Welcome to

Matthew Duncans

Very Own Home Page

Matthew at 3 years old
August 1999 - 3 years old

Watch me grow!
Age Weight Height
1 month 10lbs 6oz 22"
6 months 17lbs 8oz 26.5"
12 months 23lbs 10oz 32"
18 months 28lbs 33.5"
2 Years 33lbs 36.5"
2.5 Years 39 lbs 39"
3 Years 45 lbs 41"
3.5 Years 50 lbs 43"

My official 3 year portrait

We went to Disneyland for my 2nd birthday!!
Wanna see the pictures ????

How about my visit with Santa?

If you have some time, you can:

...check out more pictures of me and my travels (in thumbnail form)

...read my birth story as told by my Mom

...check out my Virtual Playmates

...visit Andrews home page (he's my baby brother)

...go back to our familys home page


Some of my favorite sites are:

I'm a member of the WB20 Kids Club

The Sesame Street Homepage

Mom keeps an online diary of life with me
You can read it by clicking here...

The May Moms Web Ring

This May Moms Webring ring site is owned by:
Michelle Duncan

Want to join the ring?
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