Welcome to my Guestbook!

Kristine Zabieglik - 12/17/00 23:16:22
My Email:danrich@primus.com.au

Hi, enjoyed your site very much, I am from Australia, and am in the 50's, my married name is Zabieglik which I believe is quite a rare name. Do you know anything about this name. My maiden is Kowalczyk which I know is quite common. We have a lot of friends from Polish origin and we are now keen to find out more about our heritage as our parents have passed away. Strange how that happens and just from reading a few of the responses alot of people feel the same way. I havent been to Poland but we are all planning a trip sometime in the near future. Good luck and a great effort.

simon sporowicz - 12/06/00 09:44:46
My URL:http://www.sporowicz .com.au

looking for anyone with the surenames sporowicz or zilkowska we do not know any thing about our family

Milan Vemic - 11/07/00 10:32:46
My Email:m.vemic@inecco.net

Dear Madam, I am trying to find an old friend of mine from Poland, Malgorzata (maiden name Klimas). She is 40 years old, vorn in Warsaw, and went to school with me in Tanzania 22 years ago. If you know Malgorzata who apparanetly moved to Chicago area, please forward his message to her. I would like to communicate with Malgorzata (Maiden) Klimas. I am greatful to you in advance for any effort and energy you put into this request, that might not be related to the purpose of this guestbook. Thank you sincerely, Milan Vemic.

Ernest Grzybowlowhovowicz - 09/28/00 00:12:22

My Mammie's name was Mammie too. Maybe you know her. She was a big hunk of a woman that would scream out of her kitchen window "ERNEST GET THE PUDDIN' OUT OF YOUR BRITCHES AND COME ON HOME, THE CABBAGE IS READY" Oh I love that monster of a woman. I think 'll give Mammie a call right now.

Susan Townsend - 09/07/00 03:17:36
My Email:susabellat@hotmail.com

My mother's maiden name was Borowski. Her mother's maiden name was also Borowski, her first name was Dominica. Her father was Frank Borowski. They were both born in Suwalki Poland. They immigrated to the US and settled in Westfield, MA where they both die and are buried in St. John's Lutheran Cemetary in Westfield. My grandmother had a brother Frank Borowski who also lived in Westfield.

MEG - 06/05/00 21:09:23
My Email:funkowoman@hotmail.com

I myself am looking for info on the Borowy's so if you come across any thing or andy one send them my way!!!!!!!!

Robin Ratty - 09/12/99 18:22:46
My URL:http://www.ccountry.net
My Email:ratty@ccountry.net

My birth name is Robin Ann Borowski. I am the daughter of Alexander Borowski (55yrs??) who lives in Oklahoma. I know most of his family lived in North Carolina and he had a twin brother who died in Vietnam. I believe he has another brother who is livin in Los Angeles, CA. I don't have any other info since we no longer have contact w/eachother. Hope these names help you in your search.

Joanne Glowski - 08/27/99 15:52:43
My Email:joglowski@webtv.net

Great site! I love the music playing while I surf your site. Good job!

carol ann garza - 07/29/99 01:59:30
My Email:garpc1110@aol

i love your page. looking for info on name, nowaczyk.milwaukee,wi

Ken Kanoza - 07/17/99 13:54:01
My Email:kenkanoza@hotmail.com

I love the music. Am doing research on the surnames kanoza/konoza and Wenerowicz.

Linda Guard - 05/19/99 11:01:18
My Email:LindaGuard@aol.com

I found this on a Long Island mailing list and noticed you have an "award" from this guys site. I wouldn't want to be linking to him site after reading this message! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ It was brought to my attention a few days ago that the owner of longislandgenealogy.com, illegally reproduced content from the GenExchange. Through our investigation it appears that not only did he illegally copy content from the GenExchange, but several other websites as well, including the Long Island Newsday web site, and the New York Vital Records site (vitalrec.com/ny). Joanne has spoken with him previously about copying other peoples work, so it appears that he has decided to ignore our warnings. We have sent a stern letter to his web host demanding that all files taken from the GenExchange be immediately removed. I recommend anyone having a Long Island genealogy web site also take a peek through the longislandgenealogy web site to accretion if any of your materials have manifested themselves there as well. Warmest Regards, ----- Anthony Abby Vote for the GenExchange! - http://www.worldwide-top100.net/rank5/rankem.cgi?action=incheck&id=joanne Genealogy Exchange & Surname Registry - http://www.genexchange.com GenExchange FAQ page - http://www.genexchange.com/faq.cfm About the GenExchange - http://www.genexchange.com/volunteers.cfm How can I help? - http://www.genexchange.com/volunteering.cfm =========== To Unsubscriber, send message to: listserv@genexchange.com with the words "Unsubscriber LI-Memories Your_Name" in the body of the message without the quotes. (No signature files please) To contact the list owner, send email to me, Joanne Gruber Abby at joanne@genexchange.com Visit the NYGenExchange at http://www.genexchange.com/ny/

Kirsten Plaisted - 04/19/99 01:59:43
My Email:bapser@aol.com

Hi! I was interested in the Surname Southard. My grandfather was Eugene Southard. His father was Bert Southard. I am interested in tracing Bert Southard. All we know is that he was from Missouri and married Lovie Lindsey in Texas. They moved out to C lifornia and settled in Willits-Mendocino County. ANy info would be much appreciated, as I have been researching for over one year.

tadeusz malachowski - 04/03/99 23:59:40
My Email:t.malachowski@worldnet.att.net

Widze ze wlozylas w to duzo pracy ale ta genealogia jest bardzo piekna.Wzrusza to,ze przyznajesz sie do swoich korzeni.Napisalem to po polsku ale to nie wstyd. milo bylo obejrzec to co przygotowalas.jestem pod wrazeniem...

Lorn Wright - 02/28/99 17:51:34
My Email:lorn@jps.net

We have spent endless hours searching for Debbie's birth mother with little success. thank you for your page. Perhaps well find a piece of the puzzle here.

Anna Martin - 01/08/99 13:16:38
My URL:http://www.slnetwork.com/user/polishgifts
My Email:sales.polishgifts@slnetwork.com

Just looking around for polish sites. Nice designs and easy to read too. I have a site selling Polish dolls, jewelry boxes , szopki etc. Zapraszam !

- 12/26/98 21:08:15


Kellie Williams - 10/23/98 14:45:48
My Email:Kellie@mcsi.net

Haven't worked on genealogy for a while, but stumbled across your page. Elisha LUNSFORD and Patience KELLY were my great grandparents. In fact, I am named after Patience. Joseph Alexander LUNSFORD was their son and my fathers father. Great page! I'm i spired!

Kellie Williams - 10/23/98 14:44:42
My Email:Kellie@mcsi.net

Hi Cousin! Haven't worked on genealogy for a while, but stumbled across your page. Elisha LUNSFORD and Patience KELLY were my great grandparents. In fact, I am named after Patience. Joseph Alexander LUNSFORD was their son and my fathers father. Great age! I'm inspired!

10/04/98 10:02:19
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

Michele Mercer Krzynowek - 10/01/98 03:25:16
My Email:mercer@tnn.net


Angela - 09/30/98 04:07:48

I came across this by accident. When I read further I saw a family member of yours has the same name as mine. My fathers name is Stanley Borowski. His family is from Poland but most recent generations are in PA. I can ask for his input if you wish.

Angela - 09/30/98 04:06:58

I came across this by accident. When I read further I saw a family member of yours has the same name as mine. My fathers name is Stanley Borowski. His family is from Poland but most recent generations are in PA. I can ask for his input if you wish.