Charles E. Woodward
Charles E. Woodward, born 1820-1821 in Jefferson County, Tennessee, was the son of Samuel S. and Abigail Shelley Woodward of Jefferson County, Tennessee, Hendricks-Morgan Counties, Indiana, and Keokuk-Hardin Counties, Iowa. He was grandson of William and Elizabeth Millikan Woodward.

At an early age the family removed to Hendricks County, Indiana, part of a Quaker migration. Over 400 people left just the Lost Creek, Jefferson County, Tennessee church, most going to Indiana. So many left that the Lost Creek church meeting records were taken to Richmond, Indiana, and are now in Guilford College, North Carolina.

Charles married Mary Cook, daughter of neighbors Cynthia was the daughter of neighbors
Stephen Cook and Patience Marshall Cook. They removed to Keokuk County, Iowa between 1840 and 1842, and Mary died soon after. Charles served as a road commissioner, being paid $14.00 in July 1844. Brothers Nathan and William, and brother-in-law Samuel McCracken (surveyer, $21.50) also were paid for services at that term.
Charles on July 03, 1845 at the house of B.T. Hoxie in the town of Fairfield, Jefferson County, Iowa (a few miles east of Richland) married her younger sister Lavina (born 1828, died May 17, 1897). In October 1845 he, L.J. Smith, and J.B. Whisler were authorized by the Keokuk County Commissioners to keep a grocery for the sale of intoxicating liquors. They paid a fee of $25.00 for a one-year license. Charles served for a few months as Keokuk County Recorder in 1848-1849. The
courthouse was then at Lancaster, about five miles southeast of Sigourney.
In 1850 Keokuk County (near his parents) Charles shared a dwelling with his brother
Nathan, who had married Cynthia, yet another Cook sister. Charles was a peddler, Nathan a farmer. Charles is not on the 1856 Otoe County census index, so he probably moved there in the late 1850's.

On March 31, 1859, a deed was filed where Charles paid $180 for three lots in Block 4 in the town of Bellmont, Otoe County. By 1860 Charles, Nathan, and the Cook families had moved to
Otoe County, Nebraska.
In Nebraska City, a letter was being held at the post office for C.E. Woodward (Tri-Weekly Press - June 4, 1859). The Otoe County history lists him as a carpenter in June 1858. He is said to have been one of the early buyers of town lots in Wyoming. In January 1859 and December 1860 he received pay for jury service.
On March 31, 1859 he bought (Book #, page 51) lots 10-11-12 in Bellmont from Marion Bennett.

On May 20, 1860 he signed the marriage certificate for their daughter Cynthia Ann's marriage to Theopholis Mc. Munhall. In 1860 he owned four acres of land and an acreage valued at $400, all under cultivation. His horse and a milch cow were valued at $125.
In July 1860 he was mentioned as an officer of the Odd Fellows, and in September 1863 he received payment for wood sold to the county.

Charles was still there in 1865, according to the state census.

On 4/20/1865 he paid $205 to J. Milton Walden for 46 3/4 acres (Book K, page 331) "Beginning at a stone 19 adn 5/100 perches of the grantor corner on the north line of Section 25, thence east 109 perches thence down the bank of the river 79 perches to stone. Thence north 40 perches. Thence west 34 perches and 15/100. Thence north 40 perches to the place of beginning."

On 6/14/1865 (Book K, page 534) he bought Lots 11 and 5, B40, Hail Addition, Nebraska City for $$700 from Thompson and Rachel Corum.

Cynthia Woodward sold Lot 3, Block 1, Nebraska City for $250 on July 10, 1865 to Matilda and John McMechan.

He was assessed for personal taxes in March 1866 by Nebraska City.
The following describes some of the atmosphere of that era:
The mixed memories of a novice bullwhacker
One of the least likely bullwhackers ever to drive a freight wagon across the plains was William Henry Jackson, a polished 23-year-old New Englander who would later win fame as a painter, photographer and memoirist of the frontier. In 1866, after a quarrel with his sweetheart, Jackson hired on with a wagon train outbound from Nebraska City, figuring to forget his sorrows and at the same time see the country. On the nearly six-month-long journey to Salt Lake City, he kept a diary and made a series of sketches on which he based the scenes shown here.
I have never used profane language, Jackson confided to the diary, but since I have commenced driving Bulls I have gone somewhat astray. That was not surprising, considering his first attempt to yoke 1 2 half-wild longhorns: he spent eight hours wrestling them into submission.
After a few weeks, he got the knack of yoking and driving, but the aggravations of the bullwhacker's life seemed to be endless. What we have drank in the way of water would astonish a person used to pure water, Jackson wrote. Of one of the many assaults of Western weather, he solemnly observed:
An Eastern person has hardly an idea of a thunder storm.
By the time he reached Salt Lake City, Jackson had mellowed into a true bullwhacker. His hands were callused, he had a scraggly beard, and he simultaneously wore two pairs of trousers whose rips were luckily located in different places. Taken as a whole, he concluded with ill-concealed pride, you have a very seedy individual.

By 1870 Stephen Cook, Charles, and Nathan had all moved to Johnson County, Kansas - just west of Kansas City. Stephen and Nathan were farming, and Charles was a 'hawker'. In the 1870 census, Monticello township, page 554, are:
Charles, 49, farmer, born TN
Lavina, 42, keeping house, TN
Lydia, 17, born Indiana
Joshua, 14. He and the remaining kids were born in Iowa
Francis, 12 (male
Dempsey, 10 (male)
Elsie, 7
Jessee, 4 (female)
They were still there in 1874, along with Charles' son William Riley Woodward.

The Kansas City 1873 directory has C.E. Woodward running a coffee stand at
City Market , with residence at the same place.

No Woodwards are listed in the 1874 directory.

The 1875 Kansas census - Johnson County, Monticello Township, has Charles WOODARD living alone, 53 years old, working as a "hawker", born in Tennessee, and came to Kansas from Nebraska. He has two horses, 26 acres under fence, and 14 acres not fenced.

The household prior to him in the census is Wm. R. WOODARD, 32, working in agriculture, born in Iowa. In the household are Jennie - 24 - born in Wisconsin , Mary - 7, Charles - 5, and William - 3. All kids were born in Iowa, and the whole family came to Kansas from Nebraska. He had 10 acres of wheat, 26 of corn, and 8 acres other, 3 horses, 5 milch cows, and 8 other cows.

The household after Charles is Prior WOODARD, 24, also working in agriculture, born in Iowa, and coming to Kansas from Nebraska. In the household are John C. Woodard - 19 - born Iowa, Frank - 24 - Iowa, Eva - 12 - Iowa, Dott?? WOODERY - 14 - born Nebraska, Jessie WOODARD - 9 - Nebraska. Also in the household is a Lauria Woodard, 41, born in Indiana, and coming to Kansas from there. Prior has 20 acres fenced, 60 acres open, and two horses.

In the household before William is Stephen B. Cook, 37, born in Indiana, and coming to Kansas from Wyoming Territory. Also is Martha Cook, 18, born in Ohio and coming to Kansas from there. The third is F.M. Cook, age 1, born in Kansas. His farm is estimated at $600. It has 20 acres fenced, 20 acres open, 34 acres in wheat and one acre in other grains. He has two horses, two mules, three cows, and one dog.

The 1875 Kansas City, Missouri city directory has Charles E. Woodward, huckster, living at 1712 Locust.
In 1876 C.E. - "peddler" is at 1719 Walnut, the same address as the Traherns (Albert is a "stock man").
Mrs. L.M Woodward is boarding at the Grand Central Hotel. (Kansas City death records have a Mrs. L.M. Woodward dying July 1, 1879, aged 73 years. Mrs. L.M. Woodward had been listed in the 1867 directory as residing with glassware/china storeowner Mr. T.M. James).
In 1877 C.E. - "trader" is still with the Traherns at 1719 Walnut. Albert Trahern is now a "trader", too.
The Traherns, Charles, and Lavina are not in the 1878 or 1879 directory, but J.C. Woodward, a teamster, is living at 1717 Holmes in 1879.
In 1880 Joshua C. Woodward, teamster, is at 1717 Holmes, with Francis M. Woodward, teamster, and Mrs. Lavina Woodward.
They are still there in 1881, and Pryor C. Woodward, teamster, is at 1718 Charlotte.
In 1882 Frank Woodward, now a clerk at C.A. Murdock and Co., is still at 1717 Holmes. Pryor, still a teamster, is on Tracy Avenue between 17th and 18th. In 1883 Kansas City, Lavina Woodward is specified as the widow of Charles, and is at 1717 Holmes.
So Charles had died by 1883.

He may be buried in
Union Cemetery, where Lavina is recorded as buried. The stones in that area of the cemetery are mostly illegible or missing. One sign gives some history, and another hints that he may be among those buried without records.

Children of Mary:
Cynthia A.Woodward,1841
William Riley Woodward Oct 24, 1842

Probable children of Lavina:
Mary E. Woodward , 1846
(possibly the Charles Woodward - who died of measles at age 1 in Keokuk County - was a child here)
Prior C. Woodward, 1850
Lydia J. Woodward , 1853
Joshua C. Woodward 1855
Francis M. (M), 1858
Dempsie E., 1860
Elsie P., 1863
Nebraska State Census, 1865, Otoe County
C. E. Woodward, 44, Tenn.; wife, Levina Woodward, 37, Ind.; William R., 22, Ia.; Mary E., 18, Ia.; Pryor C., 14, Ia.; Lydia J., 12, Ia.; Joshua C., 10, Ia.; Francis M. (M), 7, Ia.; Dempsie E., 5, Neb.; Elsie P., 2, Neb.

Next line was:
T. Munhall, 30, 0.; wife, Cynthia A., 23, Ind.; child, Mary, 2, Neb.

T.M. and Cynthia A. Munhall filed an affidavit in 1900 attesting to her being sister of William R. Woodward. They lived in Stillwater, Oklahoma).

Mary Woodward married Albert P. Trahern in Johnson County, Kansas January 20, 1869.
Lydia Woodward married J.B. Trahern in Johnson County, Kansas January 01, 1874.

Prior C. Woodward married Carrie B. Brown in Johnson County December 19, 1876.

1880 Monticello, Johnson, Kansas Page 75A
Relation Sex Marr Age Birthplace
P. C. WOODWORD Self M M 29 IA Farmer Fa: IN Mo: IN
Carry B. WOODWORD Wife F M 19 IN Keeps House Fa: NY Mo: NY
Addie M. WOODWORD Dau F S 1M KS Fa: IA Mo: IN
This census has them immediately next to uncle Stephen Cook.
The 1879 KC directory has J.C. Woodward, teamster, living at 1717 Holmes.

Kan City Jun 20th /79
My Dear children and grandchildren:
I will drop you a card that you may know we are all as well as common. I am gaining all all (sic) the time cause I commenced taking tincture. I have gained 4 pounds in using it.
We got a letter from Lydia today. They are all well except had colds. Pryor and Carrie came down Friday and went home Sunday. They were tolerable well. Carrie was not very well.
I have rented our place to Pryor (that is, the ground). He gives me one-third of the flax seed in the the (sic) half bushel and the small patches he is to plant in potatoes. I doe (sic) hope sweet little Frankie is well by this time. Are the children still going to school. I hope you will write often. When I write to my dear ones at Lowell I intend it for you all if it is directed to only one of you.
With much love to all I remain as ever your affectionate grandfather
C.E. Woodward

Pryor was Charles’ son, living about ten miles west of Kansas City near Lenexa.
Written to son William Riley Woodward at Lowell, Nebraska. Daughter Annie Woodward Munhall was also living at Lowell.
Lydia Woodward Trahern was another daughter. In 1880 they lived about twenty miles southwest of K.C.
'Frankie' is William’s son Frank, born in 1878.

The 1880 directory has Joshua C. Woodward, teamster, at 1717 Holmes, along with Francis M. Woodward, teamster, and Mrs. Lavina Woodward.

The 1880 census District 9, Kansas City, Jackson, Missouri Page 275C has
Relation Sex Marr Age Birthplace
Chas. E. WOODWARD Self F W 50 IN Hse Kpr Fa: NC Mo: NC
Joshawa WOODWARD Son M S 24 IA Teamster Fa: TN Mo: IN
Francis WOODWARD Son M S 22 IA Teamster Fa: TN Mo: IN
Elsie WOODWARD Dau F S 17 NE Fa: TN Mo: IN
Jessie WOODWARD Dau F S 13 NE Fa: TN Mo: IN

Obviously, there was some confusion in the census taking.
In the same household is the Albert Trahern family.
The 1881 directory has the same three names at 1717 Holmes, except Francis is listed as "Frank". Pryor C. Woodward, teamster, is living at 1718 Charlotte. See the
Kansas City Street partial listing, to note that Charlotte is the street next to Holmes.

Albert Trahern is on 19th, between Locust and Cherry).

In 1882 Pryer C. Woodward, Teamster, is living on Tracy Avenue between 17th and 18th.

(Another son-in-law,
Jacob B. Trahern , laborer, is also living on Tracy between 17th and 18th.)

In 1883 Frank is listed as a teamster, still at 1717 Holmes.
Pryor C. Woodward is still a teamster, living at 1723 Tracy.
Lavina Woodward is specified as the widow of Charles, and is at 1717 Holmes.
J.C. Woodward is a hoseman, at Hose Reel #6, living on the se corner of 5th and Bluff.

Here is the text of a letter written by 'Lovina' to Charles' granddaughter Cynthia Ann Woodward:

Kansas City Mo
Nov 22

Annie my dear little grand daughter.
I rec’d your very kind and welcome letter in due time and was very glad to know that you thought enough of me to write to me and I ought to have answered long ago but kept putting it off from time to time until now but you must not think that I did not appreciate
(crease in paper)
you far from it. I often think of you and would like to see you. I expect you have grown to be quite a large girl by this time. What are you going to do Thanksgiving Day? We are invited out to Mrs. Ramsey’s but I just don’t know whether I will go or not. I want to stay and go to church. I guess Jessie will go anyway if it isn’t too cold. Yesterday was the coldest day we have had but not so cold today. Jessie rec a letter from Mary week before last saying they were all well. I expect you have great times with Charlie’s baby and I don’t wonder at it so I think it is real pretty and sweet too and I would like ever so much to see it well. I guess I had better quit for I am so nervous I can hardly write at all. Give my love to Charlie and Willie and reserve a good share for yourself. I am as ever your affectionate grandma.
Lovina Woodward

This was probably written about 1892. Annie (Cynthia Ann Woodward) would have been 12 years old, and Charlie’s first baby was born in late 1891, and she would have mentioned Ruby (April 1893) if she had been born.

The Kansas City directories for 1889-1891 have:
J.C. Woodward is still the hoseman at #6, and lives probably in the same place, 502 W. 6th.
Lavina Woodward, widow of Charles, is still at 1717 Holmes with Frank M., still a teamster.
Pryer must have moved up in the world, as he's called an Ex Man,(executive manager???), but he's still living at 1723 Tracy.
Mary W. Woodward is living at 600 E. 9th, and a Charles Woodward is at 705 E. 3rd. (I don't know their relationship)

In the 1884 directory:
Charles Woodward is at 705 E. 3rd.
Frank M., teamster is at 1717 Holmes J.C. is a hoseman for Hose & Reel #6 at 502 W. 6th.
Lavina, widow of Charles, is at 1717 Holmes.
Mary W. is at 600 E. 9th.
Pryer C. is now an "Ex. Man", and lives at 1723 Tracy.
Samuel K. is a bookkeeper, and lives at 1626 Wyoming.

In 1886
Frank M. Woodward, teamster with C.A. Murdock, lives at 415 E. 18th.
Joshua is now a driver at Hose & Reel #6, living at 611 W. 5th.
Lavina, widow of Charles E., is still at 1717 Holmes.
Pryor C., Ex Man Public Square, lives at 1716 Charlotte.

In 1887
Joshua is now a driver for Hook & Ladder #1 at 1114 Walnut, living at 1224 Baltimore.
Lavina is still at 1717 Holmes.
Pryer is in the moving car business, still living at 1716 Charlotte.
In 1888
Joshua Woodward is still at H & L #1, but lives at 616 McGee.
Lavina is still at 1717 Holmes.
Pryer is a teamster, at 1716 Charlotte.

In 1889
Frank Woodward is a driver, living at 1717 Holmes.
Jesse E. Woodward is a bookkeeper, living at 1717 Holmes. (new person)
Joshua C. is still a fireman, living at 400 1/2 E. 14th.
Lavina is also at 1717 Holmes.
Charles C Woodward (new listing) is at 1100 Wyandotte.
Pryer C. is still a teamster living at 1718 Charlotte.

Nancy Woodward, married, died April 15, 1889 at the age of 75, according to the index of Kansas City death records. Union Cemetery has her as Nancy B. Woodward
In 1890 a J.F. Munhall works at the K.C. Club - (this might be a son of Thomas Munhall and grandson of Charles E.).
Frank M. Woodward is a driver, living at 2027 Summit.
Jessie is a bookkeeper at R.O. Jones, living at 1712 Holmes.
Joshua C. now has a moving wagon, living at 1717 Holmes with Lavina.
Pryer hasn't changed, with his moving wagon at 1718 Charlotte. On June 30, 1900, he filed an affidavit for brother-in-law Jacob Trahern's pension application stating "have often worked with him". The affidavit says "P.C.'s" age is 59.

In 1891
Charles Woodward rooms at 920 Central.
Frand(sic)N. is still a driver at 2027 Summit.
Jessie-bookkeeper, Joshua C.-moving wagon and Lavina are at 1717 Holmes, and Pryer with his moving wagon is still at 1718 Charlotte.

In 1892
Frank M. Woodward is still driving, and at 2027 Summit.
Jessie, Joshua, and Lovina (sic) are still at 1717 Holmes, and Pryor is at 1718 Charlotte.

In 1893 Charles Woodward is a "switch", rooming at 166 W. Prospect.
Jessie E. is now a clerk with Geo. Almond, living at 1717 Holmes with Joshua (teamster) and Lavina.
Pryor is still a teamster at 1716 Charlotte.

In 1894
Frank M. Woodward is still a driver at 2027 Summit, Joshua is still a teamster, living with Lavina at 1717 Holmes. Nellie must have moved or married
Pryor must have moved.

In 1895
Charles E. Woodward is a "switch" at 1270 Reservoir.
Frank M. is now a salesman, but still lives at 2027 Summit. Jessie is back at bookkeeping, with the Mutual Reserve Life Association, living at 1717 Holmes with Joshua (teamster) and Lavina.

In 1896
Charles E. Woodward is still "switch"ing, but has moved to 412 Landis Ct.
Jessie is still with Mutual Life and lives with Lavina on Holmes, but Joshua C. has moved to 1815 Campbell - still a teamster. See the
Kansas City Street partial listing, to note that Campbell is two blocks away from Holmes.

In 1897 Jessie Woodward and LAVINA Woodward are not listed, and the Kansas City death listings has Lovina Woodward dying May 17, 1897. She was born in Indiana, 69 years old, and a widow. The Kansas City Star of May 20 (page 2) list of deaths said she lived at 1717 Holmes, and died of "old age". She is in the Union Cemetery, Kansas City, with her birth date as December 12, 1828.
Carrie R. Woodward is a steno, living at 917 Charlotte
Arthur H. Woodward is a clerk at W F M Co, living at 405 Prospect
Chas E. is a foreman with the K C F S & M, living at 1219 Reservoir
Joshua C. - transfer - still lives at 1815 Campbell
and Mary E. - widow of W.H., lives at 616 Prospect

In 1898
There's no listing for Carrie R. Woodward, so she married?
Arthur H. Woodward still clerks with W F M Co., and lives at 405 Prospect.
Chas E. is a now a switchtender with the K C F S & M, still living at 1219 Reservoir
Mary E. is still at 616 Prospect. Joshua C. - now a teamster - still lives at 1815 Campbell

In 1899
Arthur H. Woodward still clerks with W F M Co., and lives at 405 Prospect.
C. E. Woodward is listed as dying Feb 27, 1899, which is probably our younger Chas E.. The Elmwood Cemetery lists a C.E. Woodward, born May 22, 1870, dying Feb 27, 1899, interment March 2, 1899 in Block 10, lot 83.
Mary E. is still at 616 Prospect.
Joshua C. - now "moving" - still lives at 1815 Campbell
T. S. Woodward (don't know if a relative) died on Dec 28, 1899.

In 1900
Arthur H. Woodward still clerks with W F M Co., and lives at 405 Prospect.
Mary E. is still at 616 Prospect.
Joshua C. - now "express on Grand near 10th" - still lives at 1815 Campbell.
Pryer C. reappears, "express on Grand & 10th", living at 1119 Michigan. The 1900 census, E.D. 84, sheet 2, has:
Pryer, born August 1869 in Nebraska, is listed as a furniture mover. He owns his house without mortgage. His father was listed as born in Indiana, mother in South Carolina???
Carrie, his wife, was born February 1861 in Indiana, of parents born in New York.
Kithien? M., their daughter, was born January 1880 in Kansas.
Lena was born February 1882 in Missouri.
(No occupation or school attendance is listed for the girls.)
Three young women are boarding with them -
Lettie Mige, born January 1884 in Kansas, is a stenographer.
Alice Horton, born June 1884 in Kansas, is a music teacher.
Hattie McClure, born April 1876 in Missouri, is a saleslady.

The 1900 census, E.D. 101, sheet 16, has a teamster Arthur Trahern, born January 1875 in Kansas, two households down from a drayman J... Woodward, born October 1854 in Iowa. Both were renting houses.

In 1902
Arthur H. Woodward is not listed.
Frank A. is an engineer, living at 1635 Summit.
Mary E. is still at 616 Prospect.
Joshua C. and Pryor are not listed
. William N., a laborer, lives on the nw corner of Independence and Bellaire.

In 1903 are a few more listings.
Arthur H. Woodward - no occupation listed - lives at 405 Prospect.
Mr. A.H. Woodward, in sales at B. Adler & Co., also lives there.
Chas. Woodward is a clerk, living at 3938 W. Prospect.
Mary E. is now at 716 Prospect.
Joshua C. - now at "Perky & Co." on Grand near 10th" - has moved to 2419 Olive.
Wm. E., a "traveler", has his business in Victoria.

In 1904
Arthur H. Woodward lives at 405 Prospect. Mrs. Grace A. Woodward has her own listing, with that address
Chas. D., a broker, lives at 802 Tracy.
C.M. Woodward, a clerk with Ridenour-Baker Grocery Co., lives in KC, Kansas.
Emma Woodward, a seamstress with L. Saffran, also lives in KCK.
Frank L. Woodward, an actor, lives at 3324 Troost.
H. Guy Woodward is an actor at the Auditorium Theatre, with a business in Stratford.
Wm. A. is a clerk, living at 1900 Walnut.
John B. Woodward is a clerk, living at 3408 Highland. These three may not be related to us.
Joshua C. is back at Grand Avenue Transfer, still living at 2419 Olive.
Leslie W. Woodward (another new listing) is a clerk with HCC, living at 3308 e 12th.
Mary E., the widow of Wm. H., is now rooming at 2626 e 7th.
Pryer C. is back in town, working with Joshua at Grand Avenue Transit, living at 1117 Michigan.
In 1908:
Horace E. Munhall is an artist at the KC Post, living at 200 w 36th.

On March 25, 1908, Prior C. Woodward, age 56, residence listed as Raymor, MO, married Mattie Hoover - age 46 of Lenexa, KS - according to the Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church (Johnson County, KS). He is in the 1920 Kansas City (Oak Street, Kaw precinct) as divorced, age 69, with a "son" Harry M. Dixon (age 31) and some lodgers/boarders.

In Elmwood Cemetery, Block A, lot 302, is a Flora Woodward, born 1875, death 1939, interment July 19, 1939.
Pryer C. Woodward died in Jackson County January 19, 1930. His death certificate said he was born August 10, 1850. He resided at 7310 Oak Street, Kansas City, and was a truck farmer. He was a widower (Mattie). Informant Mrs. Lena Foster? of Cleveland, Missouri didn't know his birthplace or parents. He was buried at Raymore, Missouri January 21.

The Mattie Woodward who died in Jackson County October 1943 was a different one (wife of David).