Hi and welcome to my guestbook! These are the people who have visited and What they are researching. Did you add yours to the list?

P J Pankaskie - 02/02/00 00:35:51
My Email:Grandpapj@worldnet.att.net
Surnames Researching: Stanislaus Pankaski or Pankowski & Felix Stroinski
Cities in Luxembourg: none
Cities in Poland: don't know yet
Cities in Germany: don't know yet
Cities in Prussia: Posen?
Misc.: I suspect my Gfather's name was changed?

Harry von Palubitzki - 11/29/99 21:02:56
My Email:harryvp@earthlink.net
Surnames Researching: von Palubitzki
Cities in Poland: Polschen (German name)
Cities in Germany: Hamburg
Cities in Prussia: Koeslin ?
Just started a week ago. My lead points to "Polschen / Kreis Buetow - Koeslin" (German Names) Last person I know of is Johan von Palubitzki. He had 8 children (7M 1F), one of his sohn was Franz born may 2, 1880 in Polschen. It's amazing what you can find. Keep it up! Harry von Palubitzki

David Huss - 05/05/99 14:52:18
Misc.: Crook, CO 80726
I live in Crook, CO. My fathers name is Lawrence Huss. His fathers name was Jacob Huss. And his fathers name was Micheal Huss. I was just looking up Huss' and came across your web-site. I don't know anything about my family tree other than we do still ha e relation in Belgium.

David Huss - 05/05/99 14:49:02
I live in Crook, CO. My fathers name is Lawrence Huss. His fathers name was Jacob Huss. And his fathers name was Micheal Huss. I was just looking up Huss' and came across your web-site. I don't know anything about my family tree other than we do still ha e relation in Belgium.

chantal - 04/10/99 02:09:26
My Email:mpcf@videotron.ca
Surnames Researching: fitzback
Who are the parents of Daniel Fitzback, spouse is Anne Wormeldy (1700)They lived in Luxembourg. I don`t know which town.....Thes are my ancesters........

Eric Besch - 02/26/99 04:15:02
My Email:eric@besch.org
Surnames Researching: Besch
Cities in Germany: Besch
I an hoping to investigate my family origins. The town of Besch is in Saarland, Germany very near both Luxemburg and France. I understand there was a high Luxemburg government official just after World War II by the name of Besch. How should I go about finding more information?

Dennis J. Kasprzyk - 01/25/99 06:19:10
My Email:batt.7.chief.den@att.net
Surnames Researching: Wicka, Prondzinski, Kiedrowski, Palubica
Misc.: Winona, MN
Great page Linda. My research hasn't reached the stage you arer at yet but I,m still digging. My great-great-great grandmother was a Palubicka and I have Kiedrowski, Prondzinski, and Wickas in my ancestry also. Keep up the good work

10/04/98 10:01:26
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

Steichen Louis F. - 08/31/98 16:59:26
My Email:felixart@pt.lu
Nice site, I'm doing a new try to complete the luxemburgish part of the Steichens, with all the new children and to correct some mistakes in our history. I will come overthere in december. Could you tell me if there are some Steichens in Florida, specially around Miami. If you want to have more informations feel free to contact me. Greetings Louis Felix

Piotr - 07/10/98 12:49:44
My URL:http://webpunkt.com/piotr/
My Email:piotr@webpunkt.com
Cities in Poland: Bilgoraj! :-)
Nice work. I happened to land on this page by chance, but of course ... I liked it. Have a great day!

Lukasz Palubicki - 06/28/98 11:17:35
My Email:luke@hoth.amu.edu.pl
Surnames Researching: Palubicki
Cities in Poland: Kosobudy,Brusy,Ugoszcz,
I am looking for brothers of Jozef(Joseph) Palubicki born at Kosobudy(Kossabude) in 1837. His father was Albert Palubicki.

Sandy Oxner - 06/28/98 03:16:22
My Email:JOxner9137@aol.com
Surnames Researching: HASSLER, FISCHER, MEYER
Cities in Prussia: Edenberg, Ettenberg
Trying to locate husband's grandmother/great greatgrandmother. Mathilde Hedwig HASSLER bn 1 Apr 1864 dau of Anton Hassler. Probably no birth record but might be on census Clara Hedwig HASSLER or MEYER. Mathilde's illigetimate child--don't know what her last name was given but was raised by Grandma Meyer. Is the name DUNHAM familiar in PRUSSIA. Story is that he was Graff and got Mathilde PG. Mathilde was sent to US after child was born and father visited until he was thrown from a horse and was killed. Supposedly Clara received money from an estate in 1930's but don't know if it was something held for her by her father or whether it came to her through her HASSLER/MEYER family. Don't know anyting about German research but would like to find info to surprise my 80 year old mother in law

Ralph Mallinger - 05/19/98 21:12:25
My Email:rhm128934@pol.net
Surnames Researching: Mallinger
Cities in Luxembourg: Junglinster
My dad, Jean Pierre Mallinger, emigrated from Junglinster, Luxembourg in 1895 to the USA. He was born on May 4, 1874. He was preceded to the the USA by his older sister, Mary, who was born in 1872 and emigrated to the USA about 1890 to consummate a pre-ar anged marriage to her second cousin, Anton Mallinger, who was born in 1869 in Wisconsin. Anton and Mary had common ancestors in Nicholas Mallinger and Catherine Dehm, who were born about 1790 in Junglinster (?), Luxembourg. Their eldest son, Nicholas (bor about 1808), was Anton's grandfather and a younger son, Jean Baptiste (born about 1813) was Mary's (and my Dad's) grandfather. I believe Nicholas's son was John Peter, born about 1836-1840, who was Anton's father and emigrated to the USA about 1859. I be ieve, however, Jean Baptiste lived and died in or around Junglinster and probably was a mason. Any information that clarifies would be appreciated. Ralph Mallinger

Robert Scott Marsolek - 04/19/98 20:37:52
My Email:marsolek@execpc.com
Surnames Researching: Marsolek
Cities in Poland: unknown
Any and all info is needed.

Steve Winker - 12/22/97 17:05:06
My URL:http://www.state.ak.us/local/akpages/COMMERCE/occlic
My Email:steve_winker @COMMERCE.state.ak.us
Surnames Researching: WINKER
Cities in Germany: Spaichlingen & Tuttlingen
Cities in Prussia: Lvov(?)
Any information / resources that you may know of particularily available via computer would be welcome...even a history of these towns in Germany. Unsure now about the connection in Prussia..although this was a "family story"..Steve

Francine Palubicki Fitting - 12/02/97 03:03:49
My Email:francine@execpc.com
Surnames Researching: Palubicki/Majkowski/Literski/Mondry/Orlikowski/Sadowsky/Rymarkiewicz/Piechowski/Megier/Wierkus/Prondzynski/
Cities in Poland: Klaczno/Ploczyc/Lekno/Kiedrowice

Linda - 10/20/97 10:29:09
My URL:http://you're there
My Email:ljh@witty.com
Surnames Researching: Kunza, Bucholz, Friedsam, Huss, Steichen, Palubicki, Fahrebach
Cities in Luxembourg: Kehlen, Oberglabach
Cities in Poland: Cerkwica, Ugoszcz
Cities in Germany: Koblentz
Cities in Prussia: Schlesien
These are the cities I have so far. I hope to add more after my trip to Salt Lake City in November

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