navywire.jpg (16023 bytes)If anything simply cannot go wrong, it will anywayIf you perceive that there are four possible ways in which a procedure can go wrong, and circumvent these, then a fifth way, unprepared for, will promptly 

Recent Repairs, Wire Arcing Eyed in B767 ETOPS Diversion

James T. McKenna/Washington

British investigators are assessing whether recent maintenance and the use of
polyimide-insulated wiring contributed to an inflight electrical fire on a
United Airlines ETOPS 767.

The U.K.'s Air Accidents Investigation Branch (AAIB) is running the
investigation into the Jan. 9 incident, which led to the diversion of the
Zurich-Washington flight to London. The U.S. National Transportation Safety
Board is participating.

The problems on United Flight 965 began shortly after takeoff from Zurich for
a transatlantic flight to Washington's Dulles International Airport, when a
series of apparently unrelated electrical problems began occurring, the flight
crew told investigators.

When the aircraft was west-northwest of Paris, the flight crew was approaching
the point at which they had to decide whether to continue the extended-range,
twin-engine overwater operations (ETOPS) flight over the Atlantic. ETOPS rules
permit twin-engine aircraft to operate on routes 180
min. or more from the nearest emergency landing airport only if the aircraft's
systems meet strict conditions. Given the electrical problems, the crew opted
to abort the flight and divert to London's Heathrow International Airport.

After an uneventful landing at Heathrow, flight attendants reported smoke in
the first-class cabin and galley. The captain ordered an evacuation after he
brought the 767 to a stop on a taxiway. There were a handful of minor injuries
during the evacuation.

AAIB investigators examining the aircraft found about 10 circuit breakers open
in the cockpit. It is not clear whether the breakers opened in flight or on
the ground.

They also found a roughly 7-in.-long section in a bundle of more than 100
wires that was severely burned and melted. The bundle was in the electrical
and electronics (E&E) bay of the 767-322ER, directly below the first-class

About three dozen wires in the bundle were damaged by heat or fire. The
twisted strands in one wire were fused into a single strand of copper,
indicating its exposure to sustained high temperatures. There were copper
globules in the damaged area, indicating active arcing occurred there.

All of the damage to the bundle occurred on the inside bend of the bundle's
curve over the top and down the side of a refrigeration unit. There is no
evidence that the fire or heat extended up around the circumference of the
bundle to the top of the bundle.

The exterior of wires on another bundle about an inch away suffered thermal
damage, as did foam on the rear wall of the refrigeration unit.

The unit, an 86-lb. chiller for the first-class galley, had recently undergone
maintenance. Investigators are trying to determine whether mechanics may have
nicked insulation on a wire in the damaged bundle in the process of
maneuvering the chiller out of or into its perch in the E&E bay.

Most of the wires in the damaged bundle used ETFE insulation, but all of the
individual damaged wires used Kapton, a type of polyimide-film insulation.
Polyimide insulation has been known to break down under ``arc tracking'' if it
has been previously damaged or mishandled.

In arc tracking, a short circuit arcs the polyimide insulated wire and another
conductor. This chars the insulator, making it conductive and capable of
sustaining the arc. Sustained arcs have been shown to propagate along the wire
through continuous insulation charring, triggering arcing in other polyimide-
insulated wires in a bundle.

Photograph: After the United Airlines 767 flight crew diverted to Heathrow,
investigators found concentrated fire and heat damage in one wire bundle in
the aircraft's electronics compartment
. Bill Hough photo. -AW&ST 2/9/98
David et al,

I received this from Jim Bergquist this morning. I knew about it but not all
of the details. It's a good thing that the captain made the decision to make
an emergency landing when he did, or we might have had another 111 crash over
the ocean.

The cardinal rule was broken: YOU DON'T MIX TYPES OF WIRES!!! How many
airlines and their maintenance mechnics know about this rule?? The 767 is
wired with X-LINK TEFZEL (Raychem's BMS 13-48 wire) but they mixed it with
KAPTON WIRE from the chiller. It would be interesting to find out, HOW MANY

In looking over the video tape that Swiss TV made, when I was interviewed, I
saw some wire bundles in an overhanging panel in a MD-11. They were blue
wires and they were DOUBLED OVER and held in that position with white plastic
ties. 111 was wired with KAPTON WIRING. KAPTON insulation is brittle and can
shatter, like glass, if stressed like bending over, (180 degrees), and under
VIBRATION from the airplane. Another cardinal rule was broken!!! Maximum
bending of A/C wire is MAXIMUM 90 degrees.

I believe the whole damn air industry must be made aware of how you handle
wire. They should have to pass a FAA CERTIFICATION EXAM. Make some random
interviews of mechanics and maintenance supervisors and see how knowledgable
they are about handling and make wire installations. You might be very
surprised and yet wire is so crucial to flying SAFE, that all personnel should
know how to safely handle wire. -PATRICK PRICEmsr11.jpg (47210 bytes)

map_halifax_swissair.jpg (26561 bytes)


The databases require careful screening,(eg.. NYC96IA116) on a 767 kapton
wired a/c). It had multiple electronic/electrical anomalies, en route,
including illuminated warning lights, erroneous display indications,
uncommanded autopilot disconnects, & failure of flight instruments, Flight
diverted & landing was made with zero flaps & slats extended, thrust reversers
inop, ground spoilers inop & partial anti-skid. Pilots unaware of failures due
to multiple electrical system failures.
Investigation revealed that several
elect. buses failed or became intermittently inop, but other systems on same
bus remained operative. Probable cause numerous electrical anomalies due to
undetermined electrical system causes
This could not be duplicated on the ground. Similar events plagued 767
kapton wired a/c on 2/16/96,3/24/96,5/13/96,5/14/96,and 9/17/96. These other
events are not listed in the NTSB database however. See how six incidents
become one? This is just one instance. The need for independently powered PA
systems, flammability of cabin interiors,a hot mike vs. a cam mike for clarity
on CVRs, are other examples that need to be addressed as well. Too much data
can be as obstructive as too little. We need to tailor the info to:
journalists, mechanics, pilots, whistleblowers, inspectors, etc. I think we
need to fine tune these issues rather than using a scatter-gun approach. ED


If there is a possibility of several things going wrong, the one that will cause the most damage will be the one to go wrong

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