Welcome to the Oakview Community webpage! The goal of this site is to provide information and establish an online community in which we can showcase the variety of talent our residents posses and learn about the many cultures they represent.
We hope to provide a growing source of local information and become a cultural hub, reflecting the wide artistic talent and diversity our neighborhood possesses. This is a pretty ambitious goal, and that is why you, the members of Oakview, are so important to the project. We are relying on your help in creating this page and giving it meaning. Tell us what you like about the page and what improvements can be made.
Please share your creativity and talent with us in submissions of poetry and the visual arts. We are looking for poets and artists to share their talent. Our neighbors from around the globe are encouraged to show off the history, culture and recipes of their countries. Submit an article about your rich national heritage and be our tour guide. Please click here to see our submission guidelines.
Oakview Citizens Association Officers
President...........................John Walters
Vice-President..................Richard Rosenzweig
Secretary/Treasurer..........Gene Ann Logan
Newsletter Staff
Editor................................Leon Howell
Layout/Design..................Randy Mays
Distribution......................Marlana Rountree
Sub-Committee Chairpersons
Neighborhood Watch.......Jay Vaughn
Beautification...................Marlana Rountree
Membership......................Peter Clapps
Traffic...............................John Sery
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master and the OCA officers listed above.
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