My Awards Page

Please click on the Awards below to visit the sites of the very kind people who have "Honored" me with these awards.

I was astonished and "very delighted" to be given my first award. It was given to me by Jacque_CL my Community Leader.

Many Thanks Jacqueline for this honor.


Heartland,Oaks beginners 


I received this Award from Delilama.

Thank You!!

Delilama's Golden Karma 


I received this Award from Spawn for signing his Guestbook. Want one? Go sign his book!!

Thanks Spawn

Spawn's guestbook sign award


I received this Award from 2 people that are very special to me. Please take time to visit their site. They have been a great source of "inspiration and encouragement".

Thank You JC and Cheryl

Sherrill's Site Excellence Award


I applied for and received this beautiful Award from Bridey. She has a wonderful site please take a moment and pay her a visit.

Thank You Bridey

Bridey's Award


I applied for and received this Precious Award from Hot Thang. Just click on it to go see what a Great site she has.

Thank You Angel

Hot Thangs Award


I received this Award for signing Gina's Guest-book. She has done an exceptional job on her Eeyore Pages. Please take the time to Visit her and sign her guest-book.

Thank you, Gina

Gina's guest-book 


I received this Award from Diamondeve. I am proud and honored to display this very beautiful award. She is one of the best friends a person could have on the WWW. She has one of the best sites around!! Please take the time to visit her, I promise it will be very enjoyable!!

Thank You Pam,
"My Very Dear Friend"

Diamondeve's excellent 
site Award


I received this Award from Bill of Bill's Link Pages. He has lot's of very useful F-Keys. Go visit and tell him I sent you...hehehe!!!

Thank you Bill


Hey look what I found in my mail box this morning. Isn't this just beautiful. This Award was given to me by Sandy of Boo_Boo's Web Page. Stop by and visit her some time!!!!

Thank you Sandy


Nancy of Nancy's Gifs honored me with this award. Go on over and check out her treasures. Her site is just wonderful!!!

Thank you Nancy


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