(As of Friday 6 Dec 96)
Below someplace you can read my philosphy on Email and Homepages.
Last week I saw on one of the morning shows what some Familys are
doing with their Homepages. The are describing their vacations with
pictures, having live video of their newborns in the kid's crib, and
generally introducing their family to the World.
That's what I have been trying to do in addition to "Clicking and
Dragging my Relatives and Friends into the 21st Century with Me".
I've been trying to help 12 people via email establish "Family Web
Sites" and just last week a glimmer of hope. Two Homepages actually
have something on them that I didn't do. There is no big secret here.
The people know their Homepage is there and they know their passwords
or can get them, so all they have to do is do it. I learned mine the
hard way, but I am willing to help via email to point the way, but...
(1). Some people can't get to their web site on their computers.
(2). Some people do not have email.
(3). Some people do not have the time.
(4). Some people are not gleaning what is available from others
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