This page is decicated to all CATS. To add a picture of your CAT. E-MAIL me. Send the picture as an attachment. It must be a gif or jpg. Let me now the color, age, sex and name of the cat and owner, if you want it known. Please do not send pics greater than 250 x 250. Thank you.
name:FIGARO color:Blue breed:Persian sex:Male owner:Edwin and Carmen Davila, Puerto Rico
name:Cumar-al-Zamon(Moon of the age) color:silver breed:Persian sex:Male owner:C.Fanning, London
name:Kisan Malia's Keiki Kalimapdu color:Blue cream Point breed:Himalayan sex: Female Owner: KISAN CATTERY Homepage for KEIKI
name:Dryade's Golden Thetis color:Shaded Golden breed:Persian sex:Female owner:Dryade's Cattery Homepage for Dryade Cattery
name:Josephine the Kingfisher color:Chinchilla-Silver breed:Persian sex:Female owner:Dryade's Cattery Homepage for Dryade Cattery
name:Babs the Cat color:Tabby breed:Domestic sex:Female 4 years old owner:Lynn and John Homepage for Babs
HOMEPAGE:Beautiful Cats
E-MAILTo send your picture.