MD-11 Automation Assists Pilots, Cuts Workload |
The MD-11
Gestation DAVID HUGHES/YUMA, ARIZ. On the McDonnell Douglas MD-11, computers perform everything from checklist tasks to stall recovery in an aircraft where the flight engineer's duties are accomplished by a bank of automatic controllers that run the aircraft's systems.
The cockpit design distills the experience of 19 years and more than 16 million hours of DC-10 commercial airline operation into computerized system controllers that operate hydraulic, electrical, air (pneumatic) and fuel systems. These aircraft system controllers, as they are called, run in parallel rather than in series for both normal and emergency procedures. This means, for example, that the fuel system configuration changes to the proper status without waiting for steps to be taken to reconfigure the hydraulic, electrical or air systems. Each system is run by two computers and each one can revert to manual operation if necessary.
In addition, the automatic flight system (AFS) includes augmentation in pitch, yaw and roll. Roll control wheel steering is optional. The autothrottle portion of AFS keeps the pilot from unintentionally flying too fast or too slow in a particular configuration. A flight management system provides automatic navigation in both vertical and lateral dimensions. It also provides the optimum speeds and altitudes to achieve the most efficient fuel consumption on a particular route. The two dual-channel flight control computers direct the throttles, the ground spoilers, the elevators, ailerons, rudder, elevator feel, flap limiter and stab trim.
This AVIATION WEEK & SPACE TECHNOLOGY pilot evaluated the MD-11 recently from the left seat in test aircraft No. 4. The aircraft, which is powered by General Electric CF6-80C2 engines, is scheduled for delivery to American Airlines later this year.
Capt. John Miller, chief of flight operations for the MD-11 program, occupied the right seat for the demonstration. The flight, which was part of the regular test program, lasted 5.8 hr. and more than 40 test procedure cards were accomplished. A crew of technicians manned computer and video consoles in the back of the aircraft to monitor the tests in progress, which included numerous checks on the accuracy of the Honeywell flight management system.
The exterior of the MD-11 looks very much like a DC-10 because the airframe is stretched only 18 ft. 6 in. The MD-11, however, is most recognizable by its winglets. The outer portion of the wings have a blunt trailing edge that varies in thickness from .5 in. near the wingtip to 1.5 in. at the inboard edge of the outer flap panel. The inlet for the No. 2 engine is the same as that used on the DC-10 Series 40. This is the case even though the MD-11's 61,500-lb.-thrust General Electric CF6-80C2 and 60,000-lb.-thrust Pratt & Whitney PW4460 engines require more airflow than the 52,500-lb.-thrust Pratt & Whitney JT9D-59A series engines on the DC-10-40. McDonnell Douglas engineers were concerned about whether the opening would be large enough, but flight tests have demonstrated that the air mass movement is sufficient. The third engine in the program is the 65,000-lb.-thrust Rolls-Royce Trent 665. Composite material is now used in the No. 2 inlet structure.
Once we were in the seat, Miller turned on the inertial systems and called up route F-150 in the flight management system (FMS) memory. F-150 is a round-robin route that goes from Yuma to San Diego, Los Angeles and Palmdale in California and then on to Boulder, Colo. This route would be used to test the FMS navigation accuracy. Miller entered a zero cost index to govern FMS calculations. An index can be selected between 0 and 999 depending on whether fuel economy is the primary objective or whether reducing time en route is more important.
The next entry in the FMS control display unit was our gross weight of 460,900 lb. and total fuel of 186,400 lb. with a zero fuel weight center of gravity of 23%. At this point the FMS calculated our c. g. with full fuel.
Miller filed to climb to a cruising altitude of flight level 260 and the FMS computer told us that flight level 340 was optimum for this fuel weight and flight level 366 was the maximum level. One of the features of the MD-11 FMS that international operators will find useful is the system's ability to calculate a series of step climbs with up to six steps. This allows for more accurate fuel planning on long-range flights.
The aircraft system controllers are programmed to perform self-tests. The fuel system, for example, completes its test when the refueling door is closed. Miller checked with the scanner on the ground that the flight controls were clear before initiating an automated hydraulic system test that would move control surfaces. If any problems are discovered they are annunciated to the crew.
A check of the fuel system synoptic page, a diagram with tanks and pumps and engines depicted, showed that the No. 1 main tank contained 41,100 lb., the No. 2 main tank 64,600 lb., the No. 3 main 40,900 lb. and the auxiliary tank 39,800 lb. The No. 2 tank is really two tanks in the inboard sections of the left and right wings, and the auxiliary tank is in the center wing. This diagram is a dynamic one that tracks fuel levels and notes with changing colors when fuel pumps are on or off. The fuel quantities are measured by a computerized system that relies on several probes in each tank. The tail tank, which has a 2,000-gal. capacity, was empty but the fuel system controller would route fuel into it after takeoff to achieve the desired aft center of gravity.
A check of the configuration page on the Systems Display cathode ray tube (CRT) showed that the brakes were at about 27C and the tire pressure was about 190 psi. A check of the overall system status page showed that there were no alerts with consequences.
Miller depressed the APU start button, and the APU doors opened and the power unit began to turn over.
He then called up the fuel status page to show that a fuel pump had been turned on automatically to feed the APU and the fuel system configuration was changing. He called up the electrical system status page next and showed that the APU was automatically powering the main buses and the electrical system was reconfiguring itself to draw power from the APU. External power was turned off and the air cycle machines began operating automatically.
Miller demonstrated that it is possible to intervene at any point and convert the fuel, electrical, air or hydraulic system to manual operation if the pilot so desires. Reverting to automatic operation is as simple as depressing a button.
The crew entrance door was closed and the FMS calculated all of our takeoff speeds, which appeared as markers on the speed tape. V (takeoff decision speed) was 134 kt., Vr (rotation speed) was 150 kt. and V (takeoff safety speed) was 163 kt. These markers would begin moving down from the top of the display as we accelerated and approached the speeds involved.
Miller planned to have me fly the takeoff with the autopilot off and the auto-throttles engaged. We planned to take off on Runway 3L, which is 13,299-ft. long, and fly on runway heading before turning left to Bard, which is the VOR located near Yuma.
Miller pushed the No. 3 ignition switch, and the air system reconfigured itself by shutting off the packs to provide bleed air from the APU for engine start. He then pulled out the start switch. N2 started to accelerate and when it reached a blue line on the engine and alerting display at about 15%, Miller pulled out the electrical fuel switch to turn it on. A line, which represents the starting limit, appeared on the exhaust gas temperature gauge on the engine and alert CRT. This line goes away after engine start is complete. Light-off occurred and the engine accelerated to about 45% of N2. The air, hydraulic, fuel and electrical systems were automatically reconfiguring as the start sequence progressed.
After starting engines 1 and 2, Miller said, ''The electrical system has picked up on the buses and the tie bus. The air system is now giving us air conditioning. The fuel system is transferring fuel.'' I then started the No. 2 engine, and Miller shut down the APU.
Miller pointed out one feature of the fuel and hydraulic synoptic pages that serves as a good reminder to the pilots later in the flight. At the time of engine start, a blue line appears at the top of the three hydraulic system reservoir diagrams to show where the quantity is at engine start. Should fluid be lost during the flight, the discrepancy is noted by the difference between the fixed blue line and declining fluid level marked in solid gray. The same sort of blue line also appears on the oil quantity diagrams. Miller used an abbreviated checklist that fits on one side of a laminated card to double-check critical items.
I released the brake and began taxiing the aircraft. The nosewheel steering control on the left side was easy to use; however, I had to work on my taxi speed and rate of turn to come around a corner smoothly because I was unfamiliar with the aircraft. Nosewheel steering provides 67 deg. of authority left and right, and rudder pedal steering provides 12 deg. of authority left and right. One feature on the primary flight display that was helpful was a readout of taxi speed. I kept the MD-11 moving between 10 and 20 kt.
We were cleared into position on Runway 3L with the winds at 060 deg. and 8 kt. The takeoff would be made with bleeds off and air cycle machines off. We were cleared to fly runway heading to a point 3 naut. mi. past the airfield boundary before turning left to Bard. Our assigned altitude was 4,000 ft. and we were told by ATC to expect clearance to flight level 260 10 min. after departure. We used a call sign of DACO 450, which was derived from Douglas Aircraft Co. aircraft number 450.
We were cleared for takeoff. The c. g. was 23.1% and the flap setting was 15 deg. for the derated thrust takeoff. The takeoff run began at 11:15 a. m. as I began advancing the throttles. With autothrottles on, the automatic system takes control of the throttles when the engines reach 60% of N1 and sets takeoff thrust.
The takeoff thrust target is marked with a ''V'' which rests on the outer edge of the three round-dial N1 diagrams on the engine and alert CRT. A line that ends in a T moves up as power is advanced, and when the desired setting is reached the T fits inside the V to provide the pilot with a simple visual cue to show that the power setting is correct. The pilot can always override the autothrottles and push the power up to maximum rated thrust at the forward physical stop. The throttles can be pushed past this gate in an emergency with a 30-lb. force to achieve the maximum available thrust limited to engine red line.
The aircraft reached 80 kt. 7 sec. after the final thrust setting was made and the autothrottles entered CLAMP mode, which meant the throttles were fixed for takeoff and could not roll back. Nine seconds later we reached the V speed of 134 kt. at which point we were committed to the takeoff. Four seconds later I pulled back on the yoke and the nose rotated smoothly into the air as I began following the rising pitch V bar. We had used about 4,000 ft. of runway on the takeoff roll. Above the flight director V bar was a pitch limit indicator that marked the not-to-exceed angle of attack. This symbol would change from blue to amber if we approached within 2 deg. of the stick shaker angle of attack, and it would turn red if we were about to reach the stick shaker angle itself.
A pitch limiter is a standard feature for wind shear escape maneuvers, but the MD-11 can display it during normal operations as well. Miller noted the positive rate of climb and put the gear handle up. As each V speed was reached the associated marker would come down the airspeed scale.
The aircraft climbed rapidly as it had plenty of excess power considering it was nearly 160,000 lb. below the 618,000-lb. maximum allowable takeoff gross weight.
I rotated the nose up to about 25-deg. to follow the V bar, which was calling for the maximum pitch the flight guidance system ever commands. The aircraft continued to accelerate to V and then to 173 kt., or V +10.
At 400 ft. above the ground, Miller engaged the autoflight system and the profile VNAV mode and the autopilot continued the climbout as I monitored the controls. At 1,500 ft. above the ground, the autothrottle system reduced the power to a climbout setting without any further action from me. At 3,000 ft. above the ground, the aircraft nosed over and Miller retracted the flaps as we began to accelerate from 173 kt. to 250 kt. for the climb profile to 10,000 ft. The MD-11 will fly this portion of the profile at 1.3 Vstall +5 kt. if that happens to be higher than 250 kt. for a given weight and set of conditions.
At 213 kt. (V +50 kt.), Miller retracted the slats. With the lateral NAV mode engaged, the automatic system had already initiated a left turn to proceed to Bard VOR and we were cleared up to 7,000 ft. Setting a new altitude limit into the FMS is a simple procedure using the controls on the glare shield.
The flight control panel on the glare shield allows the pilot to make changes in heading, airspeed and altitude and to alter these values in the flight management system computer without going through the two multifunction control display units on the pedestal. The pilot simply changes the preselect value in a window and pulls a knob out to activate a new heading, airspeed or altitude. To hold the current speed, heading or altitude, the pilot simply pushes in on the same knob. FMS push buttons under the altitude, speed and heading knobs allow the pilot to turn the knobs and then send these changes to the FMS for use in its calculations. If the pilot depresses one of the FMS push buttons without turning the knob, the value in the FMS program will be retrieved for use.
''You don't have to get down to the control display unit and fiddle around because there is a great deal of interface between the glare shield and the FMS,'' Miller said. The glare shield system directs the changes to take place regardless of the FMS or automatic flight mode engaged.
Five minutes after takeoff, Miller called up the fuel system synoptic page on the systems CRT and I noticed that the fuel system had automatically pumped 3,900 lb. of fuel into the tail tank and that our c. g. had moved aft to 25.6%. The MD-11 is designed to be flown at an aft center of gravity in cruise to reduce drag. After passing 10,000 ft., the system established the best economy climb speed of 347 kt.
After passing Imperial VOR as we were flying west to Kumba intersection, we were told by ATC to maintain our present heading. This was accomplished by pushing the heading knob on the glare shield to maintain the heading, and the deviation to the left of our intended course was depicted clearly on the navigation display.
Later, as we returned to course and passed over Julian, the autopilot smoothly banked 10 deg. to turn to a heading of 294 deg. The navigation display provided a wealth of data. All six CRTs were easily readable in the strong sunlight, and the color legends made it easy to interpret data.
All speeds, headings and altitudes specified by the pilot are displayed in white, for example, while all speeds, headings and altitudes derived from the FMS are shown in magenta. This helps the pilot remember when he has intervened in the automatic operation and when the FMS is navigating. It is possible to call up a standby flight plan on the navigation display in a second color for planning purposes.
The FMS automatically tunes the appropriate navaids for the route being flown. The system relies on three Honeywell ring laser gyros as well as two scanning DMEs with five channels each -- one for VOR, one for ILS and three for the FMS to use in precision navigation. The pilot can take control of the VOR/DME or the ILS/DME if he prefers. The MD-11 has two VORs, two ILSs, two automatic direction finders and provisions for two microwave landing system receivers as well. Global Positioning System capability can be added in the future by inserting a circuit card in the inertial reference unit.
We passed over Catalina Island at flight level 260 and Mach .808 and were cleared up to flight level 270 as we turned north toward Los Angeles. Miller entered the new altitude assignment into the FMS from the flight control panel on the glare shield. The AFS vertical alert warned us that the system was initiating a climb to flight level 270, so we could override it if we wanted. We burned an average of 18,000 lb. of fuel an hour during the en route cruise portions of our flight.
The MD-11 has a range shortfall owing to lower than expected fuel efficiency on the General Electric and Pratt & Whitney engines and higher than expected aircraft weight. The engine manufacturers are working to correct the 4-5% specific fuel consumption shortfall, while Douglas is working to decrease the aircraft's empty weight (AW&ST Aug. 6, p. 70). Douglas may also achieve some small improvements by fine tuning the aerodynamics, according to Miller.
The empty weight has been reduced by 1,700 lb. so far, and the maximum allowable takeoff gross weight being offered as an option has been increased as part of the effort by Douglas to meet various payload guarantees over defined routes. Douglas just added another 3,000 lb. to bring this optional weight to 618,000 lb. At this weight, the aircraft will be able to fly nearly 8,000 stat. mi., and some airlines are expected to opt for the higher weight. The standard maximum takeoff weight remains 602,500 lb. At this point, other Douglas test pilots on the flight took turns in the left seat to perform additional tests on the FMS during the round robin back to Yuma. The MD-11 completed the circuit to Yuma and headed back to California and out over Mission Bay to Warning Area Whiskey 291 over the Pacific Ocean.
After getting back into the left seat, I glanced at one of the CRTs to update myself quickly on the status of the flight. The progress page, as it is called, consolidates on one CRT display all of the data needed for an International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) position report, plus a lot of other useful information. In addition to the last position, time and altitude, it gives the next position, estimated time of arrival and altitude and the position after that. The page also records the outside air temperature, wind, fuel remaining, distance to go to destination and the fuel that will be remaining at the time of arrival. It also gives a distance to the alternate airport, estimated arrival time and fuel that will be remaining there. ''This is an example of how we have designed the system to serve the pilot,'' Miller said. In earlier generation aircraft pilots had to hunt for this type of data before making a position report.
I noted our fuel on board was 113,300 lb. and we would have 99,100 lb. left on arrival at Yuma, 322 naut. mi. away at 4:05 p. m. To keep track of our position within the warning area, Miller called up a flight plan loaded with the points on the area's boundary. When this flight plan was displayed on the navigation display unit, the connect-the-dot pattern depicted the Whiskey area and how close we were flying to the area's borders.
I disconnected the autopilot and an autopilot-off message surrounded by a box that was flashing appeared on the primary flight display. A touch of a button acknowledged that I was aware the autopilot was off and the flashing stopped. I began to fly the aircraft at 17,500 ft., and when the aircraft was 150 ft. below the designated altitude in the FMS a chime sounded and a computer voice said ''altitude.'' The MD-11 offers a variety of voice warnings that customers can select including 1,000 ft. above a level-off. If the aircraft is climbing or descending too rapidly as it approaches a level-off, a voice warning will be activated.
The autothrottles were holding the speed at 220 kt. I disconnected that system and an autothrottles-off message appeared in a flashing box. A speed bug on the speed tape provided an easy peripheral visual reference as to whether I was flying the desired speed +- 5-10 kt.
As the aircraft decelerated slightly, a green bar extending down appeared, predicting the speed I would be flying in 10 sec. I added a little power to maintain speed, and Miller turned off the longitudinal stability augmentation system (LSAS), which uses +- 5-deg. of elevator deflection to augment longitudinal control. With LSAS on, the pilot sets a pitch attitude and the LSAS system holds it with elevator inputs. When LSAS is turned off, the aircraft still flies smoothly, but I needed to trim the aircraft to maintain the selected attitude. ''It's just a regular airplane now,'' Miller said.
I experienced no difficulty flying the aircraft at an aft center of gravity and a slow speed.
Miller reengaged the LSAS to demonstrate its speed protection features as I began to slow the aircraft in a clean configuration toward stickshaker speed. Miller suggested that I attempt to close the throttles and maintain a 10-deg. pitch attitude. The first protection feature to be activated was the autothrottle system, which started to advance the throttles to maintain Vmin. This process would have continued until the autothrottles reached maximum continuous thrust. To override this, I held the throttles back against pressure.
The LSAS then activated its Vmin protection and began pushing the yoke forward. ''There are two protections for every condition,'' Miller said. To slow enough to reach the stickshaker speed of 150-160 kt. in a clean configuation, I had to hold the yoke back against substantial pressure as well.
The pitch limit indicator turned amber and Miller estimated the LSAS was providing 50 lb. of forward pressure on the yoke by this time. The PLI turned red as the stickshaker began to vibrate the yoke.
By releasing the yoke and throttles, I allowed the aircraft to recover on its own. The LSAS system lowered the nose and the roll control wheel steering kept our bank angle under 5 deg. during the recovery as the autothrottle system selected maximum continuous thrust. The slats also extended automatically as noted by a legend on one CRT, and we felt a little bit of shuddering. Our altitude loss was negligible. The slats retracted when a safe speed was achieved. Miller later explained that if the maximum speed allowable is about to be exceeded, the protection systems throttle back and raise the aircraft's nose.
Miller then demonstrated how the speed tape keeps the pilot informed of his changing minimum and maximum speeds, depending on the aircraft's configuration. Two amber-colored areas marked on the top and bottom of the tape move whenever the configuration changes to show where the speed limits are located. The lower amber region, for example, starts at 1.3 Vs for the current configuration and extends down to the speed marked in red where the stickshaker would activate. The speed command bug cannot be moved any closer than 5 kt. above the minimum or 5 kt. below the maximum speed, even if the pilot inadvertently tries to select an inappropriate speed.
Miller showed how the top of the slow-speed amber region dropped from 197 kt. to 160 kt. as he extended the slats and lowered the aircraft's 1.3 Vs speed. Another marker showed the speed at which we could safely retract the slats. As I slowed the aircraft, Miller extended the flaps to 28 deg. and the top of the slow-speed amber region moved down again to 153 kt. He then extended the flaps to 35 deg., and I slowed the aircraft to 120 kt. When the stick began to shake, I released the controls and the aircraft automatically recovered.
Following this, Miller extended full flaps to 50 deg. and the maximum speed for leaving the flaps out was marked on the tape at 175 kt. As I accelerated toward this speed, the flaps began to retract automatically to 40 deg. When Miller raised the flaps to 28 deg., the maximum speed marker for leaving the flaps out moved up to 210 kt.
Following this slow-flight sequence, we engaged the flight management system to take us toward San Diego climbing back to flight level 270 at a speed of 325 kt., the economy speed for our weight.
As we headed east back to Imperial, we encountered a line of thunderstorms and the weather radar painted heavy rain shown as red on the navigation display CRT. The storms were ahead and to our left. Miller later explained that the intensity of the weather presented on the navigation CRT can be adjusted independently from the intensity of the navigation map display even though the two appear together.
Weather can be overlaid on an HSI or any other navigation display. As the tops were above our altitude, we deviated to the southeast. We were approaching the top of descent as calculated by the FMS.
We began a descent to flight level 240 until ATC held us at flight level 250 for traffic. Miller said the top of descent points used in test flights had worked out well, but in this situation ATC was keeping us higher than we wanted to be. As we proceeded on at flight level 250, an altitude message appeared to indicate we would not be able to reach our desired altitude of 2,500 ft. at Bard VOR, our initial approach fix. Miller began slowing the aircraft below 300 kt. and then a speed error message appeared indicating we would not be able to slow to our speed target of 180 kt. by Bard.
Nearing Imperial we were permitted to descend and Miller deployed the speed brakes, consisting of 30 deg. of spoiler extension, and picked up a 2,000-fpm. rate of descent. He noted that it is possible to use both slats and spoilers at the same time. The aircraft could descend at 4,500 fpm. at about 335 kt., but we were nearing 10,000 ft. at this point and we would have to slow to 250 kt. anyway. We slowed to 209 kt. at 11,000 ft. and Miller lowered the landing gear to increase drag.
The navigation display of our approach into Yuma showed a right turn to the downwind, a left base and the final approach leg. A blue arrow along that route of flight showed where we would reach 5,000 ft., our next altitude limit. The display also showed distance and time to waypoints on the approach. We did not reach 2,500 ft. by Bard but we did descend to 1,700 ft. on downwind, so we managed to get down in time without additional off-course maneuvering.
As we passed the outer marker inbound on the approach, I disconnected the autopilot and began flying an ILS approach to Runway 3L with a Vmin +5 kt. approach speed of 140 kt. With LSAS engaged, it was easy to hand fly the approach. Weather was not a factor because the sky was clear and the winds were relatively calm.
I went a little high on glideslope but corrected back. At 200 ft. above the runway, a computer voice began counting off the altitude based on a combination of radar and barometric altimeter inputs. The voice started at 200 ft. then read out 100 ft., 50 ft., 40 ft., 30 ft., 20 ft. and 10 ft. It took about 20 sec. to go from 200 ft. to touchdown. Miller said Douglas pilots can tell from the pacing of the readouts whether the touchdown will be a good one. The touchdown was smooth but I was slow in lowering the nose gear to the runway. I depressed the go-around button on the throttles as Miller reset the flaps, and then I advanced the throttles. We rotated and climbed about 18 sec. after touchdown, with autothrottles engaged. Miller raised the gear and had to remind me to follow the single-cue flight director which was providing takeoff guidance. He engaged the autopilot before we reached our level-off altitude.
We planned a full stop and a taxi back for another takeoff on our next approach.
When I clicked off the auto flight system on final, Miller also disengaged the LSAS system. Flying the same ILS approach with LSAS off was only a little more difficult than it was the first time around with LSAS. With a little more practice, the LSAS disengagement would be hardly noticeable and certainly not a factor of any consequence.
Our gross weight at this point was 366,000 lb. with 89,800 lb. of fuel remaining and an aft c. g. of 30%. Miller said a c. g. for a normal landing would be about 26%, but owing to some flight test experimentation going on during this part of the flight, we were carrying some fuel in the tail tank. I noticed no problems flying the approach with the c. g. farther aft than it will be in airline operations.
After touchdown, I lowered the nose and applied the brakes with Miller backing me up as I reversed thrust. Auto spoilers deployed to 30 deg. on main gear spin-up and to 60 deg. on nose gear spin-up. We turned off to the right and taxied back for another takeoff.
An option in the test aircraft let me switch from a single-cue V bar to split bars, which I am more comfortable with. Airlines will be able to select one or the other display option. After the takeoff, I flew another touch-and-go and a full-stop landing as we terminated the flight. Our fuel was down to 79,000 lb. on the final landing with a gross weight of 353,000 lb. and a c. g. of 28.6%.
After our final landing at 4:55 p. m., I braked so we could make an intersection turnoff. The carbon brakes provided smooth deceleration. From the touchdown zone 2,000 ft. down the runway to the turnoff into the Douglas facility we rolled about 5,000 ft. A check of the brake temperatures showed them to vary from 140 to 220C, which Miller said was not very high for the amount of braking I did on the final full stop. The temperature probes are mounted directly on the brakes, rather than on the axles as they are on some transport aircraft. We met the tug, which took us back to parking. Miller said the MD-11 passed a demanding 100% refused takeoff test in its certification trials in which brakes that were 90% worn away were used to stop an aircraft that weighed 613,500 lb. (AW&ST June 18, p. 32). Miller shut down the No. 1 and 3 engines first, and the aircraft hydraulic, electrical, fuel and air systems automatically reconfigured themselves. After some additional checks, we shut down No. 2 as well.
Miller departed for a debriefing on the test cards accomplished during the flight as the MD-11 test program moved nearly 6 hr. closer to its goal of 2,021 flight hours by the end of the year. |
Published Oct. 22, 1990 MD-11 Avionics Suite Developed by Joint Venture DAVID HUGHES/YUMA, ARIZ.
The MD-11 avionics suite developed in a joint design effort by McDonnell Douglas and the Honeywell Air Transport Systems Div. breaks some new ground in automation but is also designed to keep the pilot in the loop.
In an unusual arrangement, Honeywell is supplying and integrating all of the avionics for Douglas and is even a financial risk-sharing partner in the MD-11 program.
The philosophy for the design of the MD-11 is to take care of routine tasks and even emergency procedures automatically to assist the pilot and reduce workload (AW&ST May 11, 1987, p. 147). Rather than present the pilot with a series of tasks to perform in a certain order, the automatic controllers for the fuel, air, hydraulic and electrical systems simply accomplish the steps for him in the desired order. ''We wanted to find another way to make it happen the way we intended it to happen without loading the pilot up with the responsibility to remember or find out,'' Capt. John Miller, chief of flight operations for the MD-11 program, said.
The pilot receives feedback in the MD-11 automatic flight system by having the yoke move when the autopilot is moving control surfaces and the throttles move whenever a power setting is made by the autothrottle subsystem. The pilot can override the autothrottle by moving the throttles at any time, and he can push the throttles past a gate to go all the way to engine red line. He can override the autopilot just as easily.
Paul Oldale, chief design engineer for the MD-11 system controllers, said the idea is to keep the pilot informed on the root causes of a malfunction without overloading him. Designers wanted to tap into the understanding of how to operate DC-10 systems that an experienced DC-10 flight engineer would have. Incorporating this knowledge in the software captures ''all the guile and cunning of a flight engineer,'' according to Miller.
Exactly how line pilots will react to the system will be seen when the MD-11 enters commercial service later this year. Pilots from 37 airlines participated in the cockpit development. ''The cockpit design was driven by pilots,'' Miller said. Automated systems can always be overruled by the pilot, who remains the ''final authority'' on the MD-11 flight deck.
Douglas pilots brought more than just test flight experience to bear when they participated in the design process. Most of them have logged a substantial number of hours as captains in command of Douglas aircraft on line trips for customer airlines. Miller, for example, has flown many hours in Europe, Africa and Asia, and his experience there provides insight into the needs of international operators.
Miller and Douglas test pilot Phil Battaglia briefed this AVIATION WEEK & SPACE TECHNOLOGY pilot on the cockpit layout prior to a recent demonstration flight. Battaglia pointed out that the aircraft system controllers on the overhead panel are organized logically. Beneath the row of three engine emergency fire shutdown ''T'' handles is the hydraulic system control panel followed by the electrical system, the air system and the fuel system panel. Each of these systems is normally controlled automatically by two computers, but the pilot can take over manually at any time. All the controls for the No. 1, 2 and 3 hydraulic, electrical, air and fuel systems are located directly beneath the related No. 1, 2 and 3 engine fire handles. This allows the pilot to easily scan all the systems that would be affected by an engine shutdown. ''This is an integrated system, not a jigsaw arrangement of little control panels,'' Miller said.
If a pilot selects manual operation, the system controller reverts to the safest possible operation. The fuel controller, for example, turns on all fuel pumps and transfers fuel in one direction only -- toward the engines. (in a normally operating elec system, that is) MONITORING SYSTEM STATUS
During normal operations, the pilot can keep track of the status of the various systems without looking overhead by monitoring the system display CRTs on the front panel.
The electronic instrument system (EIS) 8 8-in. CRTs are located six abreast. In normal operation, the outer tubes serve as primary flight displays (PFDs), which incorporate attitude director indicators (ADIs) with a speed tape on the left and an altitude tape on the right and a partial compass rose with heading information at the bottom. Inboard of the PFDs on both sides are the navigation displays, which allow the pilot to select a horizontal situation indicator (HSI) or a map, plan, VOR and approach mode. The aircraft's flight management system computes the aircraft's trajectory and provides guidance for vertical and lateral navigation.
The two display units in the center of the six-tube lineup include the engine and alert display on the left with N1, N2, EGT and fuel flow. The system display on the right presents 12 different displays, including a secondary engine page with oil pressure, temperature and quantity as well as gross weight, center of gravity and stabilizer trim setting. The pilots can also call up synoptic displays showing simplified views of the hydraulic, electric, fuel and air system configurations.
The synoptic displays are dynamic and the color of hydraulic pumps change to green to show when they are in operation. The color of the electrical buses changes from white to green to show when they are powered or to amber when an electrical fault occurs. On the air page the temperature in an aircraft compartment such as the cockpit is shown in white next to the commanded temperature the air conditioning system is trying to meet in blue.
A configuration page shows an MD-11 in outline form viewed from the rear with control surface positions noted. In a glance a pilot can check the position of the flaps, slats, ailerons, elevator, rudder, spoilers and landing gear. The diagram also notes the temperature for each brake and the air pressure for each tire.
The fuel synoptic page shows the number of pounds of fuel being burned by each engine per hour as well as the number of pounds of fuel remaining in the three main tanks, the auxiliary tank and the tail tank. The horizontal stabilizer on the MD-11 is about 30% smaller than the one found on a DC-10. It contains a tail fuel tank with a 2,000-gal. capacity which allows the center of gravity to be maintained well aft to reduce drag. HANDLING FAULTY CRTS If any of the CRTs should malfunction, the pilot simply turns the faulty unit off and the EIS system automatically reconfigures itself. There are no compressed display formats; instead the full-size displays are presented on the CRTs that are still working properly. Avoiding special display formats reduces pilot training requirements.
The dark cockpit concept is used, so normally there are no lights illuminated during routine operations when there are no system discrepancies. There is a heirarchy in the types of system alerts made to the pilots of the MD-11 in the lower third of the engine and alert display. A red master caution light warns of a Level 3 alert while a master caution light in amber alerts the pilot to a Level 1 or 2 alert. The master caution directs the pilot's attention to the engine and alert display where a box around an alert message means that action is required.
When the pilot calls up the synoptic page for the hydraulic system to investigate a warning that the No. 1 hydraulic system has failed, he will see the status of the system and a list of consequences from the failure. He will be reminded among other things that he will only be able to use 35-deg. of flaps, that autopilot No. 2 is inoperative and that flight control effect is reduced.
In case of hydraulic line damage in the tail, the MD-11 has the same fast-acting shutoff valve to protect hydraulic system No. 3, which was added to DC-10s following the accident in Sioux City, Iowa, last year.
The MD-11 also has the standard DC-10 rudder and elevator trim, yoke and nose-wheel steering system among other systems. The standby electromechanical altimeter and attitude direction indicator are located below the landing gear handle on the pedestal where they are easy to see. The left-side primary flight display and the engine and alert display are retained when the battery is powering a single emergency bus. With the air-driven generator deployed into the airstream, power is supplied to five out of six EIS display units. In test flights the MD-11 has operated for 25 min. on battery power and for up to 40 min. on the air-driven generator without any problems.
One example of how simplified things have become on the MD-11 compared with the DC-10 is that the 28 switch actions required by the flight engineer to jettison fuel have been reduced on the MD-11 to one pilot action. The system automatically jettisons fuel at 5,000 lb. per min. to the aircraft's maximum landing weight unless the pilot selects a different figure.
In a complex emergency situation involving multiple failures, the computerized systems would become the troubleshooter and reconstruct the aircraft to get all systems back on line if possible. The pilot can always check the status of the systems or override the automatics if necessary. And pilot action is always required to take an irrevocable step such as to jettison fuel or to disconnect a generator.
Analysis of one incident involving an uncontained engine failure on a DC-10 aircraft in the early 1970s found that the flight engineer was faced with having to perform 110 steps to complete all his checklists. On the MD-11, the four system controllers would perform all but five of these steps for the pilots.
McDonnell Douglas recognizes the key role of computer technology in the program and plans to place launch teams in the field with sufficient expertise and specialized tools to handle any fine-tuning that may be required in the computer systems.
A portable Sundstrand optical disk will be used to troubleshoot any problems that develop, according to Joseph R. Ornelas, a manager for MD-11 test Ship No. 4. It can take data from 12 digital ARINC 429 buses on the aircraft, each of which can supply data on 240 different parameters. Once the information is recorded, it can be converted to engineering units and played back on the ground for analysis using a personal computer.
The importance of software in the program is demonstrated by the fact that Douglas and its subcontractors have employed about 1,500 software engineers for two years during the peak of MD-11 design work. The teams working on the FMS and the autopilot each had 100-150 software engineers involved as did the EFIS and the automated fuel, hydraulic, air and electrical systems.
By building optional features into the software, such as CRT displays in pounds or kilograms and flight directors with a single cue or split cue, Douglas keeps all line replacable units in the avionics suite identical. If the aircraft are ever sold to another airline, reconfiguring the instrumentation to make it compatible with the new operator's fleet will simply involve the movement of three plugs on each of the two flight guidance computers.
The fact that so many avionics features are contained in the software means that service bulletin updates will be made by shipping each customer a 3.5-in. floppy disk with the latest program. This can occur much faster than when a service bulletin requires that a box be removed and worked on or replaced. In fact, Douglas officials hope to devise a method that will be acceptable to civil authorities of sending service bulletin software over the telephone by modem. The key is to make sure that no loss or alteration occurs in the transmission of the computer data. |