Dear Friend,
This letter was started by a woman
like yourself in the hopes of bringing relief to other dissatisfied and disappointed
women. Unlike most chain letters, this one does not cost anything. Just send a
copy of this letter to five of your friends who are equally dissatisfied and disappointed.
Then, bundle up your husband or boyfriend and send him to the woman whose name
appears at the top of the list. Add your name to the bottom of the list.
When your name comes to the top of the
list you will receive 16,874 men, and some of them are bound to be a lot better than the
one that you already have.
DO NOT BREAK THE CHAIN ..... One woman
did and got her own husband back!
At this writing, a friend of mine had
already received 184 men. They buried her yesterday, but it took the undertaker
three days to get the smile off her face.
We're counting on you !