In loving memory of.....
Cherie Diane Story 1963-1998

The ad read: "NURSERY ATTENDANT WANTED to care for numerous children with various backgrounds. Only the most caring, giving, compassionate, kind, and loving individual need apply."

Diane answered the ad, and was granted an interview.

"There is only one requirement," He told her. "You must love them. With all your heart and all your might and all your strength. You must love them -- as I love them."
"I can do that," she replied.
"Well then," He said. "Prove it."

And for 35 years, He watched her do just that.

He watched her throughout her life as she fought tirelessly for the underdog, and as she ministered to those who were hurt or forgotten. He saw her learn to read the hearts of others. And when the hearts of others would break, He watched as hers broke, too. He noted how selflessly she gave -- of her time, her support. Her love. And He watched her establish bonds that neither time nor distance could ever hope to destroy. Eternal bonds. With her parents. Her family. Her many, many friends. Her husband.

And He watched her with her kids.

Oh yes, the kids. Her sun rose and set with the opening and closing of those tiny, beautiful eyes. They were not merely the center of her universe . . . they WERE her universe. Every decision she made, every choice she faced, every step she took -- good or bad -- was driven by her love for her children. Pure love. Perfect love. HIS kind of love.

Finally, He had seen enough.

And so, on the morning of July 31st, 1998, in an Oklahoma City hospital, God turned to her and quietly said . . .

"You're hired."

Allow me to introduce Diane.
But then, you already know her!

Some of her writings . . .

...on life

...and death

...and stuff in between


Recognition and Awards

If you have any thoughts concerning Diane, or this web page,
please email me. Thanks for visiting.

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HOME / INTRODUCTION / LIFE / DEATH / STUFF -- ( marriage // friendship / girl )