Retreat 2003 Pictures
One of my disks malfunctioned. I had some great pictures on it! So if you have any pictures I don't have, email them to me, and I'll get them up on the site.
Abby, Nick, & Sarah
Adam, Matt, & Nikki
Alex, Katie, & Jodi
Becca, Peter, Ethan, & Jodi
The Deans
Neenah Rockets
Lynn & Jake
Alex & Pete
Milt Cooking
Barb in the kitchen
Euchre time!
Jodi & Nick not cooperating
Hanging out
Jay playing guitar
Nick playing guitar
Jodi pretending to play guitar
Dueling guitars
Emily & Danie
Erin & Laura
Ethan & Gregor...dancing?
Alex (a good friend I've had for a while) & Taulant (my newest friend)
UD talking with friends
Westwood girls & friends
Jeremy & Bruce
Jessica doing Sarah's hair
Jodi & Jake playing ping-pong
Joe wearing spoons
John & Bruce
John & his mom
Kelley & Nick
Larsen sisters
Laura (or is it Ryan?)
Laura, Jay, & Hayley
Laura & Joe
Matt & Adam
Menominee Girls!
Michaela making cookies
Mike, Danielle, & Kaylene
Johnny Mac
More MacKenzies :)
Nick & my Jodi-odi
Ryan's victory pose
Nikki & Kaylene
Peter D...ouch!
Phil talking about music
Mike & Danie
Working on the infamous puzzle
The Puzzle-Maniac
Finally done!
Ryan, Bagel, & Biscuit
Nick P.'s new look
Another view of the new look
Sarah & Gregor
Susan & Levi
UD & Levi
Al & Sarah