A New Home
March 11, 2005
Winter Time
Hi All,
It has finally gotten cold again in Indy. We have had some snow over the last week or so. It was almost 70 on January 11th, but today (Jan. 16th) the high is only 18. We spent the holidays out of town, and during Christmas, while we were enjoying mostly good weahter in Florida, it got down to -5 in Indy. Good week to be gone. There are new pictures from Las Vegas and Florida.
Bye all, Love Jim, Soonhee and Crystina
Check out Crystina's Page
Florida Pictures
Las Vegas Pictures
Sierra Nevadas
Labor Day Trip to NY
Artsy Pictures
March 11, 2005
Favorite Web Sites
Crystina's Page
Argonaut Home Page (Work)
Winsite Archive
Jumbo Software Archive
Linux Archive
Info-Mac at MIT
Five in a Row Game