Polska wersja
Family News:
4 Oct 1998- Myall Lake Camping
12 Sep 1998- Snowy Holiday
18 Nov 1998- Isabella's Formal
Click here to see Family Album

I'm Victor or if you can speak Polish, call me Wojtek(photo).I'm interested in computers, snowboarding, windsurfing, diving, bush walking.

My wife Beata(photo) is a real jewel. She works as a flight attendant. She likes workout, healthy diet, gardening and recently web surfing.

We have three kids: Isabella (14)-"I love Bananas in Pyjamas",Samantha(9) and Alek(4)(photo) who is a real Star Wars fanatic

Jamie(photo) and a cat Osar (photo). They like each other very much.
There is also a dog

We live in the best country in the world- Australia. That's a fact, we know it because like many other people here we chose it, and we've been thinking of ourselves as Australians for the past 15 years.
My wife and I were born and went to schools in Poland. We have a lot of friends with the same background.

Some useful and interesting links:
Polish Radio and TV stations in RealAudio
Almost everything about Poland
Almost everything about Australia
Phone directories to the world
Live camera in Warsaw
Why don't you 
e-mailus, it would be nice to meet you over the 'net'.

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