More about "C.B." and his Tree

"I'm too sexy for my furrr!"

Our precious 'CB' died on November 14, 1999 at 8:15 AM! He will live on in our hearts!

Woof! Hi there! Come on in and let me tell you alittle about myself. I am a Peek-a-Poo and I am 15 years old(76 in human years) As you can tell I am very much loved! And spoiled! *LOL* Yes, we pups do laugh!
My humans take very good care of me and that is one of the things I want to tell you about. Because they care so much, they know all my habits and moods, so if I act out of sorts or don't eat in my normal fashion...look out...vets here we come!
This happened recently, and off we went! Now, I have a wonderful vets, Dr. Claude Shumpert and Dr. Louise Burpee, but I sure am not fond of the things they have to do to me! Anyway, because I was not eating and was drinking lots of water, they ran all these test and took x-rays. Believe me that wasn't any fun!
When the results came back they determined that I have Cushings Disease. That means my body produces too much steriods, which is not good! My humans are very upset because they love me so much! The doctors are trying a new treatment that isn't suppose to have all those awful side affects, diarrhea and vomiting, gross! It is called Anipryl and I take it in the mornings. Hopefully in two weeks we will see some improvement. My liver is enlarged and we are hoping that it will start going back to it's normal size. So, around November 20, 1997, I will have to go back to the vets for blood work. Oh boy!
I hope all you humans that have pets will watch them more closely, especially older ones like me.
I still have a few good years left we hope. When my human mom says her prayers at night she always includes me!
Well, guess that is it for now. Hope you come back again soon. I know my folks will have an update on me. See you soon!

"C.B.'s" Tree!

"The Greatest Love Of All"

Buttons; courtesy of Celeste!

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