The next mention of William is in the Jackson, Michigan, city directory for 1867 & 1868:
Woodmancy W. H., tailor, 173 Mechanics, h same.
The only other record naming William Woodmancy in Jackson County is the following marriage record:
This certifies that William H. Woodmancy aged 33 years, of Jackson,
Mich; and Martha Northrop aged 27 years, of Coldwater, Branch County, Mich.
were by me joined together in Holy Matrimony on the 7th day of May 1867
at Grass Lake Mich. Witnesses Benjamin F. Ransom, and Jane A. Ransom, Grass
Lake Mich.
J. C. Wortley
Minister, Grass Lake Mich.
Given this marriage is not mentioned in William's estate or any other family record, the age for the groom is seven years younger than William Howell Woodmancy's, and that it is curious that a man would have married four, let alone five times, it is necessary to explain why it is thought he is the groom in this marriage.
Records of three men by the name of William H. Woodmansee, other than the subject, have been found in Michigan. All can be ruled out for various reasons, and none ever used the spelling Woodmancy, which our subject used invariably in all records found bearing his signature.
The age given for William would be about seven years too young for William Howell Woodmancy. However, from other records, we can see that William's age was regularly mis-reported. He gives his age as 43 on June 1, 1880, and as 46 on June 1, 1884, younger than his actual age by ten and eleven years, respectively; and in the Iosco County Gazette obituary it is stated that William gave his age as 82 not long before his death (at age 80). The Jackson directory listing as tailor seems to confirm the identification, no other William Woodmansee having been found with this occupation.
Having found William in 1867 does not add a great deal to our knowledge of him at the time. No other record relating to William or Martha appears in Jackson county from 1867 onwards, and William's name is not in the next year's city directory. It appears they left Jackson county soon after marriage, and if there were any children by this marriage, they do not appear to have survived him. William's whereabouts for the next five years are unknown.