Dr. Lynn Weiss ADD Center for Adults and Teens --Dr. Weiss is the author of Adults With Attention Deficit Disorder and is one of Mary-Julia's favorite authors on the subject. She has a great site on the web--be sure to check it out!
One ADD Place--A great place to find a lot of materials on the subject!
Children and Adults With Attention Deficit Disorder (ChAADD) --this organization is one of the first for Attention Deficit Disorder. They have support groups throughout the nation that are just wonderful. This site can help you find a support group near you and give you information about anything you could possibly want to know about ADD/ADHD!
Brandi Valentine's Home Page --how does she do it? Brandi has a great page about ADD with all kinds of goodies on it! Plus her page is always very entertaining and festive!
National Attention Deficit Disorder Association--another organization whose main focus is ADD and support for those affected by it. They too have support chapters throughout the nation and have a world of links for you to check out on their homepage!
Dyslexia My Life--This web site is the personal site of Girard Sagmiller who has a book out by the same title. He has great information and links to help those also afflicted with this disorder.
Mental Health Net--we just discovered this site yesterday but it is one you shouldn't miss!
Scouting With ADD--a great page for those leaders and parents of scouts! Mary-Julia is very involved in the scouting program and loves this site!
Parentsoup--this is a great resource for any parent and has wonderful discussion groups and chat sessions specifically about ADD/ADHD! If you're a parent, don't let this link pass you by!
Forgotten Kids--this is a truly touching site about those of us with a "hidden" disability.