Owens/Owen Family Index Listing

This is a listing of Owens/Owen family GEDCOM's. The families are listed by the earliest to present ancestor. At the end of the name and date is the migration from state to state of the family over the years as provided by the submitter. Click on the family you wish to browse. You can contact the submitter via your E-mail or letter (if the submitter has no E-mail) from the families introduction page, or by clicking on the submitters name at the end of the listing.

Charles Owens (abt.1868-present) migration ARsubmitted byShirley Buckler

Elias Owens (abt.1791-present) migration NCsubmitted byLeslie Ward

James Owens (abt.1849-present)submitted byLarry & Candy Owens

Solomon Owens (1796-present) migration SC-FL-Gadsden Co. FLsubmitted byScott Owens

Thomas Owens (1755-present) migration NC-TN-AR-MOsubmitted byKeith Owens

Thomas Owens (1852-present) migration IRL-PA-NCsubmitted bySandra Owens

Ephraim Owen (1750-present) migration Wales-PA-GA-OH-IN-KSsubmitted byDave Jackson

John C. Owen (1818-present) migration England-Canada-IL-MO-NEsubmitted byKathleen Harrison

Lewis Owen (Abt.1506-present) migration Wales-PA-MD-VA-KY-IL-IN-KS-CAsubmitted bySarita (Cooper) Snipes

Richard Owen (Abt.1555-present) migration England-VA-NC-KY-St. Louis, MOsubmitted byJackie Owens

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