella Clegg
George Mifflin Dallas b. 1844 marr Cynthia Sutton
Likely that the first female and male were named after grandparents, as was
the custom... Jobes' parents were John and could Delana be
Sirena's mothers name? Could William Barbee be Sirena's father??
Any help appreciated.
Looking for any info on this line:
Sirena /Syrena/Sina BARBEE b. april 23 1814 Orange Co NC d. Sept 7 1902 Lawrence Co Tn..she was married to Jobe GARNER.
Story is that she had 3 brothers, but I have nothing to prove this.
Sirena and Jobe children:
Delana Elizabeth b. 1832 Tn
Nancy b. 1836 Tn
William J. b. 1838 Tn
Selena M. b. 1840 Tn
James Knox Polk b. 1842 Tn
George Mifflin Dallas b.1844 Tn
I wonder if Sirena’s mother name could be Elizabeth is Jobes’ mothers name.
Any thoughts or ideas? ect:
I continue to search for the family of Sirena/Syrena/Sina BARBEE b. 1814 Orange Co NC and
d.1902 Tennessee, buried in Mimosa Cem. Lawrenceburge TN
She married Jobe GARNER about 1831 in TN?
Delana Elizabeth b. 1832 marr James Rackney
Nancy b. 1836 Tn marr Brown
William J. b. 1838 Tn
Selena M. b. 1840 Tn marr Charles Norwood
James Knox Polk b. 1842 marr Ella Clegg
George Mifflin Dallas b. 1844 marr Cynthia Sutton
Likely that the first female and male were named after grandparents, as was the custom... Jobes’ parents were John and could Delana be Sirena’s mothers name? Could William Barbee be Sirena’s father??
Any help appreciated.
Sirena Barbee’s parents with three sons came from England and settled in Orange Co., NC where she was born 1814. She m. Job B. Garner about 1831 and settled in Lawrence Co., TN where she died in 1902. (In 1836 in Lawrence Co., TN there was a young woman,Nancy F. Barbee, whose mother, Hilary, signed her marriage certificate to Lewis Higgs. Could these be kin to Sirena?) If you recognize any of these or know about the Orange Co., NC Barbees, please let me hear from you.
Thanks! Dean
I continue to search for any BARBEE reasearchers who have come across my Sirena Barbee.
Sirena BARBEE born April 23 1814 Orange Co NC and d. Sept 7 1902 Lawrence Co TN she married ca 1831 in Lawrence Co TN to Jobe GARNER.
I have some very old notes that say she had 3 brothers and that they came from England, but I have no source for this info.
Sirena named her oldest daugher Delana Elizabeth Garner.... Elizabeth was Jobe’s mothers name so I wonder if Sirena BARBEEs mother might be named Delana.
Appreciate any help
Have a Happy Holidays
I am looking for any information about Barbees in Southern California, particularly Orvin Claude Barbee (my father d. abt. 1981 b. abt. 1930 in Westminster CA) and his father who had the same name or one very similar to it. My father’s mother was a woman whose last name was Chadwick (or so I’ve been told), she died when he was about 14. My father had one sister named Iris and another whose name I can’t recall.
Other Info: My father’s father had a brother named Orville who also lived in
So. Cal. and a cousin named John who lived in the same area as well as
several other cousins in the So. Cal area.
It might seem ridiculous that I don’t know more about my dad and his family but he had a major falling out with them and refused to talk about them. At this point I am unable to contact any of his family as I don’t know where they currently are. Any help would be appreciated.Thanks
Timothy M. Benge-Chadwick
AKA Timothy Bruce Barbee
I am trying to find any information regarding Thomas G. BARBEE who was born in Newton County, Missouri in 1870. He married Laura, maiden name unknown, born in 1874. They had five kids, all born in Newton County Missouri.
Elsie born April 1890
Lawrence (always went by Colonel) born May 1893
Gilbert, born May 1895. married Sarah Francis York
Wade born May 1897
Hershel born in 1902.
Thomas G Barbee died 18 October 1924 in Joplin, Missouri. I have a partial obit from the Times on 30 Oct 1924, that states he was a leading citizen in Joplin and spent his winters in San Antonio, TEXAS. He owned the Joplin Globe and for a time published the Joplin Tribune. Any information on this line of BARBEE would be greatly appreciated.
Joe Holder
Fort Huachuca, Arizona
Here is my Barbee line that I am researching.
Thomas G. Barbee was born in October 1870 in Ritchey, Newton County, Missouri. He married Laura (Maiden name unknown) who was born in January 1874 in Missouri. Thomas owned the Joplin Globe and established and published the Joplin Tribune. Thomas died 18 October 1924 in Joplin, Jasper County, Missouri. From this marriage, Thomas and Laura had five kids.
Gilbert married Sarah Francis York, daughter of John E. York and Francis E, Armstrong of Newton County, Missouri. They had five kids in a span of over twenty years. All the children were born in Newton County, Misoouri.
This is all the information I have found regarding my Barbee family. Please contact me if you have a possible connection, or are researching the Barbee surname in Missouri.
Joe Holder
Fort Huachuca, Arizona
I belong to a Barbee genealogy forum on the internet. I have sent out queries requesting information on your grandfather, Thomas G. Barbee. But I have not received any replies. I cannot get past him. I know he was born in 1870 and he died Oct 1924. Once I find his parent’s I believe I will be back on my way.
Love Joe
Does anyone know where MISSING FORD, Virginia was located? It's not
shonw on current maps.
Footnote: This could be Mossing Ford in Charlotte County, Virginia
Thanks for your invitation to post. I would like to hear from anyone with information on the line shown below. anyone with primary source information before 1850 is especially encouraged to contact me. The Christopher Barbee shown as (Old Kit) is a Revolutionary War veteran.
Allen G. Taylor
Descendants of William Barbee
1 William Barbee b: Abt 1655 in England d: Bef
February 05, 1719/20 in
Middlesex County, Virginia
.. +Elizabeth Beaumont m: Abt 1682 in Virginia
2 John Barbee b: Abt 1683 in Middlesex County, Virginia
d: Aft February
19, 1749/50 in Essex County, Virginia
... +Ann Miller b: 1693 in Middlesex County, Virginia m:
December 25, 1709
in Middlesex County, Virginia d: October 20, 1766 in Essex County,
3 William Barbee b: 1711 in Middlesex County d:
Bef March 1758 in
Orange County, Virginia
.... +Rachel Dodson m: September 15, 1727 in Middlesex
County, Virginia
d: 1764 in Orange County, North Carolina
.. 4 Christopher (Old Kit) Barbee b: Abt 1739 in Essex County,
d: 1834 in "The Mountain", Chapel Hill, North Carolina
...... +Mary Jones b: Abt 1739 in Orange County, North Carolina
... 5 Thomas Francis "Frank" Barbee b: 1772 in Orange County,
Carolina d: 1838
....... +Elizabeth (Aunt Betsy) Neville b: February 28, 1775 in
County, North Carolina m: February 08, 1794 in Orange County, North
..... 6 William Barbee b: 1798 in Chapel Hill, North Carolina
d: Abt
1885 in Chapel Hill, North Carolina
......... +Mary Norwood b: 1803 in Chapel Hill, North
Carolina m: 1819 in
Chapel Hill, North Carolina d: 1862 in Chapel Hill, North Carolina
...... 7 Sarah Barbee b: 1822 in Chapel Hill, North Carolina
d: 1892 in
Chapel Hill, North Carolina
..... 6 Dr. Allen Jones Barbee, M.D. b: February 13, 1803 in
Carolina d: May 26, 1878 in Haywood, County, Tennessee
......... +Susan Young Taylor b: January 09, 1815 m:
June 03, 1830 in
Haywood County, Tennessee d: August 02, 1869 in Haywood County,
...... 7 Bettie C. Barbee
...... 7 Ann Elizabeth Barbee b: April 18, 1831
...... 7 Martha Alexander Barbee b: August 30, 1832 d:
.......... +John Louis Taylor d: 1878
........ 8 William Lewis Taylor
........ 8 Emma Matilda Taylor b: October 12, 1856
d: March 16, 1942
............ +Robert Edwin Taylor b: May 22, 1851 in Haywood
Tennessee m: January 16, 1879 d: November 11, 1911
...... 7 Susan Taylor Barbee b: August 29, 1834
...... 7 Isabella F. Barbee b: March 17, 1838 d:
May 08, 1873
.......... +Joel Estes Wilson b: 1834 d: 1882
........ 8 William Pinkney Wilson
........ 8 Howell B. Wilson
........ 8 Sarah T. Wilson
........ 8 Joel Estes Wilson, Jr.
........ 8 Annie T. Wilson
........ 8 Susan Taylor Wilson
...... 7 Howell Vaughn Barbee b: Abt 1839
...... 7 John Young Barbee b: August 20, 1840
...... 7 Harriet Allen Barbee b: Abt 1844
...... 7 Ella Kate Barbee b: Abt 1851
...... 7 Frances Isabella Barbee b: Aft 1851
...... 7 Panthea Barbee b: Aft 1851
...... 7 Mary Caroline Barbee b: Aft 1851
..... 6 Jones Barbee b: May 23, 1812 in Orange County, North
Carolina d:
July 07, 1889 in Erath County, Texas
......... +Frances Lloyd m: October 25, 1831
...... 7 Walter Barbee
... 5 William Barbee
... 5 Elizabeth Barbee
....... +Samuel Allen
... 5 Nancy Barbee
....... +Edward Jones
... 5 Susannah Barbee
....... +William Henry Merritt
.. *2nd Wife of Christopher Barbee:
...... +Sarah Patterson b: Abt 1744
3 John Barbee
.... +Esther Herndon
3 Christopher Barbee b: Abt 1723 in Virginia d:
Abt 1777 in Wake
County, North Carolina
.... +Margaret m: Bef 1749
3 Joseph Barbee
.... +Mary Bohannon
3 Francis Barbee
3 Mary Barbee
3 Rose Barbee
3 Mical Barbee
.... +John Pitts
3 ??? Barbee
.... +??? Redd
.. 4 Thomas Redd
I have traced my Barbee line as far as William Barbee b. between 1809 and 1814. He was born in Wilkinson Co GA. William married Elizabeth B. Young. I believe she was the daughter of Charles Young.
I found James Barbee listed on the same page as William in the Wilkinson Co GA 1840 Census. Maybe James Barbee is the father of William Barbee. James had a son listed in the 1830 census that could have been the right age for William.
I have tried to find a James Barbee born between 1780 and 1789 that may be my link. Any help?
Hi Friends,
I am in need of help with my Barbee’s. I have William BARBEE (1822-1847) who married Paulina WILLIAMS and had a daughter Elizabeth (or Mary Elizabeth) who married Granville VANDERPOOL. They were apparently in MISSOURI most of their lives except for William’s tour in the Mexican War where he died of a non-combat cause.
I have found the following and need a hand in connecting these folks to my William:
Margaret BRADFORD ( -1819) m Andrew BARBEE (1767-1813, son of John) on Nov 29, 1789 in VA (possibly Fauquire Co) or KY (Fayette Co?). They had 11 children. Margaret’s father John BRADFORD moved to KY ca 1785.
Their daughter, Elizabeth BARBEE (1796- ) m William BARBEE (relationship unknown) and moved to MISSOURI.
A William BARBEE m Elizabeth BARBEE in Fayette Co, KY on Oct 9, 1816.
I suspect but cannot prove these are the same William and Elizabeth.
My William BARBEE was born ca 1822 and married Paulina WILLIAMS on Nov 8, 1842 in Daviess Co, MISSOURI.
Is there anyone out there who can help me connect my William to William and Elizabeth. I have quite a bit on the ancestry of Margaret BRADFORD and some on the BARBEE line and will gladly share.
Thanks for your time and help,
Bluefield, WV
William Barbee -b.abt.1814 in Ga, married Elizabeth (Betsey)Young b.abt.1814 in Ga.
William and Elizabeth’s Children
James - married Jane Brock in Telfair County,Ga. on 2/27/1858 Martha - b.abt.1840, married John Hooks Elizabeth - married Mitchell Pitts William - b.abt.1844 Charles - b.abt.1849 Sarah Ann - b.abt.1837, married Malcom Watson in Telfair County, 1858. Annzady (Ann Zadie or Ann Zada) - b.12/8/1838 in Telfair County,Ga. married William BAILEY on 1/15/1860. After she was widowed she married Daniel W.Watson on 7/16/1865. She died 2/25/1928 and is buried at Snow Ridge in Turner County,Ga in a homemade coffin.
If you have any information on this family please let me know. I do
have more available on the grandchildren of
William Barbee.
William Barbee -b.abt.1814 in Ga, married Elizabeth (Betsey)Young b.abt.1814 in Ga.
William and Elizabeth’s Children
James - married Jane Brock in Telfair County,Ga. on 2/27/1858
Martha - b.abt.1840, married John Hooks
Elizabeth - married Mitchell Pitts
William - b.abt.1844
Charles - b.abt.1849
Sarah Ann - b.abt.1837, married Malcom Watson in Telfair County, 1858. Annzady (Ann Zadie or Ann Zada) - b.12/8/1838 in Telfair County,Ga. married William BAILEY on 1/15/1860. After she was widowed she married Daniel W.Watson on 7/16/1865. She died 2/25/1928 and is buried at Snow Ridge in Turner County,Ga in a homemade coffin.
Hello Everyone,
This is my BARBEE line, please let me know if anyone sees a connection. Does anyone know how many suscribe to this list?
William Barbee -b.abt.1814 in Ga, married Elizabeth (Betsey)Young b.abt.1814 in Ga.
William and Elizabeth's Children
Hello Robert,
I am descended from Charles Benjamin Barbee b. Oct 14, 1849. He was married twice. My line is from the first marriage with Mattie Cone. I have a lot of his line complete thru my generation.
I have spent at lot of time trying to find Williams parents. How are you doing in your search? If you are interested, I would like to exchange theory or facts with you. I have even gone to Twiggs and Wilkinson Counties in Georgia. I did not find much.
Talk to you soon,
William Barbee & Elizabeth Young
Name: Melinda
Location: Florida
Barbee Line:
William Barbee b. @ 1814 m Elizabeth Young
Charles Benjamin Barbee b. Oct 14, 1849 m Mattie Cone d Dec 25, 1908
Benjamin Franklin Barbee b July 31, 1876, m Clara Rouse d Nov 3, 1956
Lota Geneva Barbee b. Oct 1, 1913 (My Grandmother)
I have not been able to go beyond William and Elizabeth. I have a theory that the father of William was James but no proof. I have been trying to go down the two old Barbee family lines to see if I can connect and so far nothing. The father of Elizabeth Young could have been Charles Young as he was living in their house late in his life and they did name a child Charles.
I have talked to others on my line and they are stumped as well. If anyone has any information please know that you will make my new year great.
Melinda - dates and places? I cannot connect with the two "standard" Barbee lines either. I have some Young connections in NC and KY (but not with my Barbees).
John Speight
Am doing research on William Hawes Barbee b 28 Feb 1775 in Front Royal, VA. m Mary Jones b 1 Feb 1775. Marriage date 26 Dec 1794. They moved to Franklin Co., Ohio in 1818. They had 13 children: Agnes b 14 Sep 1796;
Susannah b 14 Aug 1798; John b 21 Mar 1800; Mary b 25 Mar 1802 (married Eli Spangler); Franklin b 18 Jun 1804 (2 marriages - #1 Margaret Adams, #2 Lucinda Merriss); William b 18 jun 1806; David b 8 Dec 1807 (married Mary Haughn); Elizabeth b 4 Aug 1811 (married Thomas John Adams); Lucinda b 29 Jul 1813; William Hawes Jr. b 21 Jul 1815 (married Mary Ann Rowles);
Katherine b 7 Jun 1819; Joseph b 21 Jan 1820; and Eli b 26 sep 1822 (married Rebecca Marsh).
Wm died 20 Mar 1860 in Columbus, Ohio and Mary died 24 Mar 1851. Some of these children stayed in Columbus, Ohio area while others went to Illinois.
Would like to hear from descendants of this particular line.
I am now scratching together the descendants of Hawes Barbee, Sr. and can e-mail anyone who would like a GEDCOM file. Hawes moved to Franklin County, Ohio in 1818 and most of his children stayed in the area for 40 or more years.
Am interested in obtaining any info from others relating to these Barbee’s.