'MIA' Classmates
Some of our missing classmates are pictured here..others aren't, but they should all be named at the bottom. We would be happy to hear about any of them, pictured or not!
So if anyone has any information on these missing classmates, please let me know !
Thanks a bunch! :o)
Shawna Adams
Jeffrey Antram
Tracy Armstrong
Kevin Bailey
Maria Carter
Tondra Charles
Rebecca Cole
Myra Colorado
Sara Cooke
Rex Eckman
Gregg Elrod
Michael Engles
Michelle Gambrell
Brian Gardener
Jeremy Geiger
Steven (Jason) George
Jayson Gilbreath
Ivy Hamilton
Kristen Infield
Carolyn Lagle
Aubrey Lambert
Bernadeth Landon
Pamela Lewis
Ernesto Lopez de Victoria
Chad Luellen
Richard Manteau
Dominique Maugars
Kimberly Myers
Scott Nelson
Camille Rose
Andrea Scapigliati
Dawn Schlitter
Daniel Smith
Jacques Turner
Robert Tuzzolo
Timothy Wester
Anna Wieselgren
Christine Wood
Preston Shane Wright
Classmates A-M
Classmates N-Z
So what's become of Oak Harbor?