Best Beagles
Buddy's Page
Buddy is a seven year-old beagle.
He is registered with the AKC.
Buddy enjoys doing dog obedience.
He has his CD and has two legs
towards his CDX. It is unusual to
see beagles do dog obedience
because they are a difficult breed
to train to ignore their noses and
pay attention to their owner. Buddy
has done very well in the ring at
times and at other times he has
kept his owner very humble by
deciding to do his own thing.
Buddy has been enjoying agility
for two years and has done good.
Buddy also enjoys hunting, eating,
playing with his friend Jasmine,
a good scratch behind the ear,
and sleeping.

Editor's Note: Buddy did it! He had the best performance of his career thus far. Buddy is very excited to learn utility. His owner has a great sense of humor and a lot of patience. All utility people know she is going to need it.

Buddy being obedient.
Buddy and Jasmine playing.
Buddy loves to sleep.

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