Phil and Linda are pleased you have arrived at our home in the Town Of Erin, WI. Now that you have driven into the countryside, please sit and visit awhile. Our door is always open and a pot of fresh coffee is brewing. We love visitors and so enjoy taking you on a tour of our home and our lives. Gettting family and friends togather for a cookout or an elegant dinner party is one of our favorite things. We are convinced that we have found a slice of Paradise and can't wait to share it!


Our circular drive invites folks to stop in and "SIT A SPELL!"

This is our home! When we happened upon an Open House for this property, we knew we had found the perfect home for our retirement years. There are 3 level acres that are a gardeners dream. The previous owners had kept horses in a field area; So began the task of turning weeds into a lawn. Our garden page will go into that so be sure to visit via the link at the bottom of this page. After years of city living, to wake to the trill of songbirds is a joy everyone should know. Whoever said the country is quiet wasn't listening. Mother Nature is very melodious indeed! The sounds of the countryside are ever changing. Geese flw overhead honking loudly, Cranes in the nearby marsh call out, Frogs croak in unison, Turkeys gobble to attract a mate, Wind howl through the trees, Leaves rustle in the fall. These are pleasures we enjoy daily. The sweet smell of freshly mown grass assaults the senses, spring lilacs fill the air with a distinct fragrance, ripening apples scent the air in the fall. Heavenly is the only way to describe our life. The background music on this page says it all...
Zippity doo dah..zippity de a wonderful day!!

Here is a view of part of the backyard, looking at the former barn, that is now Phil's workshop. There is electricity, water and telephone. We recently installed a furnace to keep him toasty in the frigid Wisconsin winters. His greatest dream is to "turn perfectly good wood into piles of worthless sawdust!' He is still working as teacher for Northwestern University and has yet to find the time to get started..ONE DAY it will happen. All the males we know are green with envy and covet this space! Lucky me, I managed to get my own corner for my garden equipment and potting needs.

OOPS!! I've done it now** The kids are going to kill me for this, but, life is a risk anyway!! They hate this picture, but they are what we married! These are all the kids, count them, SEVEN. When Phil and I got married, we merged his and mine, creating this unique group. His: (top row, 2nd from the left is Keith who was 16), (top row, 3rd from the left is Lance, who was 15) and (top row right is Dirk, twin of Lance, who was 15). Mine: (top left is Jim, who was 17), (bottom center is Anita, who was 16), (bottom left is Cindy, who was 15) and (bottom right is Randy, who was 10).
Phil and I had to love each other very much to weather the storms this crew created. Somehow we all survived and became a happy family and all think of each other as brothers and sisters. No need to go into the learning to adjust period, just believe me when I say it was one of the biggest challenges of our lives, but we met it head on and conquered it! We are now proud to say they are a great group of adults who have completed our circle of love. May their lives be as enriched and full as ours, and may they always know they are loved as much as is possible!

These are our 2 Pomeranians, Gigi is the beautiful red and white one. She is getting older and spends most of her day with Phil's mom, who lives with us. She loves all the nibbles of food she gets daily and has gotten to be rather "round" and loves sitting on grandma's lap, gently rocking in the rocking chair.
Raven is a rare black, tiny lover. She is Phil's dog by choice and lives on his lap or in his arms. People think he has a furry growth on his body..he he! She loves to ride in the car and demands a daily tour of the neighborhood to top off her day.

Pom's make marvelous house dogs, are great with kids and mostly well behaved, but they are "YAPPERS" and you have to be ready to tolerate that to love them.


To Our Home Page

To My Quilts Page

To Our Florida Condo

Meet Our Grandbabies

Walk in Our Garden

Step in Our Kitchen

Share Our Christmas

Many Thanks to Maria for
for the Lovely Graphics