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Subject: ISO bfam From: (JenJo) Date: 4 Jul 1996 00:04:32 -0400

My name is Jennifer Birthname...Victoria Something Born: Cincinnatti General Hospital, Cincinnatti Ohio Hamilton County birth no. 134-70-587180 registrar's no 15105 Dr. was C. Alexander Registrar Mary Ann Berens Date registered 11-12-70 (not possible my aparents did not have me yet) time of birth 12:49pm single birth

Info on bmom was had five kids before me. She was married ten years...divorced in 69. She would have been about 26 in 1970. She was possibly attending University of Cincinnatti. The social services lost track of her in December of 70 and had to advertise for her. They found her in Feb of 71 and relinquished.

Info on bfather Was possibly Italian and was married to someone other than my birthmother.

Misc. info Sibs are Edith, Christine, Cornelia, Fred and a boy that was relinquished. Both foster homes wrote a paragraph a day about my likes dislikes and acheivements etc..... those letters have not much info. I received care from a Dr. Cionni who is retired.

aparents took final custody in November of 1971

I have called probate court and they have no record of an adoption for me, I have contacted the Children's home and human services and they are trying to find a file for me. I found Dr. Cionni's son and he talked to his dad and found out where my records went. They are presently searching for a Victoria something in their storage. I have gotten my search printed in a news article in Cincinnatti and the reporter put my info in that. I'm in Birthquest, AOL registry for Ohio and sibs searching for sibs. I can't get to the index myself. I can't afford a searcher and have major problems with the ethics of it also. I called Ohio registry and they confirmed that my birthdate is correct but that is all they could tell me.

You are Never given a wish Without also being given the Power to make it true. You may Have to work for it, However.

The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other's life. Rarely do members of one family grow up under the same roof.

~Richard Bach.......Illusions