I'd like to share my walk with God down the "Cancer Trail" in hope that it might reach someone who is walking the same trail and needs encouragement and hope.

On January 1, 2002, I went to the local emergency room weak and sick, not knowing I was near death.

After various tests, scans and an MRI was taken a large mass covering the colon, gall-bladder and a large portion of the small intestine was discovered.  The doctors said at that time I was too weak to survive the surgery.

They spent 6 days trying to build me up for surgery, finally 
telling my family they could wait no longer because my kidneys were trying to "shut down".  They said I had about a 10% chance of survival.

God was with me and I survived the surgery.  I had lost 75 pounds and I was completely helpless.  I couldn't eat by mouth and couldn't even turn over in bed.  A feeding tube was put in to feed me some body building fluids and an IV with life-sustaining fluids. For about 3 weeks this is all the nourishment I could take.  I began to eat small bites and portions of bland-pureed food.  By the time I left the hospital (43 days later), I was eating small amounts of bland food along with being fed through the tube.

When I came home, there were nurses, aides, therapists and a lady to help take care of me.  I had these services for about 6 weeks.  BUT after only about 1 month at home I couldn't lay down or set down without being in severe pain.  I went to the doctor and he said I had developed rheumotoid arthritis.

Since I live in a small town I had to travel 110 miles to an arthritis doctor. The trip was agony since I was still so weak and in so much pain.  I was put on arthritis medication and by the time a week had passed I could sleep and was not in such pain.  Each day I got stronger and the pain got less.  I was so happy to be on the way to being "normal" again.

I went back to the hospital in April, 2002 to have the feeding tube removed.  By that time I had gained 20 pounds back and was beginning to feel much better. Each time I went to see one of my doctors they kept telling me that they just couldn't understand how I had lived.  That's when I told them that God was keeping me, that His Grace was shining on me. They called me the "miracle patient".  I felt and still feel led to witness the miracles he has performed on me.  Part of the time He was carrying me and the rest of the time He was leading me.  I felt very peaceful and wasn't worried, He was comforting me.

BUT, God wasn't done yet.  In May of this year I developed two more growths on the upper part of my chest.  They were removed surgically and both were malignant.  Not more than 3 weeks after those were removed another one formed above the incision where one had just been removed.  The oncologist said we needed to start chemotherapy right away to try to get to the cause of the growths instead of just removing them.  I asked him what chance there was of finding a chemo that would either put the growth in remission or cure it and any other that might be forming.  He said I had a 50/50 chance of survival. Now, I will admit for a few days Satan DID have a hold on me, I was very depressed and sometimes maybe a little angry too, I felt I had been through so much and I couldn't understand why I should have to endure more...this didn't last more than a few days.  I KNEW God was with me and I got back in His arms and let him carry me again.  As a dear friend pointed out, GOD WAS ON BOTH SIDES OF THAT 50/50. What a wonderful way to look at my struggle. I couldn't lose!

I started chemo treatments in June, 2002.  LISTEN TO THIS!!!  After only two treatments the growth that was the size of an orange shrunk to the size of a walnut!  God was working another miracle on me!

I have had very little side effects from the massive doses of chemo, I went into having them with a positive attitude that God would help me through these too and HE is!

I will be taking these treatments until March, 2003, so as you can see my immediate future is mapped out for me...hopefully then I will be in complete remission or cured.

I don't know why God chose me to lay His awesome powers on, but believe me when I tell you that if you have Faith NOTHING is impossible. God is awesome and His love is with us always as is His healing IF WE TRULY BELIEVE.  He will be with you just as he is with me.

If you are sick and depressed and would like someone to listen or to answer questions about cancer and chemo, or if you just want someone to share with,  please email me. GOD BLESS YOU!  If you have a friend or loved one who you think might draw comfort from this page please send it to them.

Norma Cherry                







music playing 'He Touched Me'
