This listing recorded 1998 by Joyce Hill, Soldiers Grove, WI
* indicates veteran
+ indicates tombstone in deteriorated or fallen condition
@ indicates that grave is known or believed to exist, but has no marker
d/ indicates "daughter of..."
s/ indicates "son of..."
w/ indicates "wife of..."
h/ indicates "husband of..."
f/ indicates "father of..."
m/ indicates "mother of..."
notes following names were taken directly from tombstones.
placement indications were noted by Joyce Hill at the time of charting.
dates that were hard to read are noted with a "?" &/or two possible dates.
John b.1931 d.1983
Rita b.none d.none
Albert L. b.1899 d.1926
Charley H. (buried with
Henry Pinkham) b.11-04-1900 d.08-24-1913
George Benton b.1867 d.1942/1924?
Mary (Bell) Schoonover b.1878 d.1966
Dora (Bell) Coleman b.1896 d.1968
Charles D. b.1883 d.1934
+ Dora Bell
(d/J.J., age 1y 1m 8d) b.none d.04-22-1895
+ Mary E.
(d/J.J., age 12? 21d?) b.none d.04-11-1898
Flossie E. (Briggs) Glew b.1894 d.19--
+ Peter U.
(s/J.J., age 5y 3m 11d?) b.none d.05-19-1894
+ Phillip
(s/J.J., age 10m? 4d) b.none d.05-01-1898
(d/J.J. & S.A., age 15d) b.none d.02-22-1882
Infant Daughter of Lucy B. b.02-01-1908 d.12-10-1908
Son of ____________ (2m 22d) b.none d.08-21-1892
Lucy B. (d/Marwood Hounsell) b.03-29-1878 d.05-05-1909
Dora (Bell) b.1896 d.1968
+ Mary L.(d/J.R.?, age 3y 1m) b.none d.12-25-1859
* Delbert T.(WI S. Sgt. 280
Air Base G.P. WW2) b.06-02-1915 d.05-21-1964
* Glen I. (U.S. Army WW2) b.12-13-1920 d.09-09-1985
+ Margaret b.09-04-1895 d.02-27-1986
+ John J. Unreadable
+ Mary M.
(nee Cross, w/J.J., 21y) b.none d.11-15-1870
+ Nancy J. (d/J.J. & M.M.) b.none d.none
+ Thomas J. (s/J.J. & M.M.) b.none d.none
Aaron b.1847 d.1908
Albert b.1871 d.1929
Alice E. ("mother") b.1914 d.1982
Anna M. b.189 d.1944
Arnold Glen b.none d.10-18-1926
* Beauford F.
(US Marine Corps WW2) b.08-10-1923 d.12-07-1988
Bennie b.1930 d.1930
Calvin Lavern b.1925 d.1928
Charles b.1884 d.1925/52?
Charlotte (w/Thomas J.) b.none d.none
Dorcey May b.1920 d.1920
Effy (age 89y 11m 29d) b.none d.09-13-1912
Eliza A. ("mother") b.1900 d.1995
Emmett ("brother") b.1889 d.1889
Ernest T. b.1903 d.1957
Eva ("sister") b.1883 d.1897
Florence E. b.1893 d.1975
Florence L. ("mother") b.1905 d.1984
Florence M. b.1921 d.1985
Frank b.1857 d.1939
George b.none d.04-15-1959
George W. ("father") b.1853 d.1929
Hattie E. b.1900 d.1967
Henry b.1868 d.1944
Henry R. b.1885 d.1958
Herbert H. b.1914 d.1965
* Herbert W. Sr. (f/Sherrie,
Herbert Jr, Kathaleen, Michael,
Annette, & Timothy,
Korean War Veteran) b.06-12-1940 d.08-10-1993
Ida M. ("mother") b.1860 d.1904
Ida V. b.1894 d.1976
Infant Son of Frank & Maggie b.none d.none
Joanna b.1890 d.1913
John (aged 74y 9m 15d) b.none d.05-19-1891
John F. b.1892 d.1933
* Leland E.(US Army Korea) b.01-31-1926 d.02-28-1986
Leroy A. b.1878 d.1911
Mae B. b.1916 d.none
Maggie b.1862 d.1949
Michael E. b.1888 d.1974
Michael E. ("father") b.1907 d.1977
* Myron Thomas (US Navy WW2) b.03-17-1929 d.03-30-1993
Oscar W. b.1894 d.1912
* Paul E.
(A1C US Air Force Korea) b.06-02-1930 d.10-16-1987
Pearl E. b.1884 d.1966
Rosina P. b.1852 d.1939
Ruby b.none d.10-19-1964
Sam b.1882 d.1966
Sanford ("brother") b.1881 d.1897
Sarah b.1855 d.1924
Sarah I.(nee Bown) b.1900 d.1969
Sylvester T. ("dad") b.1910 d.1975
Thedocia (aged 6y) b.none d.__-05-1883
* Willard F. (WI Pvt 7 Vet
Hospital WW1) b.07-30-1895 d.11-01-1966
William b.1884 d.1967
Willie (aged 9y? 9m 19d) b.none d.11-05-1889?
Willie ("brother") b.1887 d.1888
* Benona Jr. (Co H 46th WI Inf
Mexican War Civil War b.1824 d.1915
Bertha b.07-19-1902 d.04-05-1908
Clyde b.11-12-1911 d.09-18-1983
David b.1872 d.1962
Emma C. b.1909 d.1945
Esther b.1898 d.1899
Ethel L. (married Leonard
06-24-1951, mother of Nancy
& Brian) b.05-13-1920 d.none
Eva b.1877 d.1957
Fredrick D. b.10-28-1944 d.10-14-1960
John b.1868 d.1936
L.B. b.1896 d.1899
Lee b.1892 d.1909
Leonard (married Ethel L.
06-24-1915 father of Nancy
& Brian) b.03-13-1909 d.12-23-1993
* Louis (Co E 6th WI Inf) b.none d.none
Nelson (2m) b.none d.04-21-1892
* Phillip (Co K 12th WI Inf) b.none d.none
* Pvt Ray (San. Det. 343 Inf) b.05-15-1894 d.09-26-1918
Ronnie Joe b.1942 d.1942
Rose b.1896 d.1934
DAVIS Eddie P. b.10-29-1884 d.04-07-1953
Minnie E. b.09-01-1891 d.none
Eber b.1898 d.1904
F. b.1854 d.1916
Minnie b.1877 d.1908
Nancy L. b.1893 d.1966
+ Anna M.(stone buried,
age unreadable)none b.06-10-1886
Arthur Dean b.1879 d.1950
Rebeca b.1865 d.1904
Calvin L. (S1 US Navy WW2) b.10-07-1925 d.09-27-1990
Eva b.1886 d.1974
Thomas b.1880 d.1954
+ Darius (86y, buried
with Fanny Lenox) b.1801 d.08-09-1887
Dorothy M. ("mother") b.1922 d.1982
Flossie E. (Briggs) b.1894 d.19--
H.A. b.02-03-1867 d.05-03-1867/87
H.C. b.01-28-1861? d.06-17-1868/88
* H.G. (Co I 37th WI Inf) b.none d.none
Almeda (d/Marwood & F.A.) b.1874 d.1902
Edwin Infant Son
(s/Marwood & F. A.) b.none d.1892
Francis A. b.1840 d.1916
(child of Marwood & F. A.) b.none d.none
John T. (s/Marwood & F. A.) b.1867 d.1938
Lucy B. Clement (d/Marwood &
Francis A. Hounsell) b.03-29-1878 d.05-05-1909
Marwood T. b.1829 d.1903
Samuel C.(s/Marwood & F. A.) b.1876 d.1901
Tillman M.(s/Marwood & F. A.) b.1880 d.1948
+ Dellia (w/Richard, 26y 5m 12d)b.none d.08-22-1893
Doris J. b.1916 d.1990
+ Infant Son of D. & L. b.none d.1893
* Melvin A. (US Army WW1) b.12-14-1896 d.07-20-1975
Michael E. b.1902 d.1919
Richard B. b.1857 d.1928
Dorothy b.1935 d.1967
+ Michael b.1902 d.1916
+ Infant (s/ J. & Mary J.) b.none d.04-09-1871/74
+ Mary J.
(w/J., age 22y,2m? 27d?) b.none d.04-10-1874
Carl W. b.08-11-1927 d.08-12-1927
? Earl b.08-11-1927 d.08-12-1927
Elmer (Prov. Regt. O.T.C.
17th guard Co. Camp
Hancock, GA) b.10-14-1893 d.01-11-1919
+ Fanny A. (15y 7m 2d?, buried
with Darius Dunham) b.08-23-1860 d.01-27-1876
I.J.(1 of 5 buried together) b.02-15-1898 d.06-08-1904
Mary Catherine (6 weeks,
1 of 5 buried together) b.03-05-1886 d.04-18-1886
Mary E. (beside Carl W.) b.05-02-1886 d.05-02-1886
Mary E. b.??/d.??1925
M.E. (1 of 5 buried together) b.04-05-1904 d.10-14-1904
W.H. (1 of 5 buried together) b.09-24-1867 d.04-23-1918
W.L. (1 of 5 buried together) b.09-10-1896 d.12-18-1896
* Charles H. (h/Minnie, WI Pvt
Co B 31 Machine Gun BN WW1) b.1855 d.1954
Ernie b.1890 d.1952
Jack b.1858 d.1913
Jackie (s/Orland) b.08-10-1926 d.12-31-1928
Kate E. b.none d.02-27-1911
Lillie P. (nee McShane) b.1895 d.1993
Minnie b.1888 d.1996
Minta b.1868 d.1950/51
Sherman ("father") b.1869 d.1945
Thedora ("mother") b.1876 d.1955
Baby Theidore (s/Ernie &
Lillie P.) b.none d.02-21-1914
Willie C. b.07-30-1896 d.09-06-1967
Alvira C. ("mother") b.1869 d.1931
Grant(s/ H. & N., 16y 7m 3d) b.07-25-1865 d.02-28-1882
Hiram (74y 1m 25d) b.06-05-1817 d.07-30-1891
Ida ("mother") b.1868 d.1959
John ("father") b.1871 d.1941
Walter(Infant s/W.E.? & A.C.) b.none d.08-25-1912
William ("father") b.1863 d.1959
Willie C. (s/W.E.? & A.C.) b.02-02-1891 d.08-29-1912
Rosella M. "Rose" ("mom, gramma, great-gramma"
photo on stone) b.03-16-1925 d.04-29-1993
James Floyd ("dad") b.1913 d.1989
Abram P. ("father") b.1862 d.1937
Charlie (s/D. & M.,
age 33y 7m 2d) b.none d.04-15-1896
+ David (78y 3m 1d) b.none d.07-05-1893
David H. b.1854 d.none
Elsie M. b.1904 d.1905
Emma ("mother") b.1868 d.1934
+ Eva A. (d/D. & M., 2y 6m 10d) b.none d.12-10-1870
+ Infant son (buried with
Eva A.) b.none d.09-01-1863
Martha b.06-08-1858 d.06-05-1914
+ Mary (w/David) b.12-24-1832 d.07-23-1904
Mary M. b.1888 d.1906
Donald K. b.1931 d.1931
Lucy A. (w/William,
29y 8m 22d) b.none d.09-05-1872
+ Calvin b.10-21-1841 d.11-24-1913
+ Eleanor b.06-03-1852 d.none
Milton ("father") b.1871 d.1942
Nellie P. (w/Milton) b.01-18-1890 d.01-19-1909
Dora E. b.1884 d.1918
Henry (buried with
Charley H. Bell) b.02-15-1862 d.12-27-1905
Michael C. b.1865 d.1942
Nella J. b.1899 d.19--
Bernard b.1908 d.1968
Mary (Bell) b.1878 d.1966
Leslie b.1899 d.1975
Tessie b.1894 d.1975
Delbert F. b.1881 d.1950
Katie (d/J.M. & M.M.,
22y 5m 7d) b.none d.10-29-1887
Margaret A. b.1884 d.1975
Mary (age 61y) b.none d.1889
Mary Ann (age 26y) b.none d.1877
Wilson L. ("son") b.06-13-1909 d.03-__-1992
+ Michael (probably Jones
buried by Dorothy) b.1969 d.none
Mother (possibly a Maybee??) b.08-07-1836 d.08-28-1916
Susan A. ("mother" - buried
behind Pinkham family stone) b.1861 d.1928
Nellie b.1889 d.1920
Webb b.1883 d.1969
* indicates veteran
+ indicates tombstone in deteriorated or fallen condition
@ indicates that grave is known or believed to exist, but has no marker
d/ indicates "daughter of..."
s/ indicates "son of..."
w/ indicates "wife of..."
h/ indicates "husband of..."
f/ indicates "father of..."
m/ indicates "mother of..."
notes following names were taken directly from tombstones.
placement indications were noted by Joyce Hill at the time of charting.
dates that were hard to read are noted with a "?" &/or two possible dates.
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Joyous Creations 2004