Because our program is intended for the betterment of the breed, kittens are raised in the house. Kittens are born in a nursery bedroom and recieve daily handling from birth. They remain in the nursery with their mother until they have their first shots. With their immunity in place, kittens are given the run of the house. They naturally adopt Monique's bedroom as their new home and begin sleeping on the bed, and everywhere else.
Kittens get a good deal of exposure to other people, noise and normal household activities. They visit the attached psychotherapy office and act as junior therapists when they feel so inclined. More frequently they play with the clients; teasers are securely hidden in the office for just this purpose. Other times a kitten prefers to just curl up to sleep on or next to a client.
Dr. Belton's new clients are always asked whether they have fears or allergies to cats. Some are referred on to other therapists, others take allergy pills before coming because they love cats but are allergic. A few clients have resolved their ailurophobia (fear of cats) as well as their original problems. One lady who described herself as "terrified" of cats ended up adopting three felines of her own after repeated experiences with Imzadi cats.
This is an intelligent, sensitive, people-orriented breed that does not reach full potential without proper socialization and early mental stimulation. Rest assured that Imzadi kittens are provided the kind of start in life that provides a sound foundation for reaching their full potential as competitors or companions.
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