Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the
whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours
for food. And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds of the air and
all the creatures that move on the ground--I give every green plant for food."
And it was so.
God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. Genesis 1:29-31
When I look all around me I see the beauty and wonders of Nature God has
created...It touches my soul. He created all this for us, nature is just one of
God's gifts to us.
When I walk outside my door and look at the beauty of my flower bed, I know that
the plants and seeds that I planted and nourished are getting the same kind of
nourishment that our souls get through our Love of God.....he feeds us and
nourishes our Soul.
I see flowers and beauty which awes me; then I see the weeds. I water the plants
and pull the weeds..the same way God gives us what we need to grow and removes
what stunts our Spiritual Growth...we have to be open to His nourishment to
bloom. I read the 23rd psalm and in my mind I see a beautiful valley with a
rippling stream, the sun is shining and everything is shining and beautiful
because Jesus is walking there beside me, He is restoring my Soul.
When I go to the ocean, my first thought is of Jesus parting the waters, I stand
in awe and watch the waves come and go and in my minds eye I see Jesus above the
waves looking down on me. the contentment I feel has no bounds.
As far as I can see there are endless waves and reminds me of God's Love, endless and
When I go to the forests and look up through the towering trees, in the bright
sunny sky Our Lord is there enjoying it with me. The majestic sequoia trees are
breath-taking, they cast long shadows and one has to look far into the sky to see
the tops,
God is there too. The mountain tops are so high they look like they reach to
Heaven, I see God there too. When I see rain and floods I'm reminded of Noah's
Ark. Because of his perfect Faith he saved his people from 40 days and 40
nights of floods.
In the "Garden of my mind" all the beauties of nature and the beauty of the love
of our Heavenly Father are intertwined and are evidenced in the Scriptures. Our
"Mind Gardens" can be filled with weeds--hate, greed, and disbelief of Our
Savior or with the flowers of Love of God and each other. It's our choice, a
garden of GOD and love or one of disbelief and the weeds of bitterness and hate.
I ask each one of you to open your heart's to God's Love and live in a beautiful
garden where the sun always shines and the flowers always bloom.
The poems that follow express Love and Faith in our Holy Father, please let me
share them with you.
Recipe For Life
Sow your days with worthy deeds,
Bestow all the fruits of life.
Have faith th size of a mustard seed.
Accept the bitter herbs of strife,
Drink of the vine with friend and foe,
Break bread with the lonely and the meek.
Do all these things and you shall harvest,
The Kingdom that you seek.
Georgene Freedman
Have you ever walked in the rain, smelling the clean smell of newly washed earth
that comes after the rain? Nature responds to His gift of rain the same way we
should respond to the Gift of His Love, by feeling cleansed and ready to grow.
After the rain quits falling and the sun comes out, sometimes we see a
rainbow...oh, the wonders He creates.
"Behold the rainbow! Then bless it's Maker, for majestic indeed is its
splendor.: Sirach 43:11
"When I consider the heavens, the works of Thy fingers; the moon and the stars
which thou hast founded, what is man that Thou art mindful of them?" Psalm 8:3-4
Father, how majestic
All that THOU creates;
Shores and towering mountains,
Seas and shimmering lakes.
THOU hast made the mountains,
Stars and moon above;
But what is most important
Is the depth of THY GREAT LOVE!
This poem is for each of you who visit this page...may God Bless You!!
The spring bouquet I'm sending you
Is not of flowers bright,
But of wishes that will linger
When blooms have taken flight.
I wish for you the bloom of health,
To last your whole life through,
A work that is fulfilling,
And friendship warm and true.
I wish for you a prayer time
To keep your heart aware
Of the beauty of GOD'S BLESSINGS
That fill the springtime air.
Unlike a May Day basket bright,
I'd hang upon your door,
My spring bouquet of wishes
That will bloom forevermore.
Kay Hoffman