- 11-Sep-00: Updated the author links in the library
- 28-Aug-00: Added placeholder for Shasta's wedding pictures (coming soon)
- 02-Mar-00: Another award
- 20-Jan-00: Updated Dodger schedule for 2000 in the rec room
- 16-Feb-99: Updated Dodger schedule for 1999 in the rec room
- 26-Jan-99: New opinions column "Y2K: That is the Question" in the study
- 30-Jun-98: New opinions column "Submission: What the Bible Says" in the study
- 03-Jun-98: Another message in the mailbox
- 30-Mar-98: New opinions column "El Niņo: Getting Too Personal" in the study
- 23-Feb-98: New page: JPM's "Tagged" Site of the Week
- 26-Jan-98: Added a link to "cool404" in the sidewalk, and a Super Bowl reference in the rec room
- 13-Jan-98: Updated Dodger schedule for 1998 in the rec room
- 12-Jan-98: New opinions column "College Football: Dissension in the Ranks" in the study
- 01-Jan-98: New opinions column "Resolutions: New Year, Old Habits" in the study
- 22-Dec-97: Another message in the mailbox
- 01-Dec-97: New opinions column "The Shallow Meaning of Christmas" in the study
- 19-Nov-97: This site has been designated a Heartland Featured Page!
- 31-Oct-97: New opinions column "Halloween: The One That Doesn't Fit" in the study
- 27-Oct-97: Another award, this time from our Community Leader (thanks Sandi)
- 23-Oct-97: New opinions column "Holidays: 'Tis What Season?" in the study
- 09-Oct-97: Another award (aren't we getting popular!)
- 06-Oct-97: Another award
- 29-Sep-97: New opinions column "School Sports: Winning Isn't Everything" in the study
- 05-Sep-97: Added a series of pages on our Alaskan cruise (pictures only, so far)
- 02-Sep-97: New opinions column "Paparazzi: The Price of Fame?" in the study
- 19-Aug-97: New opinions column "Back to School: A Life Lesson" in the study
- 23-Jul-97: A response to the column "Love and the Internet: Telling the World" in the study
- 30-Jun-97: New opinions column "Independence Day: Do We Understand It?" in the study
- 30-Jun-97: Another message in the mailbox; an award for winning the Heartland/Baja Scavenger Hunt contest!
- 24-Jun-97: Added GeoGuide to main page, with Heartland links
- 17-Jun-97: Special column "Missy: A Friend I Never Met" in the study
- 10-Jun-97: New opinions column "Fatherhood: Searching for a Role Model" in the study
- 09-Jun-97: Another award
- 05-Jun-97: Added a link to "The Oracle of Bacon" in the sidewalk
- 06-May-97: Added a resource (a chat channel for Christian youth) in the chapel
- 02-May-97: New opinions column "Fairness: A Principle My Mother Taught Me" in the study
- 02-May-97: Another message in the mailbox; a new destination for the sidewalk; another award
- 16-Apr-97: New opinions column "Form 1040: Taxing Our Patience" in the study
- 01-Apr-97: New opinions column "Public Schools: Be All You Can Be" in the study
- 14-Mar-97: New opinions column "Web Residence: A Sense of Community" in the study
- 13-Mar-97: Another message in the mailbox
- 04-Mar-97: Moved awards to a separate page
- 26-Feb-97: New opinions column "Internet Commerce: Plaything or Workhorse?" in the study
- 13-Feb-97: New opinions column "Love and the Internet: Telling the World" in the study
- 12-Feb-97: Added my monogram to the main page, along with an explanation
- 07-Feb-97: Added game section to the rec room, including a Javascript demo of the game of Life
- 31-Jan-97: Created more recognizable menu for the medieval metaphor (thanks to Alison for the instructions)
- 30-Jan-97: Listed our pets in the living room (but no pictures yet)
- 29-Jan-97: Added Dodger schedule Javascript routine in the rec room
- 24-Jan-97: Added this page for easy identification of new content
- 23-Jan-97: New opinions column "Virtual Reality: The AI of the '90s?" in the study
- 21-Jan-97: More messages in the mailbox
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