Christ in Focus 


So What do I Need to do to be Saved?

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So What's the Difference?
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Why so Many Different Christian Churches?

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About the Author

Who am I?

I am a Christian, living in New Zealand. I go to an Elim church and am in ministry training with Elim. Click to read my testimony.

Who are Elim?

Elim is a Pentecostal Christian church which would come in under the general heading of a protestant church. Elim came out of the Welsh revival at the turn of the century. We believe the Bible is the word of God given through men to men under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. We believe that the workings of the Holy Spirit weren't just meant to be an isolated series of happenings at Pentecost but are for us now. There is supposed to be a vibrant heart beat of life within the church, the source of which is the Holy Spirit.

The following is a list of our main beliefs:

What We Believe.
The Bible: We believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God, and that none may add thereto or take away therefrom, except at their peril.
The Trinity: We believe that the Godhead eternally exists as three persons; the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and these three are one God.
The Church: We believe that the church consists of all persons who have been regenerated by the Holy Spirit and made new creations in Christ Jesus.
The Saviour: We believe that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God, and through the death and risen power of Christ all who believe and confess Jesus as Lord can be saved from the penalty and power of sin.
The Healer: We believe that our Lord Jesus Christ is the Healer, and that healing is provided for in the atonement.
The Baptizer: We believe that our Lord Jesus Christ is the Baptizer in the Holy Spirit and that this Baptism with signs following is promised to every believer.
The Coming King: We believe in the personal return of our Lord Jesus Christ to receive unto himself all born again believers.
The Fruit: We believe that every believer in the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour should produce the ninefold fruit of His Spirit- as in Galatians 5 : 22, 23.
The Gifts: We believe that the church should claim and manifest the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit- as in 1 Corinthians 12 : 8-10.
The Ministry: We believe that God has given some to be Apostles, some to be Prophets, some to be Evangelists, Pastors or Teachers, for the perfecting of the saints for the work of the ministry, and for the edifying of the Body of Christ. Ephesians 4 : 11, 12.
The Future State: We believe in the resurrection of the dead, the eternal hapinness of all true believers in Christ, and the eternal punishment of all Christ rejecters.
The Ordinances: We believe in the following ordinances: partaking of the Lord's Supper in memory of our Lord's death and imminent return; Baptism by Immersion for believers; The Laying on of Hands; The Anointing of the sick with oil.