'98 - '99 Brownie Meetings

(12th) - We had New Girl Recruitment Day. Renee was in charge once agian this year. There were uniform displays, handbook displays, crafts for all the girls to do, refreshments and balloons. The Cadettes sang songs and played games with the girls. It was alot of fun. And we registered alot of new girls.

(21st) - This was our first meeting. For our start-up project we made Girl Sout Friendship Bookmarks . We said the Pledge of Allegience and the Girl Scout Promise, then we all taught the new girls what the Girl Scout Sign, Quiet Sign, Handshake, Motto and Slogan are. We designed our T-shirt for our Community T-shirt contest. There is a banner at the top, a little girl in the middle jump roping, and a little flower beside her. The banner reads "Jump Into Girl Scouts".Then we made smores and ate them. Then Renee taught us a song titled "My Hand On My Heart"

. The girls loved it. Then we played Mr. Bear and Red Light, Green Light . Then we taught the new girls about the Friendship Circle and the Friendship Squeeze. We made our wishes and said good night.

(6th) - For our start-up activity we colored a piece of paper to make our sit-a-can unique. Then we had our openinf ceremony. We taught a new girl the Promise. Then Renee told everyone that we were going to start having pen pals. Renee had all the names on index cards and we picked one. We all wrote to our new pen pals. We can't wait until they write back. While we wrote, Renee covered our pictures on our sit-a-cans with contact paper. We had snack and then we sat on our new sit-a-cans while Renee taught us a new song. The song was called "He Has the Whole World In His Hands" After that we played "Duck, Duck, Goose" . Then we taught our new girl about the Friendship Circle and how to make wishes.

(20th) - We started to discuss birds. We had four stations tonight with a different activity at each. The first station the girls wrote to their pen pals. The second station the girls made bird feeders . The third station the girls read about different types of birds. At the fourth station the girls made bird nests . The girls were very busy. We also discussed our field trip to the aviary and about our troop t-shirts. We had snack and they left.

(24th) - Our first field trip. We went to the National Pittsburgh Avairy. The girls loved it. We had a guided tour and played a couple of games with the staff. Then Renee bought the girls a sticker book for a suvenior. Then we all went to McDonald's for dinner. After we ate we got to play in the tunnels then Renee bought us McFlurries. We had a great time.

(28th) - Our annual Investiture and Rededication Ceremony. We gathered at the church we meet with 6 other troops. We invited friends and family. Renee was in charge of the ceremony. We had a flag ceremony and a Junior troop sang "America The Beautiful". Then leaders rededicated themselves for the new year. If you are interested in the speech that the leaders said go to the ceremonies page to read the speech. The new Brownies were invested and our Brownie troop sang "He Has the Whole World in His Hands" then the new Juniors were invested. Then Renee read a list of girls to stand and recite the Girl Scout Promise to rededicate themselves. The Senior Troopin our area presented a Dedication to Juliette Gordon Low, who's birthday is October 31st. After the dedication the Pastor from the church said grace. We then did "Taps" and the friendship squeeze and the flags were retired. We all meet in the basement of the church for refreshments.

(10th) - For our start up activity we worked on a Kid Winter word search puzzle. If you are interested in this puzzle or any other puzzles go to our puzzle link. During our opening ceremony Renee pinned Chelsey and welcomed her to our troop. The girls then broke off into their Brownie rings and worked on their turkey decorations while each ring took turns decorating the Holiday Meal Box with leaves. We ate snack after we cleaned up and then we played two games that dealt with birds. They were Migration and Camouflaged Creatures . Than we sang taps and made our wishes in the friendship circle.

(5th) - Today was the annual community Christmas parade. Ten troops from our community came to march in the parade. All the girls and their leaders wore their community T-shirts and either Santa hats, elf hats, or reindeer antlers. The girls just loved it. We sang Christmas carols and tossed candy to the kids in the crowd. One of the Junior troops made signs to carry to tell everyone Merry Christmas. One girl from each troop carried their troop flag at the beginning of the line. Ashley carried our flag. She was the only one brave enough to do it. Afterwards alot of the girls went to the Community Center to see Santa and get a treat.

(8th) - For our start-up activity we wrote to our pen pals. After our opening ceremony Renee introduced Karen to all the girls and the girls welcomed Karen to our troop. Everyone finished up their letters and then made their pen pal a star ornament. After they were done they made one for themselves to put on their own tree at home. As the girls finished their own star ornament Karen took the girls in the kitchen to make a sugar ornament. When they finished they came out to the meeting area and made a wreath from a kit Renee purchased from a mail order catalog. Then all the girls had a snack and went home.

(22nd) - We were suppose to go Christmas caroling but it was way to cold. So we met at the church. We sang Christmas carols, drank hot chocolate, ate some treats, and Renee passed out presents. Renee gave each girl and Karen a troop T-shirt that we designed for the Community T-shirt contest, she also gave them their Santa hat from the parade and their bells, and also a reindeer treat.

(5th) - For our start-up activity we made cards to tell someone thank you for something they did for us. Then Renee taught the new girls how to perform an opening ceremony. After the ceremony Renee told us all about the upcoming cookie sale and our upcoming field trip to Shop n Save. Then we split up into two groups. Renee took the girls who needed to earn the new cookie pin and Karen took the girls who needed to earn the cookie try-it. We also took a vote on what we wanted to do with our cookie proceeds. We want to go rollerskating, swimming, and go bowling with our fathers. We also picked two service projects we wanted to do. And they are sponsoring an animal at our local zoo and make something for the church we meet at's playroom. then we tried the new apple cinnamon cookie and had a closing ceremony.

(17th) - We wnt on a field trip to the local Shop N Save. Nine of us went and it was so much fun. We first went to the bakery to see how they baked buns and how they make cakes. Then we went to the seafood department and we saw how you can tell when a clam is alive or dead. Then we went to the meat department to see how they grind the meat to make ground meat and also how the machine wraps the meat. We went back into the storeroom and saw where all the extra food is stored before it goes out into the store for sale. Our tour guide showed us how the box crusher worked and where the trucks come to get unloaded. Then we went out into the store to find all the places where you can find fruits and vegetables. After that we went to the deli where they showed us how to use the slicer and they gace us some scheese to nibble on. Then we went to see how they roast chickens and the ice cream store gave each os us a dish of ice cream. When we were eating our ice cream our tour guide gave each of us a box of fruit, a cookbook and some activity books. It was a great field trip.

(19th) - For our start up activity we signed Valentines for our pen pals and decorated a lunch bag for the Juliette Gordon Low World Friendship Fund. After our opening ceremony Renee told us about our visit to a local rest home on Valentine's Day. Then we were split up. One group went into the kitchen with Karen to make Valentine ornaments for our visit to the rest home. The rest of us worked on Our Council's Try-it for Senior Citizens. After the group in the kitchen was done the next group went in to make some ornaments. Then we cleaned up and had snack and also had our closing.

(2nd) - We made Valenitnes for our start up project for our parents. During our opening ceremony we welocmed our two new members of our troop. Welcome Mary and Amanda B. We finished our Valentines for our trip to the Presby Home. While one group was painting the Valentines, Renee played games with the others. We played Animals and Art Consequences . After snack we played Bingo and Christine, Emily and Rebekah won friendship pins.

(16th) - We had our Thinking Day Activities tonight. We learned about England. For our start-up project Mary's mom brought in supplies to make a bookmark with a flag of England to color on it. After our opening ceremony we sat on our sit-a-cans while Renee taught us about the differences between us and and EnglishGirl Guides. We compared our promise with theirs and their motto and ours. Then Renee asked us if we knew what they called certain things over in England. To learn more about England click here: England. When we were done we finished our bookmarks while Renee made us our snack of English food. We all looked at the food and thought Renee was crazy. We tried it. Some of us liked it and some didn't. But Renee had animals crackers for those of us who didn't like it. After snack we made freindship sticks and Renee read us the poem that goes with it. Some us gave them to our friends in the troop and some of us kept them to give to someone later. Then we played Bango. That was fun. Then we had our Thinking Day Ceremony. Renee pinned the girls who needed their World Trefoil Pin and then Renee gave out our recognitions that we have earned so far this year. Then we sang "Make New Friends" three times. Once for our Community, once for our country, and once for Girl Guides around the world.

(2nd) - We did not have a start up project tonight. During our opening ceremony we welcomed a prospective new scout. She will be attending a couple of meetings with her Mom to see if she wants to join. After our opening we wrote to our pen pals. Our sister Cadette troop came to our meeting and we made SWAPS for our SWAP meet on Sunday. We made stamp pins, puzzle pins, bracelets, and rings. After our SWAP making we had snack and our clowing.

(7th) - Today was our Communities First Annual SWAP Meet. We hosted the meet this year.We had Scouts from each age level. We are also going to written in our small town's newspaper. We were all excited about the meet. We met new friends and had alot of fun. We are looking forward to next year's SWAP Meet.

(10th) - We went roller skating. Our local roller rink agreed to let all Girl Scouts from our Community in for $1 admission and $1 skate rental. 13 of us went and we had a blast. There were about 4 other troops there too. It was a another great way to celebrate Girl Scout Week.

(12th) - This was our first booth sale. We shared a booth with a Cadette troop. Neither of us did to good. We only sold 11 boxes. But we only had 21 boxes left. Jim is going to see if he can get rid of them where he works. Thanks Jim.

(16th) - For our start up activity we traced our feet many different ways on a large piece of paper and then colored them with markers. Renee talked about how we were changing our meeting. We will now be working till 7:30, clean up and have our closing and then go get our snack. Things were alot less hectic. Then Renee told us about cancelled our next meeting but we are going to have our annual Father/Daughter Bowling outing. Renee also announced our coloring contest winner. Congratulations Rebekah!! Ashley R., Amanda H., and Jamie also showed us how they can sign their name. After business time we made Shamrock Door Hangers. Our Junior Aid taught us a game. We don't know the name of it right now. We'll find out later. After that game we played Mirrors and played Freeze Dance. That was alot of fun. Then we had our closing and snack.

(27th) - Today was our Father/Daughter Bowling afternoon. 17 of us showed up with either our Dads, grandfathers, or brothers. We had so much fun. Thanks Dads, Grandfathers, and Brothers!!

(30th) - Meeting Cancelled

(11th) - Our annual Community Mother/Daughter Banquet. The dinner was at our local bowling alley. There was cosmic bowling, pizza, salad, and drinks. Emily won a door prize for our troop. Everyone seemed to have a lot of fun.

(13th) - We started our Literacy Program from the new Read to Lead Contemporary Issue. For our start up project we decorated our autograph books and our word envelopes. Renee told us that we need to collect as many signatures as we can by our next meeting and whoever has the most signatures will get a treat. The word envelopes have small index cards in them and we need to write down any words that we do not know when we read. Renee also gave us a book log and book review chart that we need to do till our last meeting. Acouple of weeks ago Renee recieved a package in the mail about our rabbit that we voted on to sponsor this year at our local zoo. To learn about our rabbit go to our rabbit page. Then we talked about the different activities we do that we need to read and write. Karen then read us a story about a little girl who was going to the library and her friend was sad. We had to tell our thoughts on how the story ended. We had to main activities tonight. The first activity we made posters for the local library we are going to visit. The posters were about reading or writing. Our second activity we wrote a group story. To read our group story go to our group story page. We wrote the story and Renee took it home and typed it on her computer and added pictures to it. Renee is going to make a copy for each of us. Then we had our closing ceremony and snack.

(27th) - We continued with our literacy program. We drew pictures of ourselves reading in our favorite place. When we were done we had our opening ceremony. Then Karen showed us some story books. We had to find what was wrong with the pictures. Such as moose do not live in people houses, panda's do not eat in resturants and so on. Some of the pictures were pretty funny. After we were done Renee told us that we had to make puppets for our puppet show. Each brownie ring are going to do a different story. The stories are: Little Red Riding Hood, Jack and the Beanstalk, The Three Little Pigs, and The Three Bears. We finished the puppets and started to write the stories. Renee said that she would finish them for us since we need them for our next meeting. Our parents are coming early for the plays. We are all excited about it. Renee also told us about our upcoming trip to the library.

(1st) - We gathered in shifts at Renee's house to bake cookies. The cookies were for aour teachers for National Teacher Appreciation Day On May 4th. We also got to take some home with us. Yummy!!!!

(3rd) - We went to the local library to have a tour and the librarian talked to us about reading. The librarian gave us some bookmarks. And we gave her the posters that we made at one of our meetings that talked about reading. Thank you Ms. Rankin.

(4th) - National Teacher Appreciation Day. Renee went to the school and passed out the cookies to the teachers. They just loved the thought.

(7th) - Bridging Weekend. The third graders and Renee went to a camp ground in the Black Diamond Girl Scout Council in West Virginia. ( troops from the area went with 38 girls and 6 leaders. Renee and Ada, a leader from another troop planned the weekend with some of the Juniors and Cadettes from the area. Once we got to the camp we unloaded and figured out where everyone was going to sleep. We all said our goodbyes and went outside for our opening ceremony. Renee told us something that none of us could figure out. Do you know where a flag is outside that can't really be seen? To find the answer go here: answer After we said the pledge and promise, Renee placed us in patrols with patrol leaders that we were to stay in while we do our activities. Renee and Ada told us the rules that we needed to follow and who had what jobs to do for the weekend. After business was taken care of we played games while another made a campfire. We sang around the campfire and Jim showed us the stars and moon through his telescope. We also made s'mores. Around 11pm we went in to clean up and get ready for bed. We had flashlight wars until Renee came in at midnight to tell us it was time to go to sleep. We were all sleeping by 12:30am. Wake up time was 7am. The bridging Juniors went into the leaders room with the Cadettes to do each others hair. This was one of the activities that the Juniors choose to do for one of their bridging activities. We had breakfast and cleaned up. We did the activities for the Today and Tomorrow Dabbler Badge and we also made a personal first aid kit for ourselves. Two troops went on a hike because they had to leave after lunch. After lunch the rest of us were going to go on a hike but it started to storm. So another leader had us gather around in a circle and she told us ghost stories. That was great. Around 4pm parents started to arrive for our bridging ceremony. We had to have it inside because of the rain. We made a bridge out of 10 chairs. We all bridged up and we went home. It was a great weekend.

(11th) - Our last meeting for the year. We practiced for our puppet plays and made poems out of our names. Around 7pm parents arrived for the plays. We did Little Red Rding Hood, Jack and the Beanstalk, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, and The Three Little Pigs. Renee wrote up the scripts for us since we ran out of time at our lost meeting. The plays were great. Then we had our court of awards and bridged one of the girls that couldn't make the weekend.

(22nd) - Five of our new Juniors helped at the Daisy Bridging Day. Danielle and Amanda helped the Daisies make their headbands. Ashley read "The Brownie Story", Stephanie and Rebekah told the girls all about Brownies and showed them their sashes. They also walked each of the Daisies acrossed the bridge to Brownies. The Daisies and the new Juniors also brought can goods to the bridging day to be taken to the local food bank. Thank you girls.

(27th) - Our new Juniors served cookies and punch at the Kindergarten Graduation.

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