I've done it now** The kids are going to kill me for
this, but, life is a risk anyway!! They hate this
picture, but they are what we married! These are all the
kids, count them, SEVEN.
When Phil and I got married, we merged his and mine,
creating this unique group. His: (top row, 2nd from the
left is Keith
who was 16), (top row, 3rd from the left is Lance,
who was 15) and (top row right is Dirk,
twin of Lance, who was 15). Mine: (top left is Jim,
who was 17), (bottom center is Anita,
who was 16), (bottom left is Cindy,
who was 15) and (bottom right is Randy,
who was 10).
Phil and I had to love each other very much to weather
the storms this crew created. Somehow we all survived and
became a happy family and all think of each other as
brothers and sisters. No need to go into the learning to
adjust period, just believe me when I say it was one of
the biggest challenges of our lives, but we met it head
on and conquered it! We are now proud to say they are a
great group of adults who have completed our circle of
love. May their lives be as enriched and full as ours,
and may they always know they are loved as much as is